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Juneee last won the day on March 17 2022

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  1. Literally what you said. So you have no idea what the exp numbers are and you say they are insane rewards for idle gameplay?? You know the mobs are actually hard for lvl <80 right? So its not exactly like cake walk brain dead gameplay like healing coolies/himes either... Yes it doesnt have "puzzle" stages like the other PQs, i'll give you that. But to put it simply as "you just kill mobs" is just overstating it. The mobs are very tanky for low levels. In fact, I could see it being a pot drainer as well. Which means if you dont have a cleric/priest in your pt youre going to lose mesos. At its original form, PPQ in our servers context is totally not worth doing at all FOR exp. and PPQ doesnt give any other rewards as well. So its not like you can get scroll rewards like LPQ/OPQ or tons and tons of potions to npc or capes/earrings to npc.. The only thing its good for is to get the +5 pirate hat. But in its original form and without tweaks is very stupidly hard to obtain. Even the Silver dep medal is an easier way to obtain a +5 all stats item. I honestly believe lowering the +5 pirate hat's amount of pq requirements and making it lvl 80 instead of 90 to wear is a really good and unique mid-game upgrade. It also makes it so that players dont feel the need to get a zhelm asap. I dont like seeing lvl 60s/70/80s wearing zhelms either.. They get the zhelm and then quit soon after and never contribute back to future runs because well, they already have a zhelm.. Theres nothing else to motivate them to grind further or to reach another goal because the zhelm is still by far the BIS item in the game. So with this change we can actually prevent that from happening. Same time we can make zhelms cost a lot more to obtain (than it currently is) say if you are under level 100 and insist on getting a zhelm but you are not someone who can/has contribute to zakum runs. That way, the zak runners can get paid way more as well (than the current new prices of 1~2m) which makes it worth their time to zak as well..
  2. 1) I dont think PPQ exp is even good to compared to grinding to begin with.. So PPQ doesnt really make the game easier for people to level and is definitely not "miles" better than grinding, there's nothing insanely rewarding about PPQ at all. In fact, PPQ exp gets taxed heavily if you have party members over 70 or 80 iirc.. 2) What it does give though is like I mentioned earlier below.. It provides an alternative to grinding. and PPQ hat most definitely needs some tweaking as well when it comes to the +5 hat requirements because that many runs is just stupid. You would already have a zhelm or are over lvl 100+ already by the time you reach the amount of PQs.. You dont like the idea of low level players getting zhelms way too easily nowadays right.. Here's a solution you could work with.. Make the lvl 90 +5 PPQ hat something "reasonably" obtainable then.. Let this hat be a mini-stepping stone goal for players. So that they can aim to get this first instead of straight going for a zhelm. Let them use this hat until they are 100 before thinking of getting zhelms.. In fact, change the req from lvl 90 to level 80 to make it more possible. Because at lvl 90 requirement, people would just grind out 10 more levels and get zhelm which is way more worth it that the +5 ppq hat.. 3) I agree with the 2 PQs co-existing thing, thats why i proposed making PPQ a 71-100 pq instead. So that OPQ isn't obsolete.. but when you look at it, OPQ is naturally obsolete anyway because the exp is really trash compared to grinding.
  3. That's good to hear! and oh KPQ isnt 3 to enter? I thought it was... If it is not, then why not reduce 1 more member req from it like what you would do with the LPQ/OPQ changes as well. OA dex 10% are not that valuable anymore these days, so i dont think it would open much room for abuses? But then again, if we are talking about older players who used to spam kpq to try and get oa dex 10s, they already have enough mules to help them enter as 4 in the past to begin with. So whether it is a 3 man or 4 man requirement to enter kpq is besides the point kinda thing.. So having it reduced 1 more person like i would assume soon would happen to LPQ/OPQ is a good thing as well, for the same reasons mentioned in the original post.
