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4th Mages changes you'd want


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From fun discussions I've had in recent days, we talked about WHAT IFs... and 4th job seemed like the hot topic. Where 4th job opens the cans of worms, fixes and exploits in certain maps leading to disproportional gains. Here are some changes I'd love to see happen with some sense of feasibility in still performing in certain Bossing Content. Some considerations and parameters are listed here if nerf is as intended and before nerfing mages to infinity and turn it displeasing.

Ultimates (Genesis / Blizzard / Meteor)

  • 10,000 MP cost max
    • Genesis 3,500 > 7,000
    • Meteor / Blizzard 3,500 > 5,000 (element amplification x2 usage on max)

I would love if the cost on ultimates were a tad bit lower but if a nerf is coming onto it's MP usage, might I suggest 10,000 MP as the cap. By lvl 120 as a magician, this would almost reach the 10,000 MP threshold and it's made easier with existing MP bonuses on items. Skill hits 15 max count of targets, leading to an avg of 667 MP cost per target as per suggested. When grinding, this MP usage would still put mages in the survivable zone after casting w/o HB. By levels 160 in Horntail, roughly 14,000 MP and 22,400 MP w HB, which would be quite reasonable at 10,000 mp ceiling to survive on cast. Ultimates are usually cast at the bottom between legs and abs for 7 hitboxes (post leg and tail) to attain maximum efficiency as well as CC on wyvern on spawn. Only threshold to watch out here is 7,000 Power up magic dmg where it's still survivable after casting. 

  • 1 Min Cooldown max
    • Anywhere more than 1min, would cause multiple bossing mechanics to crumble and lead to some irrelevance of the ultimate. In especially Horntail and Pink Bean, ultimates are generally the CC skill used to maintain pragmatic and clearable runs. On main body, we have 3 main summoners (the 3 heads) and each of which summons Wyverns (red > blue > dark) on a cooldown of 1 minute on average. Having 3 mages with ultimates would be most efficient with the 1min cooldown restriction, tho the TMA requirements to 1 hit Dark Wyvern is almost impossible in this server vanilla on Genesis since it's weak to Holy, I still think with 3 mages there'd be some challenge if 2 wave of darks spawn. Going forward with this cooldown but nonetheless it still holds the content as exciting and plausible.

Summons (Bahamut / Ifrit / Elquines)

  • Cost 5-10 Summoning Rocks max
    • Since 3rd job, Dragon already costs 1 summoning rock. I don't see why should a stronger summon cost only MP vanilla and since it also hits 3 targets than 1.
  • 5,000 MP cost
    • Vanilla MP cost to summon summons are a joke in all due respect due to how poorly designed it was from the get go. 5,000 MP would make some sense as to not outright Summon right after Ultimate in order to maintain survivability.

*side note, I'd love to see Sacrifice changed from random HP reduction based on DMG dealt to a fixed % in HP reduction for more certainty in maintaining berzerk as a DK.

Do leave your thoughts! 👾

Edited by opman
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