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Buff PQs EXP rates to match the Party Bonus EXP changes


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With the introduction of a Buff in Party Bonus EXP (from 4 party members and more), some PQs should naturally align with this buff and have their EXP per round completion adjusted (competitive rates). Reason why I mentioned some PQs and not all is because we must first take precedent the existing training maps alternatives that we have. Not all alternatives will be presented here as PQs do not only require the effort to organise a 4 to 6 man party but as well as different variations of classes required, hence alternative training maps discussed will solely be fit for the majority of classes that train at those locations and a few potential large sized maps.

Below shows an example for illustrative purposes of how the existing PQs EPH (exp per hour) could possibly take form: 


*excluded monster exp for a clean minimum exp calculation
*excluded kpq stg - 1 hs party grind only
*note kpq reqs a min of 4 to start a party and 3 to complete (considering using 1 mule to enter and log off)
*note lpq reqs a min of 6 to start a party and 5 to complete (considering using 1 mule to enter and log off)
*note opq reqs a min of 6 to start a party and 5 to complete (considering using 1 mule to enter and log off)
*note, there is no possible way to have Holy Symbol buff throughout the whole duration of a PQ.
*note opq has a quest that awards 10,000 exp if able to complete the PQ within 25mins.

Alternative Training maps before Buff in Party Bonus Exp:
(EPH: Solo/ Duo/ Trio/ Quad, lvl 70 cap on players/ skills)

Ant Tunnel 1:                         lvl 21+ (80k/-/-/- eph)
94th:                                      lvl 30+ (90k/-/-/- eph)
Jr. Lioner/ Grupin/ Cellion:    lvl 30+ (80k/-/-/- eph)
Brown/Pink Teddy:                lvl 30+ (70k/-/-/- eph)
STD:                                       lvl 40+ (250k/ 400k/-/- eph)
Coolies:                                 lvl 52+ (250k/ 520k/ 600k/ 610k eph)
FOG:                                      lvl 54+ (250k/ 350k/ 400k/ 420k eph)

others: Disposed garden, Jr yeti, Hector
*keep in mind the valuable drops from each monster.


Even before any Buff in Party Bonus Exp, PQs are already at the losing end in terms of EXP. With the rewards PQs give upon successful completion and the unfavourable chances/ rarity to get worthy items, pushes some players to training maps and PQs content go stale.

To increase KPQ and OPQ overall exp rates by 1.5x (up for discussion) the current rates, dedicating majority of exp towards the last stage of the PQ to avoid Rush PQs and incentivize actual completion of PQ. (excluded LPQ due to it’s time n rewards being relatively fine imo, but a buff is always welcomed especially when u compare the eph/meso at STD, players literally grind here from lv43+ till 3rd job.)

With consideration of the risks involved in the time factor of waiting for required party members and classes/ the uncompletion of PQ (members DC/ Death(s))/ no means of boosting exp through Holy Symbol buff and the Bonus stage reward RNG. Additionally, with higher lvls, players within the OPQ range of lvl 51-70 have more training maps open as alternatives with higher levelled 2nd job skills, such as coolies and FOG that offers exceptional EPH rates. Also, with the buff in party bonus exp, we could possibly be thinning (disincentivizing opq) the players within OPQ range as larger sized maps such as Hectors, Jr Yetis are in fact an attractive exp and drop alternatives by itself.

By comparison, even if players were to manage to received a random quest available to accept from opq npc, the furthest an 1.5x buff to OPQ could push the EPH to would be within the 400k (270k before buff) eph range for an at least 5 man party size. We could buff the % chance rate on the rare items but by how much would it even be worth in players perspective, and also considering the RNG factor involved. I believe PQs are in fact a gamble/ opportunity costs weigh off with the rewards but the EXP involved should not be at an exceptional low range whereby it discourages party quests. By incentivizing the exp aspect, even with bad RNG, players would still feel motivated in this content and this indirectly increases the chances of more scrolls and items in the general market.

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I agree with all written above but feel 1.5x is mathematical fairness, but think Arnah will only go as high as 1.3x.
Lets be fair and say that doing a party quest is much more exciting then grinding and that aspect is another reason why it should be taken more seriously.

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I have plans for some exp adjustments with at least LPQ due to CPQ and likely KPQ with the addition of Ariant PQ.

A couple of patches ago I have started to properly log all PQs so hopefully I'll be able to nicely adjust the exp gains with comparison to other sources of data I collect.


Will have to keep this topic open for more discussion as some of my current thoughts get figured out.

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  • 10 months later...
On 7/23/2021 at 4:56 PM, Arnah said:

A couple of patches ago I have started to properly log all PQs so hopefully I'll be able to nicely adjust the exp gains with comparison to other sources of data I collect.

Could you share some? Must appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

doing pq's with 1.5x coupon stil didnt feel great tbh. 
just the wait for getting 5-6 ppl
no good fast travel
makes pq just not worth it

also the rewards are kinda bad and i understand with mulestory its hard to balance. but i think you can buff it if you make rewards like gpq where u have to hit boxes to get good loot and not just talk to the end npc then there is no time for mules to get rewards

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