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Diversify party play


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I have noticed since getting to endgame content for phoenix, that there are only a few classes that can realistically train in a diverse landscape.

Snipers/Rangers seem to have Crimson guards as their best place, but if they try to go places that do not have safe spots or hit too hard their pot costs are too high to support it economically. 
It’s a struggle to find sustainable party play if they are not within their limited training spots. Personally I can count the number of times I’ve trained with archers in leafre on one hand.

I/L Mages have a similar issue, with limited places to train optimally meaning that these classes are also seldom seen in party play.

F/P Mages seem to have a unique play pattern where they just solo has the highest exp mob in multiple channels to level up, but it’s a very lonely class.

Both snipers and I/L obviously rely on freezing a lot of their training targets so this may be a large part of the niche training spots.

Most of the time I see mages and archers only in passing since we have different places we can train well at. 

I feel like there must be a way to help diversify parties at more of the popular training spots. It would be cool to see all the classes at more spots, instead of just a couple places.

Right now most of the players that engage in party play are hermits, with some DKs and priests thrown in (in large part due to strength of the class). The idea is to include the less popular classes in these parties too somehow.

Please reply with your thoughts and suggestions about this issue. I really would like to see some of my friends outside of FM! 

Edit: In regards to other classes, there are very few players who are high level as of now. I believe there are only a handful of pirates, WKs, and saders that are active. Besides Crimson, Rodzz, and MilkTea there is little representation. Unsure how much their endgame party play options are a factor in this small sample size.

One idea is maybe an advantage for the party with an active member of each class, kind of like how OPQ gets a bonus. 

Another idea would be bringing back % hp/mp pots for the classes that actually struggle with the pot costs to sustain training in different areas.

Third idea is adjusting elemental weakness for some mobs to make them more desirable for fire/ice based classes to go to more areas for training.

Edited by Rykbi
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