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The Party System & Buff Mules


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The issue with the vanilla maple party system has always been, that the bonus party exp doesn't make up for what you're sharing to the rest of the party, if you are the strongest/fastest to kill. This is also the reason partying basically hardcaps at 3 party members, almost in all scenarios. While the party bonus EXP goes up to 30% bonus exp in a 6-man party, there is simply never a situation in maple where every single party member kills the same amount of mobs. This is due to multiple issues which I'll simplify:

1) The difference in "mob clear speed" is varying from every class. Example: A level 150 DK probably clears faster than a 150 archer(or any class for that matter) at any point.
2) Maps are too small and spawn is too low. For the 30% bonus EXP to matter, every single player has to kill the same amount of mobs which is just not possible.
3) All classes require their own unique "set-up" for killing. CBs are the best example but they are an entire different issue.

The solution I am proposing is, that every additional party member that is added to the party should give a substantial amount of bonus party EXP. As we already have an established meta with a ton of buff mules around, we don't want to take away or invalidate people's efforts. But what if..

  • Adding more party members to a party increases the bonus party EXP to a higher cap. Let's say X% for now.
  • Adding a priest to the party increases the bonus party EXP cap to something like X+10% or X+20%.
  • Every individual player added to the party should add a substantial amount of bonus party EXP.

This way, priests will act as an enabling class that allows parties to go slightly beyond the bonus party EXP cap. This will reward both the active, playing priest, but also the players with HS mules. HS mules will still have a reason to exist, but players with HS mules will now be more inclined to replace their HS mule with an active priest for the kill EXP the priest would reward them.

Here is a model for what it could look like. Please keep in mind that these numbers are just to demonstrate the concept:

Regular party with no Holy Symbol
2-man: +10%
3-man: +20%
4-man: +30%
5-man: +40%
6-man: +50%
Party with Holy Symbol (Priest must exist in the party for the bonus to take effect)
2-man: +20%
3-man: +30%
4-man: +35%
5-man: +48%
6-man: +70%

Again, these numbers are just to demonstrate the concept. Things like this have to be tested properly before being applied to the game.

Look at this from the perspective of a player without any mules available. Then look at it from the perspective of a player with mules available. Both win. More importantly, party-play is now encouraged and high level maps (like Leafre) are now slightly easier.

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