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More good daily quests


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Suggestion: Add a Daily quest in Ludibrium where you kill 100x vikings and receive "HolySymbol" -buff for 1hr and 40minutes.

Context: I'm a huge fan of the daily quest where you kill 100 wolf spiders in NLC and basically get "rage" (even better) -buff for 1hr and 40minutes along with XP and +2 fame. Not sure if there are more of this kind of quests, but moving around the world for things that I consider "worth" are nice because it makes the world feel more alive when you meet other people along the way.

Conclusion: Me personally, would instead grind that couple hours after I have those items instead of logging out because I didn't get optimal party with hs at Gobies.


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Addition to the suggestion; For example Haste buff -daily could be located in El Nath (Kill 100 Yetis) and HB -buff somewhere else in the world like Florina Beach. These dailies would make it more worth to journey through Maple world. And actually make you feel like you are being rewarded for playing the game in a new and balanced way.


Edited by Alucard
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Not a big fan of buff replacement reward dailies/weeklies (even though everyone seems to already mule all of these), but I do agree with the sentiment that there should be some incentive to go explore a little bit more of the unpopular parts of the game, as always, and they could still be in the form of repeatable quests.

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1 hour ago, Emperor said:

it's not a mobile phone game, and i think it's unfair for priests to have there (only reason to be in party) skill on quest like this

Its unfair for Crusaders already so when all buffs are similarly available its fair to everyone, once every three days I believe is the daily cooldown with ws quest. It makes it fair for everyone and adds to fun content department when you want to play your main instead of mules!

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42 minutes ago, Alucard said:

Its unfair for Crusaders already so when all buffs are similarly available its fair to everyone, once every three days I believe is the daily cooldown with ws quest. It makes it fair for everyone and adds to fun content department when you want to play your main instead of mules!

play mules is punishment.

it's not really good, only when archive the goal, but you can look on players who plays with mules, they have to move alot of screens to do buffs, i assume some of them got bots or records.
open mules for buffs is only make people abuse you and make manipulate on you to help them with your mule, but if you want to play without the mule, so they start to talk shit about you and maybe ignore you like you never was a friend.
but it's really a off-topic.

let's talk about the topic, it's making peenix goes to be like phone game.
and don't compare rage (2nd job skill) to holy symbol (3rd job skill), it's not the same, no matter what you say.
1.5x exp with 2 in party =/= +10 att
hope you understand my opinion.
just thinking like it's should be.

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27 minutes ago, Emperor said:

play mules is punishment.

it's not really good, only when archive the goal, but you can look on players who plays with mules, they have to move alot of screens to do buffs, i assume some of them got bots or records.
open mules for buffs is only make people abuse you and make manipulate on you to help them with your mule, but if you want to play without the mule, so they start to talk shit about you and maybe ignore you like you never was a friend.
but it's really a off-topic.

let's talk about the topic, it's making peenix goes to be like phone game.
and don't compare rage (2nd job skill) to holy symbol (3rd job skill), it's not the same, no matter what you say.
1.5x exp with 2 in party =/= +10 att
hope you understand my opinion.
just thinking like it's should be.

Yeah that's Off topic.


I understand your concern that is why I liked your previous post. The Phone game aspect doesn't work here because it is already a Phone game when your standard is daily quests In General for a Phone game we already have those. So what you are saying that we can have dailies for HB, Haste and Blessing -buff items because they are 2nd Job not 3rd Job? I'm not sure those would be a motivation for my class (cb) because I don't need HB for crogs, haste I have myself and blessing I don't need for accuracy. HS works for everyone, even a non level 81 priest main. (it doesn't necessary have to be a kill quest, maybe a jump quest for a change) 


Thus when you think about it is at best per week you would have 4ish hours of gameplay with all the buffs enabled which would lead into training In a non-high demand maps for a drop for example. This doesn't devalue anyones hs mule that grinds 24/7 more like gives good content for someone without a mule and maybe even with the mule if the quest would give xp or Fame of sorts like the existing dailies.

Edit: I forgot meso up, there should be one of those as well! 

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2 minutes ago, Alucard said:

Yeah that's Off topic.


I understand your concern that is why I liked your previous post. The Phone game aspect doesn't work here because it is already a Phone game when your standard is daily quests In General for a Phone game we already have those. So what you are saying that we can have dailies for HB, Haste and Blessing -buff items because they are 2nd Job not 3rd Job? I'm not sure those would be a motivation for my class (cb) because I don't need HB for crogs, haste I have myself and blessing I don't need for accuracy. HS works for everyone, even a non level 81 priest main. (it doesn't necessary have to be a kill quest, maybe a jump quest for a change) 


Thus when you think about it is at best per week you would have 4ish hours of gameplay with all the buffs enabled which would lead into training In a non-high demand maps for a drop for example. This doesn't devalue anyones hs mule that grinds 24/7 more like gives good content for someone without a mule and maybe even with the mule if the quest would give xp or Fame of sorts like the existing dailies.

no, I don't support any of this kind of buffs daily quests.

Holy Symbol is a unique skill for those who can handle that and play with priest as a main job.
HS mule is a joke.
give someone who got HS mule a active priest in party and he will drop this mule away, why? because it's fcked up to do this for something like CC1 HS BLESS HEAL CC2 -> repeat everytime like a stopper.

I think HS daily/weekly quest it's horrible and should not approve.

It will make HS mules AND PRIESTS to be not wanted on parties.

Lets see what Arnah will answer to this suggestion.

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16 minutes ago, Emperor said:

no, I don't support any of this kind of buffs daily quests.

Holy Symbol is a unique skill for those who can handle that and play with priest as a main job.
HS mule is a joke.
give someone who got HS mule a active priest in party and he will drop this mule away, why? because it's fcked up to do this for something like CC1 HS BLESS HEAL CC2 -> repeat everytime like a stopper.

I think HS daily/weekly quest it's horrible and should not approve.

It will make HS mules AND PRIESTS to be not wanted on parties.

Lets see what Arnah will answer to this suggestion.

Mules make priests not wanted, not a short usable item. Limited buff items makes killing mobs in less popular maps more worthy of your time when you play the game alone when there simply are not other players around. Indeed I would like to hear from the developers why this is a good idea or not because we already have Rage as a buff item. 

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