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Leafre's Buff for Mage


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Leafre's buff for Mage's magic attack is basically meditation.. (Which means I/L, F/P don't really benefit from it) 

Since physical attackers are gaining 20 weapon attack , shouldn't mages get like 200 magic attack or even more?
As we all know magic attack don't scale well at all, and 20 magic attack is kinda a meme as compared to 20 weapon attack..

TL:DR buff magic attack given from leafre's buff

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On 3/24/2021 at 3:06 AM, DannyAmeri said:

Since physical attackers are gaining 20 weapon attack , shouldn't mages get like 200 magic attack or even more?

No.  I don't know where you heard that 1 weapon attack is equivalent to 10 magic attack.  But that's simply wrong.

MA is exactly the same thing as INT as far as damage calculation is concerned.  Therefore giving a mage 200 magic attack is equivalent to giving a thief 200 LUK.

Nexon typically doubles the amount of MA given, as compared to WA.  For instance meditation skill gives 20MA,  rage skill gives 10WA.   So following this standard, leafre buff could reasonably be 40 MA.  If you double that just to be generous to mages, it'd be 80 MA.  200 is just crazy talk.

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