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Everything posted by WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

  1. Lot of work for arnah to watch through hours of vids especially if player count increases
  2. When someone makes 10 mules to spam fm entrance arnah will disable it lol
  3. Not nostalgic but not a bad feature imo!
  4. +1 Arnah did talk about disabling smega and the in-game notifications in the past...
  5. Shit hurts my eyes... super annoying. The background clouds are fine.. the foreground clouds are terrible.
  6. So you can still HS mule yourself but you have to make sure you arent gaining exp while applying buffs?
  7. Can you give examples of what types of multilogging are and arent allowed? Shop mule? Playing 2 chars and they arent in the same party? Playing 2 chars and they are not gaining exp simultaneously (ex. grind alt while waiting for orbis boat) This includes gaining exp from party split Does this only apply if your chars are in the same party? Or does it mean you cannot be gaining exp simultaneously under any circumstance? What is the punishment?
  8. in-game if you click on someone... will it show if they have any restrictions enabled? or... indicator anywhere that is visible?
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