  4. Problem: Currently even with the older players often resorting to bringing mules to LPQ/OPQ there's still difficulty in getting PQs going because of the missing 6th.. Solution: A much needed change to help enhance the QOL of our low pop server. Would be very helpful towards newcomers because they struggle to keep PQ parties going with the requirements of 6 party members. Make it same like the changes to KPQ where you can enter with 3 members instead of the min of 4.. So for LPQ and OPQ the min party members becomes 5 instead of 6.. You can finish both PQs with 5 members as well, albeit it takes slightly longer than a 6 man party. But this is surely way better than having 5 people stuck for hours waiting for the mythical 6th person to show up and save the day. Sometimes said mythical person remains mythical and you are left with 5 sad persons.
  5. +1 Agree with changing it to pure water and unagi. Disagree with hornster/mana bull.
  6. yep which was my point at the end, what does having that slightly miniscule increase in MP even does.. because there's no washing here so its absolutely pointless to even think about making changes to it.. but then again its kurv we are talking about i guess. the whole suggestions forum is basically his diary...
  7. do people actually bother to change to int gears to lvl up here?? dont you only get like some miniscule amount of mp per 10 int? lets say if youre really that autistic, but what does more mp even do for you if you're not a mage?
  8. 1) LOL what bullshit is this kekw. Such entitled behaviour lmfao. Go host your own server then and you can have the very absolute best pings with no compromises. Everyone else is going through the same thing. fucking suck it up and grind at another channel. Or better still, just party with the other person in your preferred channel????? KEKW. you are the first person i've ever came across crying bout not having more than 1 channel in their own region. So by your logic every other players from different region can demand for more channels too then? 2) FYI, sins too suffer from what you are crying about which is the very low min damage resulting in needing more hits to kill. It can go from like as little as 2 hits to as many as 4 hits even. So its a very bad example to use.. Just saying. Yes, archers are underwhelming compared to hermits in 1v1 damage wise, but their mobbing is excellent. They are a totally different playstyle compared to sins. Also why even pick archers in the first place? It's a fact that they are weaker than hermits. Unless you didn't know that beforehand, welp you can do what everyone else eventually does which is reroll to a sin. But dont complain about the excessive costs of gearing up then.. Or end up like the many others who abandoned their sins because its just too expensive to become fully geared. 3) I agree with this, it's kinda bullshit and bonkers. They all got to like 90+ in about two weeks. But then again, these are very old players we are talking about. They have every single good gears ready with funding to scroll/buy their stuffs. They are going to zoom past you regardless. It's more of them having the experience and knowing what are the most optimal ways to level up a character after playing for so long. Also yes,with that they also have all the mules (and friends) to help make it even easier for them. But you know how they got to that point? Because they didn't bitch about how hard it is yadayada when they started out new just like you. They worked for it I guess, so you cant really complain about them fully taking advantage of the work they have put in with their mules/chars and such..
  9. I absolutely agree with this. I wish we could somehow reverse that decision. Can you imagine as a new player with how scarce and insanely priced GFA scrolls are atm, you need to wait to lvl 80 before u can buy/make/use a decent att gloves? Talk about needlessly making a daunting game/journey even much more daunting and unpalatable for a newcomer.. lol that shit is so stupid.. and GFA are insanely priced because all of us are busy buying them to scroll our lvl 80~100 gloves to 6/7 slots perfection, and the market knows that we would pay the money for it. Because what other choices there are, really. Also the high lvls can afford them or can spend some time farming the millions required, not even that hard of a task because the money earned at higher lvls is just so much better. and all those gloves that are like 6~8 wa 80+ class gloves that just goes to waste and rot in people's inventories because nobody ever wants them.. Previously, these 5/6/7wa wg are the things that we could transfer and keep in circulation in the market (and for cheap/affordable prices for a noob) because new players will need them and it will be constantly sought after.. In a way it circles around to help even more new players as well with that. But all we have now are just wasted imperfect class specific att gloves doing nothing, helping absolutely nobody and yet at the same time continue driving up GFA prices whenever somebody decides to scroll some gloves. Nothing is going to trickle down to help out the economy for the new players which in turn makes it such a sad state of a server for any new person joining.
