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*This guide is from a previous server I played at, but I think it could be useful here too. It's a tad outdated, but I feel like it is still useful and I may update it in the future

Heyo, My name is Shrek! Some of you may know me from my twitch account JinjoN64. There I've explained I've made multiple bandits since 2006! Got to 13x before big bang and continued making them in other private servers. Today I'm just going through training spots for bandits only since I don't see a guide for them on here. This will cover what is available in the server as of 2/6/2019.




This guide can be applied for general training for melee attackers as well.




Edit: 3/31/2019- Lvl 70+ and Ludi update.


Edit: 4/11/2019- 80+, Drop Guide, finishing touches




General Advice


When training I try to 1-2 hit the mobs I'm killing when possible. 3 hitting is acceptable on some monsters which I'll get to eventually, but in general 1-2 hit is a must for not losing mesos.




Bandit training guide


No matter your build such as sindit, mastery first, or Savage blow first. These will work or money back guarantee! I will list what I consider the best mob on top.




  • Level 30-35 -Easy peasy test out those new skills!

    • qyz4eTmeB--L-As-r8VdvPmb1-87UnEoTg9FgzrBcWEv-cT67GmaU0ZEZMCgiZ8ya2pis9aoaI81zKzxFubgMY7vCZcTICuc1t_Ow1ng3BZH_IS0sL-_zE7DZrMhRkd82A1_B82n - Ant Tunnel will continue to love you and provide decent exp.

    • UQzb9vDylEHnUYQXRl5WJEQxHFZ5yn_K3WYUbIPBQZoprFhiM-qH7-7VAqPzxqiYM4GOEoy5n_HRZ9qZwkfFzAR1wHAmZuvKYu9ErlRTmIpYdfR0ciqqbBCb7PvEE8ViVLmeF9tw - Bear land 1: Honestly these guys are pretty good if you are sindit and snipe!(1st map)

    • rFFSLtv2kQlMe6U2SUgOR8NQGVnrJARJDbY844zJL57KRLBbSeCw6Q7abXFJakWpOr8bIMqNfjGsonqVf8H1vyPIJIEXlr9l8SDbOa8OYDcyI1xiAGtV2oAJmDLmUNaY06vIh6Ee - Land of the wild boar 1 is a place I avoid due to boogies. Go to 2 for me.

    • bf7TpeL5Cyn7gefK_O9bWJsU37Dh0e-_SXQAMGO6Jx8CRnFXj1_5BukfHl4jotyZ2wvcvATS6wIpGIQ1Srev3mVX0cBAqVUjEboAkuc3uEpg5QyyF0E7Ii9Nui1o55Gy39tEzRoT - Good alternative and these guys drop good mesos! Luk Crystals!


  • Level 35-40 - I breezed through this with evil eyes and some fire boars.

    • 1oe-cJXWG8c2sle64Bo_HSrbbp87GpWPp5fRDtxSwCtEzhs8wj3_69_Z_N7b9_Z1b0hlC8Cd6TZg3P3BL6oRsXiqcvN-oWhIEUoeG5Hbd_Ge72Cz1jxIRsEC6dzaaRN3fTTpsxG0 - Cave of the Evil Eye I-IV: These guys are awesome exp! I trained here on and off until I hit 41! Great solo and for parties! Change channel to spawn on top again. ❤️ this place

    • _r2je8gWAVFQ0z-xOpV4y4tEVXy5JY-hkMVwHZs2WuXMemz7RF0XMP7h-mxSSiOuRJ3C1NWHElh13zoC0Qg7TwBWcbLz76GO0x93WG2Mizca0M09XxdXLGQXSub3zlwVlMQ3XgdT - Burnt Land I-III: If you can kill these guys fast and have a good party. Go nuts.

    • V5i5ew6MWGmAXZqbaI13fTlb_vun6P_d_1hqeo9F-jOW9C6MKZoRKbGKErAr1ApmiD7Sch7axVICdBVIsePYYR8UNsKB9K7OKuLxZAS8WkV7PmZQqJFTB9bIQsmH74lGUgFY7ZUa -Something Terrace eh: It’s been a long time, but I remember enjoying the grind here. I’d stick with the first room!

    • fy2-8yibdA0zZzBrPkQhPtmDRFtn3mz7Gwt-5kOzxS3lsK44Eq_fXIVbfIiJiGVNRdYDtF3_wqfg7UluHPYCJ8TTebonFNk08lhyNyY3Jn0QOPO-3vIruZkPQP7WVovUbzW0iNcC - Eos Tower 100th: Decent exp and choose any floor you are comfortable with. People will sometimes kill these on the top floors while waiting for LudiPQ.

    • PY656ZPr_1T40V4pDvtycL2ThT_WLhZN50XY4Y3sziyXlT1u_z9cU_JpzARul1yUe9zSFfhuIMlWq6UJeSbMwPPlnKcZx7DUDYtoQRKfrwOO0r2xakifKu9HtSD8sExybr0n7G4U Sj_niJXdD9UuHjnDlOJfaCVtMjd2iPkPxDE8OYKsyysg9K_W3bH68Yq1NpqCbWub6ODGx5k_afBcJWVkzkuXdUynuKRMDuloCZd7ZofRoPEa69bbKRJmyJd0evQ7rd_MQq94d6Az - Orbis Tower 5th-7th Floor: I personally never trained here, but I see bandits/others training here. Good sniping plats and alt for Jr. Kitties. Experiment for me will ya?

