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Change boss leeching mechanics.


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Currently exp received from a boss is based on damage to prevent players from leeching bosses, but this has negative effects on players contributing to a boss that just happen to deal low damage (i.e. priest). 

When killing black crow as a priest with a warrior (replace with any dps I suppose) I have to use over 200 elixirs to get around 750k exp, while the DPS gets ~3mil. This is absurdly unfair as both players are contributing equal amounts of time to the boss. A regular 60/40 split or even 70/30 would be better than it is now. Real players should not be punished for those abusing leech mechanics. I believe the easiest solution is to make a rule disallowing boss leech. Anyone breaking this rule will receive a ban of x duration on first offense and perma on 2nd. This is a low population server and policing the player base should be tremendously easy. 

If anyone has other suggestions on how to implement a fix rather than just banning players, then feel free to contribute. Perhaps something having to do with player level relative to the boss, as most people aren't going to be leeching a lvl 130+ at anego, a 115+ at Black Crow, or a 110+ at Bigfoot.

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I agree that the single-target weak jobs need help right now, after the damage check was implemented to prevent power guard proxy leech. This is also something I have previously pointed out and offered a solution for, but I guess it was disregarded, so good luck.

I don't think it's a good idea to revert and go back to square one, with a rule supposedly disallowing boss leech, that's just silly. It's an issue with the game mechanics and they can be fixed.

Something I brought up recently in Tespia, is the idea of "supportive" skills rewarding the player with additional exp, unless they get majority exp from the monster kill. The difficult part would be determining what skills should be regarded as "supportive", to ensure this mechanic wouldn't be op, but imagine a scenario like this:

I/L mage and a warrior party up. They are walking and killing mobs together. The I/L mage uses Cold Beam to freeze the target, which would be regarded as a supportive skill, resulting in additional exp, under the condition that the mage has dealt less damage. Normally, the split would be 60:40, but maybe if supportive skills are used it could be an additional 10% to the supportive skill user, so the exp split would be 60:50?

There are a few concerns I would have with this concept, but it would definitely make for more interesting party play. Generally, any skill that applies a "state" to the mob could be regarded as a supportive skill. For Dusteh's case, Holy Arrow could be changed to mark the target hit as holy-weak (unless the mob is already holy strong or immune), and it could therefore be regarded as a supportive skill.

Edited by Kradia
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This is an issue I agree needs fix.

Is it possible to just code power guard skill so that its damage wouldn't make you eligible for exp?

But kradia's idea is better! make holy arrow shine bright!

Edited by RickSenchez
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2 hours ago, Kradia said:


I don't think it's a good idea to revert and go back to square one, with a rule supposedly disallowing boss leech, that's just silly. It's an issue with the game mechanics and they can be fixed.

squere one is better then the shit we have now. better to start over and try something else (see cpq).

applying status only works on normal monster and the leech split works compleetly fine on normal monsters. the current issue is only with boss monster and you cant apply status effects (exeption slow?). 


probably the easiest "fix" is to have a 70/30 split if you are atleast 5 levels below boss. and then goes up by dmg% dealt. meaning if you dealt more then 30% dmg you get more exp.

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5 hours ago, Kradia said:

Something I brought up recently in Tespia, is the idea of "supportive" skills rewarding the player with additional exp, unless they get majority exp from the monster kill. The difficult part would be determining what skills should be regarded as "supportive", to ensure this mechanic wouldn't be op, but imagine a scenario like this:

This sounds interesting. I only worry for the difficulty of implementation. Also, like Nixmar said there really isn't a huge issue with mobbing (supportive skill change would still be a nice bonus to encourage party play), but more so bossing. I'm not sure that your current idea would prevent boss leeching if all it takes is one supportive skill to tag a boss. 

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3 hours ago, Dusteh said:

I'm not sure that your current idea would prevent boss leeching if all it takes is one supportive skill to tag a boss.

What I mentioned wasn't meant to prevent boss leeching, it was just another idea of making element-based classes more interesting by offering them a higher exp split. I suggested how to prevent boss leeching a while ago, back when it was relevant, but it must've been buried and I don't care to look for it so here we go again:

The following is the vanilla requirements to be eligible for leech exp:


Leech conditions: Only one of the following must be met in order to share a cut of party EXP

1. Deal at least 1 damage to the monster.

2. Be within 5 levels of the monster.

3. Be within 5 levels of a party member that fulfills 1 or 2.

The solutions I provided at the time is to change condition 1:


1. Deal at least 1 damage to the monster. > Deal at least X% of the mob's max hp.
X could be something as simple as 5% and it would fix a lot of leech issues. If anyone is willing to deal 5% of anego/bigfoot/pianus on a level 60/80/100/120 character to gain leech exp, I say that is acceptable. Good luck dealing 5% on a boss on an underleveled character. That would take hours or a lot of resources.

Another solution is to literally just delete this specific condition. It's been done before on odinMS and other, really old servers in the past.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Any fixes to this boss exp split would increase party play; currently there’s almost no reason for a low DPS player to help with these high time investment bosses except to get a Bigfoot toe or maybe a cape.

Even something like Pianus just is easier for people to kill without a priest. For Crow some people lure all the himes to one side then suicide their hs mule and duo knockback him.

As a priest, I literally have no reason to ever help with Anego or Bigfoot right now since no one even benefits enough from the presence of a support class.

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