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10% scrolls droptable


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currently it is hard to obtain 10% weapon scrolls by just farming/training at normal (non boss) monsters.  Alot of 10% scrolls dont drop from monster above level 60. Im fine farming for items i need but if im only going to a monster map for 1 item it feels bad. example: a level 100 mapler needs a 10% weapon scroll and can only farm them at crog or has to go a level 30 monster.

if i train for exp and i get forexample 20%/h i dont mind if i go farm for an item and i get 10%/h with a chance of finding the item i need. At the moment i cant do that since i have to farm the item at a level 30 monster.


Scroll	 	monsters above lvl 60 (non boss monsters)

Bow att  	0 

Claw  		5 

Crossbow 	5 

Dagger  	1

1h axe 		0

1h bw 		0

1h sword 	3	

Pole arm 	1

Spear 		0

2h axe 		0

2h bw 		0

2h sword 	0

Staff 		2

Wand 		0

From BBB hidden street

suggestion 1: Replace "bad" scrolls with 10% wep scrolls for monsters level 60+

Replace the 10%/60%/100% scrolls:

Scroll for Cape for Magic Def

Scroll for Cape for Weapon Def

Scroll for Cape for MP

Scroll for Topwear for DEF

Scroll for Bottomwear for Def 

Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF

Scroll for Shield for DEF

Scroll for Helmet for DEF

Scroll for Pet Equip

100% scrolls (atleast the ones you can buy)


since the droprate is low and then seeing a scroll popout it makes me sad to see a "bad" scroll drop from a strong monster.

(i do know some of the scrolls are somewhat useful but mostly they are not used in endgame gear)

i have other idea's but i think that needs to be posting in there own posts

Edited by NixMar
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