    • mkprJk8ZAw1L35jP52_Lk33xXhlaeA2cLO4pM4QPcR3OLTPu-MaIdZy-FaCtz5X2W0KyhpdR0N8sHLBQptYUElUEhIr6zkfn1hi7axAEZwNCYWqkmUPP1r5nQhGT1K9pumaIO9Nd - Shrek’s Swamp of Despair- If you’re bored these guys aren’t horrible.

    • 2RaR-QJ0AiSR1oobAov01KOol1SLC7entVfDYk1v32i5hVjtb68ikImxV0AkstR27se1ZpeVnsbA2mjTL5Wn0c931fN836cVf6ZHENn52m0-YQuQ6rQ_DX66935cHhXkoIXlZAdz Sadly boars are the only thing I can recommend.


  • Level 40-50 - Good until late 40’s where it gets a bit hard for bandits. I bounced around a lot.

    • AkqGJCINsLgqFlyWQ5kWxDKa44tykow_jzgoHfuYwYcqMXPFfMeSVjY08yUS_hitahkqHkYs6U1h6nwqTHUqKFLkznVbh0BksDjk1tcvEgmk0bKe3OlYMaY0OaXitgGXvHIjgpTr - Garden of Red I: I recommend these guys for amazing exp and money! Supposedly Jr. Grupin drops Cape Int, but I never got it. Lvl 40+ or 2 hit for best exp. Don't go here too early guys. I trained here around 44-47 with 1 hit when it came out.

    • 34fULm5x2NvLew4BKsteB2PAkC1--AkH_OLjSUAngJDLRLhzE3K7opiYtYqQ6wQUbr1isnslPXMn1mEj3Ac8F5Nc9uEgSicHHNDUkbEj21UfpSx45JIs2uQZDl30UO2LLiOI7eJ0 - Lost time and PoT <1> : As you soon as you can 2 hit. Go here! Jr. Cellion on POWERTHRIST! Glove att, Mage Shield, and more! Good exp and I remember training here long ago!

    • M_oePIa1R2FKOdX6TaxleJWI70znSNf027CYl41ADZrcwCqBcKMxiJ3Cj2oDdHQs5hddQO7zK89MKWr8xsT7FCCNVxjJDrs0XBL6OcEJzti9w1ltElOpaWPb7Y3VefIK2zvZTq1Q - Forest Up North III: These guys are great in your mid-late 40’s. Especially when you 1 hit them! Go find them in Ellinia Tree Dungeon area up top. Choose whichever one suits you! I forgot the number, but the one with the cramped top rows is my fave! I trained here from 47-49. Great Exp and Eh money. Unless you get deed.

    • MnIMJOBoZ6MhtzDueNM4XZJ_faibRyeyhhE_Kegqqpkh4bn3tIROrlxUpKTYuUOa1T6K3Y6sSOTwedFUgixRZyENCQWWvF_jWaxQHVCMdQQhCGYPRoIqH2CeWTG7WjLEGCZTxDvw - Path of Time 2 or 3: Never really trained on these guys, but the drops are good and spawn should be decent enough in a party.

    • 1UR7ej2Ozwh3itA8LmC0cvf8aOKtmNYrbCPn9UPNmkMJ8V2SJIwdJv4PueIEPEJhAaG8rc0rat2RB_icWHY_PaXjMgs20hPL8AvVvV9KE7bC59S6MgNXs8gVG_MOkHLk7d_cSiM8 - Eos Tower 94th floor: The Eos Tower is full of lvl 30-lvl 45 mobs. Good break if you’re bored from Celions or Fire Boars. Explore! Beware of Rombot and his goons!

    • JxNLLEyLDXunuzwfqL_26LEpZp8MgNlK4XMHf-hl9c-XIqsbXF491eXYfu50QinHp42_nwVmgfUbrchQy63JikdF2oL7SgKZM0HiblCQN4f6zeZeOI3RS8sRoLETImUrUbdV7xYr tSLaHl6xWwF3NT6oet3yrTfEdZG6-CC_o5UutdfRpB3LgQHGFO4bPSerZugMiwy8b8-BoD7dy9mu73A2isNvjaGO5cihVQcWO1U3WWA4YRpOH_YAS7f3NCiTYR1hJO0CeXlaAby3 - Burnt Land (All): 2 hit for good exp and mesos. I trained here from 41-44 before Orbis was released, but you can train here a bit earlier. Need party for best exp, but less crowded now days. Dangerous Valley is good for late 40’s! I didn’t care much for it personally.

