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  2. It is not 2x, and it seems to be working fine
  3. I picked up the monster card for Stumpy and there's this 2x meso/drop rate buff on the top right after you pick up the card... I tried attacking mobs in perion and the meso was definitely not 2x... I guess its just not working? Is this a bug...?
  4. starting from halloween patch i have been consistently unable to play the game when my second monitor is plugged in, crashes result from invalid pointer or missing %1, %d. The game will play fine maybe 1 in 30 tries. even when the monitor is disconnected it will occur about 1 in 20 times. drivers are all up to date, using nvidia gpu and amd cpu. idk it makes no sense. game will also stutter loading stuff as well edit: now it also my installation is fine, i even tried with other people's installations and same issues occur
  5. donated for 13200 NX but only received 10890 as seen in picture attached ign: cheesebandit thankss
  6. +1 As long as Final Attack still has an animation it's basically useless and people would choose to rather put SP into 1st job skills than it, that shouldn't be the idea of having this skill.
  7. fixed will see if I remember to fix current 90+ daggers
  8. bump please consider 🙂!
  9. From what I understand, making it work on ropes/ladders is not an easy task due to how its handled.
  10. Done for next patch, thanks for the bump. Does have a possible negative but I'm assuming it'll be fine..? Also don't think it prioritizes lower meso bags, it should just go in order of what was dropped first but I didn't confirm this.
  11. Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/90 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v89 > v90, v90 > v91, v91 > v92 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v89-v90.txt v90-v91.txt v91-v92.txt
  12. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/89 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v88 > v89 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v88-v89.txt
  13. bump
  14. bump with edits
  15. bump
  16. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/88 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v87 > v88 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v87-v88.txt
  17. Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/86 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v85 > v86, v86 > v87 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v85-v86.txt v86-v87.txt
  18. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/85 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v84 > v85 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v84-v85.txt
  19. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/84 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v83 > v84 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v83-v84.txt
  20. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/83 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v82 > v83 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v82-v83.txt
  21. Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/80 https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/81 https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/82 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v79 > v80, v80 > v81, v81 > v82 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v79-v80.txt v80-v81.txt v81-v82.txt
  22. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/79 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v78 > v79 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v78-v79.txt
  23. Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/76 https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/77 https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/78 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v75 > v76, v76 > v77, v77 > v78 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v75-v76.txt v76-v77.txt v77-v78.txt
  24. done for next patch
  25. bump
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