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Everything posted by quit
you are gay then
remove maple tv or i'm quitting it looks like complete fucking shit
I think the old coolies maps without the coolies spawning on other plats and timer are one of the main things everyone thinks of when they think of old school maplestory. most people are probably disappointed when they get to coolies and see the weird maps with the timer and plats. the reason the timer was added in the first place in GMS was to stop botters, which isn't a huge issue here like it was on GMS, as people trying to bot at coolies would be obvious and most likely be banned pretty quickly. since the current coolies maps are worse than other maps available in the game now, I think it would be a good idea to change the current coolies maps to the old coolies maps to make them more viable and aligned with the old school feel. even though I hate flat maps and think they're boring and brain dead, that matches the feeling of coolies with the dark map and slow zombies, so it isn't just a generic flat map with monsters that give tons of exp for no reason or thought put into it. also, they aren't completely flat and have hazards that stun you at least, so I think an exception should be made for coolies especially since it's the original maps. - makes it more old school - the old maps put coolies on par with currently available maps (fog, wraiths) - timer isn't necessary for this server and is jarring - simplicity of the maps are acceptable since they aren't completely flat, have stuns that keep the maps unique to other maps, matches the feel of the area, and the maps are out of the way (have to climb up cliff maps a long way or use a dead mine scroll to get there) - creates more reason to buy/sell dead mine scrolls - isn't nerfing something that was available before so it helps newer players instead of setting them back - gives more motivation for people to go cleric or sin (especially sin because they'll have a spot like fog for warriors and wraiths for cleric)
Can I be unmuted now please 10 more days of this seems like way too much and I don't think I should be muted for 10 more days for saying a joke against someone that has proven themselves to be a troll to the staff and entire community. The game is basically unplayable like this and I was already muted for over 3 days which I think is enough. I don't think my gameplay should be effected like this for a joke/troll against someone who was also joking/trolling with me. Sorry I said a bunch of bad shit about Arnah which was also exaggerated for humor because of this but it was because I thought that this mute length was way too much and I didn't think I should be over-penalized for things that I do considering the fact that I've shown my appreciation for the server, so it's not like i've been ungrateful or anything like that and I don't see or understand any reason for over-penalizing me. Having actions taken against me for breaking rules makes sense, but it seems like I'm getting cracked down on while people who are either exploiting the rules or just blatantly breaking them get away with more and I don't really get why. It also seems like a lot of people I encounter in game don't agree that I should be muted like this, so it feels like I'm making the server look bad just by being muted which I don't want to do because I still think it's the server everyone should play.
gamefaqs still has a lot of old guides up which are probably mostly ok https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/924697-maplestory/faqs
I made an online version of an old program I made to test exp for people who want it: http://tiny.cc/expcheck this is really basic, but to explain it just in case: the way you test your exp per hour is (f - i)m f = final exp i = initial exp m = how many minutes you tested so, for example, if you started with 1337 exp and tested for 10 minutes then ended with 80085 exp you would do (80085-1337)*6 the result is your exp per hour the program will save a few seconds for some people if they just want to enter the exp values and time it with a sound to alert them lol also SHABot#4201 on discord is a bot created by @SHA2048 that also has an exp checking function and more
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I doubt something like this will be added but I made something to check exp easily: http://tiny.cc/expcheck
is the fix for Zakum's drain arm live? we're going to try Zakum again in about 10 hours and I need to know if the arm is going to drain 300-500 mp or all mp so I can bring the right pots.
DOWNLOAD THE ATTACHMENT AND REPLACE YOUR UI.WZ WITH IT TO USE THIS. MAKE SURE TO BACKUP A COPY OF YOUR OLD UI.WZ SO YOU CAN PATCH THE GAME WITH FUTURE UPDATES. here's a quick and easy way to block smegas if you really hate reading them, which is easy to understand. it makes all smegas show up like this: (thanks sticky for helping me test it) then, if some troll is smegaing a lot, you can feel the satisfaction of seeing the smegas blocked out so you can't read it, they wasted their nx, and got no attention. 😆 if you want to do this yourself or change it, this is done by using HaRepacker and editing the UI.wz. then you change the image for this and just make it wider: UI.wz
I wouldn't be a GM anyway, but thanks for letting everyone know that you were crying behind the computer screen while you typed that post.
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what if we could ks obsessed trolls when they forget to take their meds?
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It's abnormal how you obsess over me and make up lies like this. the reason you constantly say things like this on discord, in game, and this forum is because you are a creepy, obsessed stalker and a troll. I have never talked to you and I literally know nothing about you or who you are at ALL, but this is what you do every waking moment of your life.
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P-p-p-p-p-p-p-please st-st-st-stop h-h-hara... h-h-h-h-harass...harassinging m-m-me...
since I'm currently banned for 5 days for no reason, I'll be grinding lpq for scrolls on my mule. the reason I'm still playing is for the love of the game and because I'm such a strong person. I wouldn't have kept playing before, but since trolls were also banned, I will continue to play even though I was banned for literally NO reason. I just wanted to make this post to inform people who play phoenix about whether or not the top player will continue to play because, again, I was banned for no actual reason, and the answer is yes I will. soon, zak will be killed by the top players including myself and while doing so I'll be listening to this while ALL trolls cry: so be sure to spread the good news and thank you for reading. and don't forget to pour one for all the hurt trolls who harassed me that I didn't report who got banned anyway because everyone knew they should get banned.
might just be me but I was able to full screen just by making the resolution in phoenix.ini the same resolution as my monitor and doing alt+enter