    • zfI_vKmQ2_4J5g1yVOHwphRZWpV6AveEj5SuXqFQrLjdVIkiFYL3eFvFe89RyIjDqhDSpLtEG5l4S1eS6J-CC1B9K91RG4zASE5yX2qby9mwIDMAifFrlqcyxF0kewiQVTCymmSR EocwwkPwbq_KM_P_6CVUVucZW8crH5sSvxEHG4CQjuJppbKDYlGi5H_nzXZs-ibeOPaJQN5tOXio9qWgF9RA6GMMCrEtOJtaWw8S-iWvzGsvCLQUT7eennCbams_urSw02LaCTTo - Cloud Park I-III: Honestly I just say once you 1 hit. These guys will be decent. Rare pan lid drop is what kept me here mostly. Decent exp. Decent Money. Later Cloud Parks are better and can last ya into the 50’s.

    • Mz76vaPfpE_73626ynDAKQgwacBHjeTaukCpXkxK3uoexqoK7ERJ4g8GgWIN8gZLUFPGuYfsI1_nydw40e5hhUpzVsd5aOKGvZUBjaJU93QsBhZWy_XAo8ocxXmKuZNg9_FKPjC2 BC6unWoVOSKPvQQQtGCnl03vu1KzbuWH6Xy6lTc8qPLnvpZLVAU_9BL1eft37iTPENoOMO9QSPB3wWPFHVBEsbVpIBK1EaZEO_pSrkwtPfKPjMMoIhR1qiAy-gbPqaNFKIf3Cn-V - Monkey forest is great for exp in a party. Monkey Tree Dungeon I-II recommend a cleric and you can 2 hit since that magic attack sucks! I trained here during breaks from curse eyes and early 50’s. Drops Pilifer and Shinkita!

    • VBNtoyYNl-U_xNnv5X_eag3za1XS4AJ8EsBQ_-huoYNHNJeGHOcQyNzZdMWrZOaWxwFuy62TF-1S7dJyo-3PtbY7wWPQUxWwX1-RrW40fWR_wI9leytuJbgs1s9oHStiFvPE1YNF - I see old guides say this place is great for bandits, but I still can’t consistently 1 hit them at 53. I wouldn’t recommend personally, but you guys could try it. Lorang Lorang Lorang

    • r9jaKyzhxDWs7qw5SI6fy8b604WSWLs4x4pRGiTbMqRK5UNyYUns2FCowt-e2xUuNcqrAkW0H82woci4NhWkMV55G_1ueoNZoS1xNvF4ndkBEHgOP8PiWag6SZ0KevxtuuraLj66 gnHpRQ_kjE7MtlIc5VIyTDeh6YS3eJv9aO1yZdQTm86-gw3TKwAEGv75ITdCSH-wPRTltekFX80ruMFM5MtPgE8DHv1Qw17JrS02ZZCW-xnlee86JRwM3zCl07bV8qW9p5i0I91b reuSpiuiG4Z63YBWH1RCWvX0HThyi9CLano7039gxnst31VHqO00CvmRdtCSAvJpDxh9iqheycbES9nQtIeZ1t4oTKquVrBG-qgVkpDpFbVDrT3Q7BkBmB2D_Hs1uIDfQqemcSad - Orbis tower floors 1-7: seem like a good break. Jr. pepe drops dex shoes!

    • ecY46RCzvxa6hBLFR9Cno4S_laZNruDqpuF-TA8L5L3ZzvRoD4NNvfX37faNb7aHnG65yC05QFChJO6M1xSQENCtzQtcHpo5oe0dhJyNfevegliWU8tzb0FvXLcpM7uo6PqdVLAv - Gotta do that dumb jump quest. I really did bounce around a lot haha. I trained here for fun with a friend. Should be decent enough. Also just head right on subway now.


  • Level 50-60 - Things start getting better! Train wherever!

  • fN9_TMGP-9_7A4KbD9LSMe0mjjL9mj7sQUKBDsDcQhN_CXonbiNbUPCW02eEk2rBkQ8_rm99YODKm96XkKkvFZpr_hrgO8rSOtx7GvF1DPYoPYDtMzApvD3Hlaa436-ufHWHwc5k- Subway Line 1 Area 4: Once you can 2 hit which you should. Train here and if you love it. You can stay when you start 1 hitting. Drops are eh, but get you by. Awesome spawn. Room all the way to the right of subway.

  • lT-5eYXxpX7xvaadKuPrluNn7Nu6FYm2H1IvV29fAti_RHoYmUpU1viUhpOgxPKC3115j56DeewD8RL3gXDvXWn2kRSuQbiHiZHLtq8csQ26ToZGaWUL142L0z2qkTKRh2nRhKX1 -PoT 1 or Lost time 1: If you got that 1 hit on lock and thirsty for $$$$. Go here! I haven’t tested exp, but they could be pretty solid. Same maps as before. 

  • z34jRG-Ty1JhFePdI1vvhXoSoy9uDSSPJ4VH7ChGRBCxUk7Md4Wpl1jBMmu0DBoSVnpnDfTAcxdku_FIvTdjpNqUbYOxQ89i07QEpwGRWirwcf8a7pKjHXGJQyUUnLrz9z9RRTac -Drake Hunting Ground: I still have yet to find a training partner, but in theory this would be the best place for exp. You could start here by 3 hitting in your late 40’s, but I recommend 2 hitting. Good/GreatPT exp, and great drops. One of few monsters to drop your dex shoes. I’ve leveled here for a bit. Drake Hunting Ground (Probably not as good now which is why it’s moved)

  • QqVfiSTxAt76UCheAItAHS0Scz66QBvFK0tfiMiDLhKfOsmeuoH0f4bBTW0QHtuwubY1nr5HXcTOKf0M-vjcMpNaX7T9EXd7cRaCmmsLghAIBoIo6DOJR19QSNTZWmDkJCFawGwu - Monkey Tree Dungeon I or II: Pretty great when you get that sexy 1hko. Party with cleric or solo at this point. Good $. 

