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  1. With the recent patch, all arrows were buffed in the amount of attack they give, while simultaneously having diamond / red arrows removed from the vendor in NLC and the vendor in Showa respectively. The only way to obtain these arrows now are through farming / exchange quests, which in my opinion is unreasonable to expect people to farm for hours to obtain one stack of arrows. A potential solution to this would be reintroducing the diamond / red arrows back into their respective vendors while increasing the cost required I think for diamond arrows, they should cost 150 mesos per arrow, and can only be purchased by level 100+ characters. While red/ blue arrows should cost 100 mesos per arrow and only be purchasable by level 70+ characters. 150 mesos may seem low for a 14 attack buff, but considering how quickly archers go through arrows using strafe, having a stack of arrows cost 300k meso is reasonable in my opinion. I'm also unsure if putting a restriction on the level you have to be to purchase the arrows is necessary, as diamond and red/ blue arrows now have a level requirement to even be used. or just make arrows work the same way as stars / bullets (rare drop and rechargeable at the vendor).
  2. Only being able to buy one item at a time is not only inconvenient but defeats the purpose of unlocking the shop in the first place. Mo's shop should act as a closer alternative to purchase items such as All Cures, Pure Water, and other useful items. However only being able to purchase one item at a time means its faster to simply travel further and buy the items in bulk. Considering the time investment it takes to unlock Mo's shop in the first place, the inability to buy multiple items at a time makes the shop completely pointless. The only use for Mo's shop at the moment is to purchase NLC return scrolls, which takes minutes to purchase a full stack of them. Just as an example of how dumb purchasing one item at a time is, I can travel to El Nath from NLC, purchase 5 stacks of All Cures, and travel back to NLC, faster than I could buy them from Mo, it's kind of a joke.
  3. Constantly unmounting, using a potion, then remounting gets very old when travelling through dangerous areas. It's also a potential killer in high ping channels, where getting off your mount may take so long that you are unable to pot before getting hit again and dying.
  4. you have to move in the map because the spawn runs out, not truly afkable. you also have to use all cures frequently, making it even less afkable.
  5. Can be called "Nightmare" or some other edgy word. The idea behind the restriction is to make the world of MapleStory more treacherous, difficult, and time consuming. There are two main parts to the restriction, the first being the player will be weaker, and slower at progressing, while the mobs are stronger. The second part is making death much more punishing. All stats the character has, and all items the player interacts with, will be reduced by half in a negative way. Max HP halved, HP gained per level halved, max MP halved, meso drops halved, damage halved, drop rates halved (drops take twice as long to attain on average), inventory slots halved and unable to expand your inventory (combining this with 4 slot restriction would leave with 2 slots). Amount of HP/MP gained from food and potions halved, success rate on scrolls halved, amount of weapon attack, base stats, armor that gear gives, halved, stack size for potions, stars, rocks, any other consumable, halved. Basically everything will be halved to negatively affect the player. This will include exp gained, a player could combine this restriction with half exp to gain 0.25x exp. I think the only things I would personally exclude from this would include halving movement speed (base movement speed would be 100%, however items like speed pills, Bone Helm, etc, would increase your speed by half their normal values), and halving AP/ SP gained per level. This idea could be expanded further to double values which negatively affect the player, such as doubling damage received, double the requirements for quests, doubling exp required to level (if combined with half exp, you would essentially be getting 0.125x exp... lul) , doubling the cost for potions, equips, scrolls, travelling tickets, recharging stars, etc. This could potentially be avoided by having a player (or mule) buy the items for you, then trading that player (mule) for the base value of the item. I can't really think of a potential fix for this exploit besides giving this restriction certain ironman restrictions, such as unable to receive items which can be found in shops from other players. But I don't want to add any ironman type restrictions into this restriction. If a player does want to exploit this loophole, more power to them I guess. They have much more to worry about with this restriction then having to buy their potions for double the price. The only thing I would exclude from this rule would be doubling the level required for job advancement, and doubling the stats required to wear items. The second part to this restriction is permanent afflictions upon death. First off, safety charms do not work, and exp lost when dying is doubled. Secondly, whenever you die your character will be teleported to Lith harbor, and will lose 5 max HP and MP permanently. Finally, and in my opinion the main punishment, when you die, you will permanently lose 1 slot of your inventory at random. This slot could be an Equip, Use, Set-up, Etc, or Cash slot. Keep in mind, this restriction halves your inventory slots, and does not allow you to buy expansions. Not only do you lose the slot forever, you also lose the item which was in that slot forever. You could lose something as harmless as a snail shell, or something as important as an Ilbi. This will happen for every death, until you have 2 slots remaining in each inventory. If you combine this restriction with 4 slot, you will lose inventory slots on death until you have 1 slot remaining in each inventory, except for Use. The Use inventory will not go below 2 slots to allow classes like Hermits and Outlaws to use stars/ bullets along with potions. Once you reach the point where you are unable to lose any more slots from your inventory, your deaths will become MUCH more punishing. You will begin to lose your equip slots, and the equips in those slots. It will be any slot, chosen at random except for your weapons and shield slot. You could lose an eye accessory slot, which at this point in the game is meaningless, or you could lose your 15 attack glove, and never be able to equip a glove again. Once all your equip slots have been lost, and all that remains is your weapon and shield, any further deaths will delete either your weapon or your shield, but not the slot. I don't want players who make it to this point being unable to play their character, if a characters weapon slot is gone, they can essentially no longer play that character besides FM hoe purposes. If these ideas sound dumb/ annoying/ too hard, its because they are, that's the point. Maybe this restriction is too over the top, and no one would use it... but there is always someone crazy enough to try, right? If you don't like the ideas or restriction as a whole, that's fine, not everyone has to like everything. This is simply an idea I had while grinding and wanted to share. This should be your expression after reading this post: if you can think of other ideas to make this nightmare of a restriction even more... nightmarish? Reply to this post! EDIT 1: Idea by Dusteh "Incentivize risky play". This could be implemented Increasing the exp / drop rates when fighting monsters high above your level. These rates will never exceed 1x.
  6. For weapon / Balanced Fury crafting, more than one type of Tao is always required, and getting a duplicate Tao sucks as they are not easy to get in the first place. I propose a system is added which allows you to convert Taos into other Taos, for a price of course. For example, to convert a Tao of Sight into a Tao of Harmony, it would cost 1 Tao of Sight, 20 million mesos, 100 nightshadow badges. Alternatively, the system could be sort of a "synthesis", where you would use 2 Taos, to create 1 Tao of your choice. For example, using a Tao of Harmony and Tao of Sight to create a Tao of Shadows. Essentially, either of these systems would act as a duplicate prevention system.
  7. +1 I also think this should apply to the mobs in the Minar Forest. Once you've donated to the Chief enough to reach the 8,000 meso Magic Seed price, the ETC exchange is worthless.
  8. +400x300
  9. IMO the slight delay would be worth the convenience, and it would be a nice way to implement the stats from being a tacked on command, to feeling like they are part of the game.
  10. With the new addition of the monster kill tracker using "@stats" I think now is a more perfect time then ever to begin implementing a monster book. Integrating the kill counter in the book would be a really nice touch as using the "@stats" command can be clunky if you don't remember the exact name of the mob, or the monster's ID. Along with the kill tracker, adding proper mob drop rates into the monster book would be a great way to get accurate information. This is especially important for phoenix as some mob drop rates have been changed from the standard GMS/BMS rates. Finally, the rankings could also be updated to show a players monster book total.
  11. +1, also let ironmen marry 🙂
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