Remove all white pots and unagi's from dropping from Leafre mobs - replace them with either upgrade barbarian potion (heals 3k) or Melted Cheese (heals 4k) and increase the existing drop rate - White pots don't belong in Leafre. Why is a lv. 90+mob giving me a pot that heals for 300 when it touches me for 2-5k. This is also the case in Ludi, some mobs have the audacity to drop a Orange pot.. LIKE WHY?
According to SHAbot Some mobs (skelgon Jr. Newts) drop Unagi at a rate of 1/100 and Birks drop White pots at 1/50 replace these with Reindeer Milk and Barbarian potions with higher drop rate or maybe 1/20 or 7/100 (same rate as Mana elixir)
This makes Leafre maps more viable for 3rd job server and a pseudo damage reduction quick fix.
Also increase the drop rate of pinaka PLEASE!