  • rOlpACASK-_k7CNfMh9oaFSexdj_8BMo0Saf677QvJ_GWJv6ua7aStXUugPkhhW33PP7tfawOonQZI3MAhZr9fTD-r7s6_EZ9UMdnXfMPobVoA0FPUfk2JqzSpTQwVJ9Xu5lFk9T -Watch out for icy path I:  Good exp and amazing $$$$. Get that glove att scroll. I’m waiting to 2 hit these guys until I train there. Probably will at 54 or 55. *Update: Great for glove att, but value may go down.

  • wI3pORyX4nRKKL2mUNjo0kHs9S90rAvaP5DqZiqKivismE31hlxH0nNczKSb4ikuxHfuMyuf0NCT9PsTQBhlZdpxIDqGeKvzONH33IL0gbGwAAKD0p_fMEJxiwpw-KO97uM4yKJu - Golem Temple 3: I am probably a mad man, but 3 hitting these guys ain’t bad! They are so slow that you rarely get hit! I partied at Golem 3 and hit 50 with these guys. Even better once you start 2 hitting and reach 55. Bow scroll drop!

  • BqkCW6q_mIVkLjeoDLfjRgOEFHhaC6zM1FxLX_mizrJIfQvOoE9RYYdoHOIhKVStuv7FI3jV72h-OXOtvXyJywqUMQpo38os-VE8CH9TL312WB6FP2Ej9z8bj5PLtO3dELziZjo3 -Garden of Green II:  Only if you can 2 hit which was me at 59. Even then the exp is very eh. Drops deadlyfin which is the only reason why you should be there.

  • AbUfr2nS0UgefGasi81VsCRUUn7fbLBctuVFoEIiNA3zrc-XBTJgaaA37nv9MLWJ4ixzqNO6N9MiirEsGsFP-2Fe3sDzEkuk8MRUKil69ZzpbBL0u_LieGdX02lPN1E_sjcbY5VA - Hidden Tower or early Eos Floors: There is a platform that used to continue to spawn these guys, but I couldn’t find it on my recent visit. Should be when they first appear. Hidden Tower is good if you can 2hit, but the pot burn may be a lot. Rombot gives 720 exp and a good borebreaker. Might be decent for 1 hit lvl 55-60.

  • JBCSZxZC0rxXA1LppzxCP1IS-fq9CLsBrFo3gPi9n1CzV4gLAYORX0-i63v3lbwA7Iz7v8Ry5crXu2XwZWXn_c8dD6tp0rkVZ16B8VEG0uiOVN8vHJIjmb460VDsxJ_t94WJOthe -PoT IV or Lost Time II: Good exp and good spawn. Drops tobis, but those will be down in price soon. Stick to platoon if you want Money. Update: Tobis are still good $$$$ 

  • tcm1QfFlePXtuNHKEsi6XOmLNL4WkqB7LPMcr1WGtJHLPRzULydBQr53p5Rp5YItndVAcvA-lEq3d14Tpxk8qh2TblSJDjehkC639KU8ywl1S6XApN_W1tn023eu0tn8kpexGh4i - Dangerous Valley:  If you really love fire pumbas. You can still train here I guess. Please don’t.

  • Vz8Rhf4NV3Le5BXNyJM3o0cPPolk0Cs7SshHDEtrhzdr4ggarb9Rmd7FW3kRV-XFZH6wjh8nM47YZnVsmIIFqAmalI4oqeBNMt1r3qTHf2jpd0lplSBaZYVAy-gx5F7k1Lf-UhpT - Forest Up North III:  I used to see early 50’s bandits here, and this place is still good exp. Yet the $$$ is pretty bad by this point.

  • fYkTIbTMkFlbsKlAy9LGu4sMohhFtoYIYthnmWgzpob97UeR-Jr55DhC2ulF55Q214enR_h9iYOMZfvhiFSchmjB3YkWnAcdVSZXevTyI7YydEfOi-TVzSkqH88SwADgwHtTr3WT -Another Path: Bad hp/exp ratio, but great mobs. Good for if you’re getting bored and want to try for Icies! Also drops godly Helm def 60%.


  • Level 60-70- Honestly El Nath.

    • NwHdzFZgQDMKuPMs2HaB1J8jBWi3Xq_QljRce0MwJpyCRuLiAseyte0geTEWcJuo_76VVmCkTzJKhJIOwXTTAsU7tnSnfrhGBICA2GdURc-AvR6Y56p8m9e_jvXEaV_HrDHK1vCd - Forest of Dead Trees I-IV: The only training spot ever. Well even top players in their late 80’s early 90’s train here. That’s how good it is right now! Amazing drop rate. I trained here as a joke with my cleric friend at 52, and we got a buttload of equips! When I 2hit these guys I’m going to train here forever. *Fun Fact I did not. I hate zombies, but I did swing by a bit. 

