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  1. Phoenix's post in Phoenix is gone from the gtop100 list, voting not working either was marked as the answer   
    I probably should give a bit more information outside of discord on this topic.

    But the general idea is PayPal got told we are profiting off a game that isn't ours to profit off of and limited my account until I removed the purchase page which I complied with instantly.
    Then for some reason GTOP was being warned they can't host our website due to a page I've already removed. I haven't gotten a reply back yet but I'll be emailing him about it again tomorrow. Why only Phoenix and non of the other servers I know had issues with paypal? I, nor GTOP can answer that.
  2. Phoenix's post in Why cant 10lv character buy shop merchant? was marked as the answer   
    Nexon started putting checks to prevent RWT activity around v41. It requires a level 16 character.
    More checks were added in v42 while also letting characters lower than level 16 to purchase shops if the account passes a date check.
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