  10. I agree with your sentiments. Giving these OP "temporary" items creates a drug-like addiction. Especially so when its done in the frequency that has been happening. GM buffs straight into xmas event... Plus i think it also breeds bad mentality, like players can get demanding or will feel like entitled to such events/buffs/whatever in the future, like something that is expected from the server already... The withdrawals are very real whenever said events are over, it hits especially hard towards the newer players who dont have any or much gear.. They will feel the effects of this more than some older player who already have full att gloves/capes/overalls, etc.. Because all of a sudden reality hits them like a brick wall when the items are no longer there and they realize how painfully slow killing things are at their level.. Hell, I've already encountered some new players who didn't know that the PQ could be re-done and they could get the hat again. After 3 days and their hats were gone they didn't feel like playing anymore because all of a sudden they become so weak (or rather they become what they originally are). Then comes the realization that the road to good gears is a very very long road ahead especially in this low population economy where things are hard to get. So they instantly get demotivated to play/invest time into the server any further.. Can a new player like even find a 5wa wg these days as a starter kit to help them going??! Poor guys, i feel for them.. BUT. It is a little too late to do anything about it now.. I would rather they not make it into the game in the very first place. But since its already here and many of the established players have well and truly taken full advantage of it. Getting to 8x in a week/getting zhelm/training at mobs beyond their levels/etc etc.. Lets not fuck the new players even more and make changes retrospectively to nerf these things, it only hurts the new players and casuals who dont play as frequently. Whereas the people that took full advantage of it wont really care if it gets nerfed now because they have already advanced past the hell stages of early maple.. Btw, releasing an event alongside a new job release is the stupidest thing ever..
  11. good joke. 1) only 1 person out of the 6 in the pt will get the Boss exp and therefore somewhere around 100k exp per PQ. everyone else will probably get around 90k exp per run. If you are lower level (51-56) you are fucked even more because you dont even get most of the mobs leech exp that your pt's higher level members have killed. 2) most pq runs take about 25 mins avg when you take everything into account (including time spent in bonus, time spent doing mini-JQ to get out of OPQ, time taken to feed wonky, etc).. it is very very rare (basically near impossible even with the pro-est of parties) that you get to do 3 pqs per hour @ less than 20 mins per run every single run... that means you will only be doing 2 runs per hour, so 200k+- exp for 1 person and 180k+- exp for the other 5 members. (you can even be really anal about it and assume you are in the first 10 mins of your 3rd run in the hour mark, the first 10 mins of OPQ are the earlier stages that dont even give that much exp, so your exp realistically is something like 200~240k exp/hour for 1 person and 180~220k exp/hour for the other 5 members... Now go compare it with STDs solo where you can get about 280~300k exp/hour, and even more for coolie/fog parties with HS.. OPQ exp is a trash for the effort it requires, and the rewards are a joke as well. Do you see anyone muling OPQ for scrolls? Why even bother muling a longer and more tedious PQ..
  12. i have a few questions: 1) when inserting skill damage %, do we need to insert the single line skill damage % or the total skill damage %? - for example thief's lucky7 deals 150% skill damage x2. so the single line is 150% and the total is 300% 2) how do you factor in shadow partner which deals 50% of the damage of your lucky7 which is also affected by whether said lucky7 line crits or doesn't crit in the first place? from a sample i given your program of a lvl 94 hermit, it returns me 5 basic mobs to kill which are dark stump, pig, stump, red snail and shroom. (lol) it doesnt give me mobs of higher than lvl 30? i can also see your program doesnt take into account a lot of other skills as well, so it is more suited to be used for basically 1st jobbers only? also got a virus threat from AV.
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