    • fj-j-8E9w2HUpI3Crgn1bvTAeYUWn0noVq4T0l5h-LUpLoIQPGMCrq4fiEvyr4Rz3GgBt8ExZ7bmpJod8tUoVKVC36ORVTVGU3e2JkNdb_4PGZvD9ltZ6tFl6QoOrkDUVC5JXjEB -Wolf Territory III and IV: EXTREMELY UNDERRATED! I didn’t know about the infinite spawn on the bottom! I got 7* tobis and a bunch of decent equips here. Great HP/Exp ratio and the spawn is decent even solo. Try to find someone to kill top for best exp!!! 2-hit recommended.

    • _IVDJQYtGmrEZCA365uJH9fXHB5_RbuYRlS6WfpaLfVg7V71VLkKTQja-FX-Sbtsf0OjjI2yKXPPeL-0clGCkubkg2h1Z-sfGl1NTr9jjL5GF45MfDr5SZ3ckD93QNKI0oklFgjD -Cold Field 1: I’ve seen 6 people in one map. These guys spawn like crazy and I’d say a worthy contender for the zombos. I got a overall dex 10% from exchanging their tails. Exp is amazing and a cape dex 60% doesn’t lie. $$$$$

    • SG_0vGvHwx6weHG0la5MEtL7_Zass6I46K1vNw2CMTB982gCpszrl2NZ8Yy7WV9O81jrJkfvF8xIzhhbXEo-ecmih4TID-Yo-eSjEd3acEEhOH3n7CdQQ0S9P7i5AklGTL_qivIZ- Subway Line 1 Area 4: Most of the time I 1 hit these guys at 61 and trained here until 64 in parties. Great exp and really relaxing! Dark Crystal ores sell for 100k+ I heard 😮

    • ftDO3CxI-YV4Ty-1tWREbTbF_PrDsewSsiVH3bE6KrZRRJEaYt3yhHaWXFioJrKJfxzt5zg-aze0sdzEceIXFFBXKKJf_f0NbPctpQUn9kHgKj0cJSx1R5c4kRJHqPyzZWwxLtA2 - I feel like they nerfed Hot Sand or it’s just overhyped. Good if you one hit all! Which happened to me around mid to late 60’s. Great drops and decent exp.

    • 5yW4VDl9I4iQxcOYUtXWqrf1aJI81ldYKiroD1PuLdOXgCfg1GJG9VVOvAfPmkMKOx5BlTXOiIiywHRn6TrzIOf1ARipchx9KwXsOKLtlWuTI6EalTEdgqtxd0Dey1s1fBb9lkkA - Sleepywood Dungeons III+: These guys are decent and will be 10x better when Forest of Golems comes out. Curse Eye spawns provides blackbull deed.

    • z2U7YtNK1-lory_SZDVwGF8dnrrAKTHGDKEOJFr_GvsOHRhQQM03RAg_c9GEVHAF43xpgazCPef-c6lpoHSIuPKHhv65RNQXv0nmwG__FZwo9qYHJ91wMpGghl-4wbxW4gDD73ok - Drake Meal Table: Is very old school. Same with the Wild Kargo area. I never trained here, but I have seen the mysterious snail known as Bob.

    • ItXYh-CaK67lcukJg8cy6WjDsp4RjoC_u5p4UXI6kzUKmDkULnGnrnZc05T7R7-FXqjgLfzeybvJCSS87mVHoisljSPPRVef_Aw-IorGj6GxzZvySSILtiWqj0I4Cy-9KgKy3CD6 - Garden of Ass II:  I killed over 20,000 of these bastards and no fin. Not even tobis. I hate these guys.

    • j-hR7YZwyveyXvJnMEl01cXvIjpjCClQRFCTeSXwTJzD-5QVeBpKmFVFf5FEaZ0sIiev08k1kpFeqRDw2MoEGHsVa68B22QyMu1BDVQric-yMZeYI6A7MYGtj2tNVZEM1CuGeh0X - I wouldn’t recommend these, but I’ve seen people and bandits train here. Good if you’re bored.


  • Lvl 70-80 - I’m Lvl 74*.  I am not joking. The 2hit rule goes out the window once you get closer to 80. I’m going for an assassinate build currently.

    • PwxJGtnkmPZfN-DDjGwwvnQq0nf0Xw5Zin4YJE3BxrQx6j3go8PFmWp9FlEEv39mKW4S-kaQROT2xAvbwOyBvP4b1pIBMElZRnEQgDgoGFbFE2ALwWC-Gn5FzH_SZDrSRFQ2JXOg - Forest of Dead Maplers: The only training spot ever. Well even top players in their late 80’s early 90’s train here.*Update: Monto was here 110+ due to no Ludi. Amazing drop rate. I trained here as a joke with my cleric friend at 52, and we got a buttload of equips! When I 2hit these guys I’m going to train here forever. *Fun Fact I did not. I hate zombies, but I did swing by a bit.

