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RN JESUS CHRIST I need to kill how many mobs!


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first of i like to say that i like rng. its one of the biggest reasons i dont like current maplestory where they removed the rng from drops/finding items.

the problem i find in phoenix is that the population is on the low side where a lot of monsters are just not being hunted and if they are its usually for finding an item for your self. most monsters only drop 1 good item and you go to that monster to hunt that item meaning there wont be an item in the fm for sale. 

a good place that brings items to the FM is things like PQ or good exp monster maps (monsters that are being hunted for there exp). PQ's give a lot of random scrolls where most of the time you get a scroll you dont need and then go sell/trade it in the FM for a scroll you do need. GPQ has been nerfed and hasnt been that good since. 

Farming monsters for 1 or 2 scrolls i would say is doable but i you need 7 (or even more in case of failure) it take weeks or even months just to get the scrolls. this is especially the case if the monster you are farming is in a shty map where it takes hours just to kill a 1000 of them.

i would like to see a custom crafting system where monsters drop a etc that can turn into an item you need. looking at the current snow event. farming snow is somewhat slow and thinking about an etc like that for crafting doesnt seem too bad imo.

i do think any crafting system that comes out should be all untradeable so its only for you character and it doesnt take away from the fm. finding items should still have a good value. 


im interested in hearing what you think/feel about the current rng and the state of the fm / finding items

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