    • 95bk58jvo4H6COtBaIDapvFdkHkPQxHUY-ZJ4q86c2aNrm_A_VR8X4mxtI1LcFCFh3hbd4G66IWUSneaCHyOabCi9TOAQo3QfTpgrNrkS1m4boxXywredRjb9HCvOeDEK2vg0D-b - Wolf Territory III and IV: EXTREMELY UNDERRATED! I didn’t know about the infinite spawn on the bottom. I got 5 tobis and a bunch of decent equips here. Great HP/Exp ratio and the spawn is decent even solo. Try to find someone to kill top for best exp!!!

    • Nj5gZPT7CaD4qaGa7NP4-tdmt_o1wljI76_pPzI_9Pa5xkG-TPQQKw4dKQLsW0dARz7yJapbVSEX261ZDWGY3hOi1Umx-e8yB84UhdIN-s0pm5Vjs7t0DRE7MDP0ay5BIYQuUb2z - Grab a party for golem temple III once you can 1 hit. Real good exp.

    • xw2QG9OtRxjH5_jqvFmvf0x1iB140v0OYv7UesB4Ds32R7sJuYYlYROXdIcAbVogTEbGHYjcfhnORQcNM5zKydIKCxz0u5lY9R1O_8TQY0od9qeAWLC6A6Ha_247J-yrlckdcTaK -Cold Field 1: I’ve seen 6 people in one map. These guys spawn like crazy and I’d say a worthy contender for the zombos. I got a overall dex 10% from exchanging their tails. Exp is amazing and a cape dex 60% doesn’t lie. $$$$$

    • 1H8BMG20v91q5I9JphS_Xzb0i9WiE2muGqKQ4SSIq24C25FNpzZduZLGfnse173tWgYstdlbouMBesIpVOmKHCJ-dPE14P4100dbZNXSaUjmP3RofKkXqRH3G7iCs2NFra7QT3px - Icy Cold Field: Decent exp and amazing $$$$$$. Drops gigantics, brown scarabs, and evil wings. Do I even need to keep going because there is more! HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR $$$$$$. 3-hit recommended

    • Tauromacis- Sanctuary I-IV- Really old school map that I have little experience with. The exp isn’t too great, but the drops on par with yeti. They drop steelys, brown scarabs, and more! Early maps if you’re not comfortable with the Tauros and later if you enjoy pot burns. 

    • OmpTtkuYIFm4YtXaSQN6B5SW2N6Sg1Q0rkJvymPoGUqFY6ld_Ba7pZa7cgsql4wiyVy-h0WXBqJrgZhg_FhQqgCPCa2v0AQHezJ8ivHsCQaTlAyUhJuNUh865JrrOzbPOmPBxGuB - Drake Meal Table: Is very old school. *Update you can try this place when you 1 hit drakes 100%. Decent exp and Decent drops.

    • 0dznAC595j33eTSggzMAMRRfXoFy4NRPuX-3EQ0WuW4-kZb7j0G1RPGk1QVVjaKUXP3EnGeS4djNxjZCdYm5xOBC7g4kzbJrTgBs6SGiZxwVWOHuIuf3EyQ0Bc90YgfLYGouoPiT JXLRo8vtqPviuUGuyh5EA7-JTq4TOebkQuP1Fg3lEutgWiYXDn1_8y4Xl6ZLco-EXjoW6vgKziWWeDOBIcoSVqZxvfzpvtD7z6-O-q5Jr2aOQq5tJzRm1UsmByloMlQImoyVT2gE -Warped Path of Time <1>: If you can 2 hit the lesser buffies, 3-4 hit lazy buffies, and have a party. They aren’t so bad. Drops are good for thieves and the atmosphere here is amazing! Probably better in the mid 70’s.

    • rzuxzQoCIjQ0HGt_DRQS8T6BQt3tUcd4siQT3umvmopsCLkuk7pQN6QY2VcP7wsCdHNRPhscZVws9fvxHgTZKtFOGhCUbA6OIBnmOet4ebF-xpCnAKbQYCDYWcnosRwtw73f4CHq zQoRYwMAZfCKpKyEasKvHC_QFLJeYwhmn_cMSFay6rFglTyy3AFh0EEPZWLJWjd-6LEiLZ5NEkn0MRr1_uYj_s49oudy0LzSZvpBxgcb0o75Cp9ehwRD56eaMi6gqP1e3RBh6ZuG -Forgotten Path of Time <1>: Same story as buffies. 2 hit weaker mob. Good exp in party and great drops! $$$$ Glove 60%, Cape lul 60%, and sapphire Gigantic is mmmmmm. Probably better in the mid 70’s

    • BMfWEFPvjthwAXAfYTnJnUAM23LHbNkjZQ_xlMpE45uksqM2_Uaeg6j1ZgQ-9JIiOD8A_K2xfVvExoai8fjcmSTaRXBBTDwZ_qMWW7oxuK12aIxo76qNPhoEKZtqoWpGWHMWyA1z - I feel like they nerfed Hot Sand or it’s just overhyped. Good if you one hit all! Which happened to me around mid to late 60’s. Great drops and decent exp.*Old guides say train here. I say No, but if you want to farm for those scrolls. Not horrible exp.


  • Lvl 80-90 Now I don’t know if I said this before, but I was at voodoos, windraiders, and later bombing headless horseman from my mid 60’s until like 90. So take what I say with a grain of salt. Also when Gobis come out that’ll be the best place by FAR! A WHOLE FREAKIN MILE!

    • Death Teddy- Forgotten Path Of Time <3>: Assaulter build is built for this guy. You can stunlock them for easy kills and it’s where I plan on training when I hit 80. I tried this for fun in my early 70’s, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Good exp and good drops! Yellow umbrella, Cape int 60%, Angelic Betrayal, and solid overalls.

    • Lucida- Garden of Darkness I or II: Good for a BoT build which I did test here around my mid-80’s. It was decent exp at the time and the drops are good. Doombringer, Silver identity, lvl 80 green set, and etc.

    • Dark KlockKlock- Forgotten Path of Time <2>: You could train here earlier if you have a good level assaulter in your late 70’s. As usual Ludi isn’t very good solo, so party if you can. Good exp and drops are great. Steelys and Overall Int 60% means you’ll find a diverse group of people farming here.

    • LycanthropeWerewolf- Wolf Territory III-IV: Back in the day. There were stories of people who lost all their mesos due to farming these guys. Hermits do okay here, but you need to be smart. Assaulter and meso guard required. Only for the $$$$$$. Illbis, Blue Screamers, Kandine, Scarabs, doombringer, and the list goes on. Their drop list is legendary, but their spawn is pure ass. May the gods be kind in your hunt my friend. 

    • Deep Buffoon- Warped Path of Time <2>: To be honest these guys are just for $$$$. Eh exp, but that Black Scarab drop is so sexy. Stick to clocks.

    • 1H8BMG20v91q5I9JphS_Xzb0i9WiE2muGqKQ4SSIq24C25FNpzZduZLGfnse173tWgYstdlbouMBesIpVOmKHCJ-dPE14P4100dbZNXSaUjmP3RofKkXqRH3G7iCs2NFra7QT3px Icy Cold Field: Decent exp and amazing $$$$$$. Drops gigantics, brown scarabs, and evil wings. Do I even need to keep going because there is more! HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR $$$$$$. 2-hit recommended for 80+.

That’s it for now since my experience as a lvl 80 CB in OSM and other privates servers had newers content such as NLC, FoG, and Ghost ship. I am looking for suggestions though from experienced old school bandits! 4/11/2019





Quick Drop Guide! ~


I will only be listing key items for bandits and some scrolls. I put the best monster to farm up front and may leave out some if not worth.


6mnzTyAgE0jcblLcphewHoa9Mvkpky4qB0uuz2R2_05uNYudnpYyAOQ9P-hHUX9tZ0J3J_B21FKOHe8sjRPzpnYyPP2fEhmsogSLqL7mytqqsQhQcgLHekGoF-ZJ2S69s_7nRoq5 - CuBfOmDEbXWabHUDArE-rEvrdaBBL1pgT6FBpZUAMWY8p94c_xmYLcf5LvNT5fTm3yf4urHPvpIHGcwzppyssy4oHNQr5MxshIrptf_A0XG6xfcbwHcqHb3BNRNu2TYOTqtGF6tw BNka5hflLGgq71qiAMYLdDfvzof91hBx2intV9jloxuUAg7KajiaDkXWdvGLHwiDUbQCNmAZ0gh5qUfFeHERVqkFU7-iD4T7IFYTtEswn51Lhn7MsGG5RO6XjLiYTlrFGpR77EtQ QR44vO1XbK6PmbDyYVCRSlYcXaSLKT-6NRo3V8PsKUI70H4qDnWaaJErwD5oigQLQmE0gMh8wOGcXvpD9vdxSokTpTAcYWQCGsL4mxGWgOiLW7JkNE3ScqOzNkhJtZrt4tBRTHEe 


I recommend these two over lorangs and etc. Spoders are only lvl 23 and you can snipe even as a melee class. Great dagger! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!


GvNVGK_JspvITHLAfEjefsnqM23yY241LGPZ6LfTXIayX7w--1I_O26BMJgU4BnRds8r7Z6qi-_0Efg0UzCOx8aF1HiCJZVseN-sqoyTXuBQPI7rZnEipYgTHMXEykFP_90v15Wp - qJiqF6XwPDfJB8xODqB4mgBgkdyfFphR0wjHWJgRqRT_P9xKuYMg9tUlufHtKbrn5Vudw6wQLuUYaqeh8tw8AwXvjSiR0DLcgtY3jyCZLETM3Dq3h3uqV9W3hq2MlQaLJNozKFyu 


Ask a cleric or farm one yourself. Not too expensive compared to the Deadly Fin. You could skip since it’s attack speed is bad if you have a good kfan.



jv4sOGpYlYXduaEuTtr1wgoFLy7VCjVBMYUk041Kjcf77rwQcJhm3kw5HfuehjJRNzqP2S-SHj-VVeb9gBd5hwssD3vjr_EgZt6ZWoL28JblcmJwx-g5YX34D_FLIIdAx0BesaRn - LpepelJhcRb-TqXmPiqMxV9AopalFP7JvCWzIrvLivav5rIA4-WGfYyr5SkzToET4yCwYX_U2tgLEU_PLe0tjeXngvcqjZ9rbazZ0kCk9-o20yKqxK0VqYuFDmZFsGNotGQPtcby Cerebes=No way JoseSeparated Yeti-Separated yeti=no


The only viable place to farm them is Grupins unless you’re level 80+. I had to buy mine from HexCode for 4m=75 att and 5m=76 att. Both were super overpriced, but we didn’t know better. I also got a loan of 4m from Krizzo to buy, so shout outs! Real price nowadays is 72-350k 73att- 500k 74 att-750k 75att-2m 76att- 3m+ 77att- Nope



icon- iconiconicon

There hasn’t been a kandine sighted on discord since early March. Can you see why? Not worth the hunt, and it’s kind of ugly compared to Fin. If you really want it try Wolf Territories or Balrog. Thanatos is an effing Joke. 




This is a lvl 95 ghost that escaped hell, so you can’t farm them yourself until 100+. Unless you bomb and get lucky. Dragon’s Tail is a MUST, and an amazing looking Dagger. In later updates Gigantic Spirit Vikiing drops it or OSM forgot.


lppTeOMpce7XankTbQFjXip1r3l08rVNtt0_jAtHUmZM-xiS80cPi65k4raMwgVDnxHNkkc75wkzZhzrZiC34oqI5W_bAdeSPDm0thXlcVYscK9dSmjj45yD3Ipy6RT3pa4EArRL - cQ2Zj-pIlg02f76tmArIPVbivdqqJoRiZV5sVj10dT_sGRlIFeC80lZYwy9Szk8TTLU4pFCIBEJZIhyFVsqVOQuEHmAqbSpNUHhfhbPwY8sqFJ-74MsStjGYwIlDxWiVi-dQrTrH jz9UfntsV_Q5PBZfS-iLfNbSOqp9ArYoxlssBrqsNGMKj3gZlsEXS--CTUPK_jBgQyUTu3gf478hMtmCrErBx3zEKVqCWoKrCkrBMxMJBhTeFp71t92LMrqf6DcWahohn8LoRSot 


Dagger scrolls are hard to farm, but I bought 7 from HexCode since he trained at Florina Beach for a month or so. I’m currently trying my luck at Master Soul Teddies. Cost has been unstable, but I’ve seen them between 500k-800k.


Dex Shoes

icon-icon 2-3 dex and if you get 3 dex. It will fetch a nice price. Sometimes up to 1m. Ask people you see training here if they have gotten one. Most npc them.

icon=iconiconiconiconSame story as before just level 40. 

icon=iconicon- Extremely hard to find. 3-4 dex. Can it be 5 😮

icon= icon- I use these and it’s easy to find. 4 dex goes up to 1m. Beyond this and you might as well use luk shoes.


Recommended gloves

icon= 15 leathers and for every class!

FAtPgsPX5766NZmagXSo7EDo5ghs-F15JvcqqIS7_RMNmlbkrIFm5DIk314D2cvy0kG0OIGX3f2z13UCyev14Pk3KOvdBVqAVdHuXM6CuW7W04PsGMrggBiukriUhCZ__aBGPrSI- Dark Mischief is a good 2 dex glove  and I got a 10% to work early on in my OSM career. Not easy to forge for beginners, but I recommend it. JM in Kerning makes them. 

OUDkeGwAuw49T2RDNLWs6AfpINY1f6FLUGr8vKR1dK8Spz_2Yd8zvCBN-wAu-a_4P11Zv38pZyQ2VblLS79aswFB24T2KucZTiaoe6QUrrd7bnomEEBgmSDoTFQLJdctlryIBHc5= iconicon- Nice 3-4 luk. Could scroll this for WA.

icon=iconiconicon- Easy to farm, so a lot of thieves scroll these. 


icon=iconicon- The glove I’m shooting for. 1-2 dex and 3-4 luk is very solid.



Cool Hats- Got to look good and I own a nice collection.

icon=iconicon- Sexy AF hat! My childhood favorite. I am collecting all pilfers btw.

icon=iconicon- Hunt for that 3 dex!

icon=icon- Hard to get the Shrek Pilfer. Keep dreaming.

icon=iconicon- Easy to get if you are farming for Fin.

icon=icon- The worse hat ever made. Buying for 1m to finish my collection.

icon=iconiconicon- 3-4 dex. Good replacement for bamboo hat.

icon= iconicon- The best hat ever. Buying 2 dex 3-4 luk one!!!

icon=iconicon= 4-5 luk. Sexy af


icon=iconicon= Least sexy of Identities, but still hot. Mine is 1 str 4 luk which is why I wear over my 1 dex 3 luk Silver Identity while training. 😞


 5SDMd8Z8cqAz1pLW_bOPta8SctjFk5aKYy0mp4bCTjVZwitAnm5w5MRdDWYCYg4GZUf9AR0OwUix8MRYVOFVGykbfFknDmPuJYQU5q7ZuKybAK9AlJNrAVR-TJtUh7hTJ1Td7fBH If I’m around for future patches. I’ll be sure to be update for y’all.

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