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  1. I agree the gap should be closed with archers, however I don't think adding final attack to third job skills would be preferable. Using skills like arrow rain would be worse IMO, and adding onto strafe would be interesting, but I am still opposed to it (solely because of the aesthetic of strafe+reg arrows). Maybe something else like adding a skill like a nerfed sharp eyes or a "shadow partner like" final attack for the different skills (ex. Using strafe would proc FA which would activate strafe at double speed but half damage, and same for other skills).
  2. Im for the same thoughts as Opman, making a Hwabi type arrow for archers. imposing level cap on the arrows, high attack bonus to compete with other ranged classes (+10-20 atk), rechargeable is also an option. with arrow costs as they are, its increasingly difficult to pay for pots and arrows to grind, considering archers dont make a lot of money grinding in exp zones. Its frustrating to change between meso grind to exp grind constantly because they cant afford anything. tldr: buff archers noob
  3. Dont like PQs, so doesn't really affect my opinion
  4. I would appreciate the upgrade to this system
  5. I vote to have same swx marriage
  6. Thank you arnah. Yea I did think the knockback rate was additive, so kind of sad to hear that it isn't. Arrow bomb I didn't test, but if you say its good, then no problem. The hawk is my primary concern at the moment. Seems to be related to when I summon. Sometimes when I summon, it's good almost every hit, and other times it hits none, almost like the % of stun is reversed until I re summon. I hope you find what's going on there. Thank you Trashman
  7. @All archers, Ive noticed that skills that have percentages in regards to archers do not have anywhere near the percentage in practice. For example, power knockback with 40% rate and bow with 55% rate should give you 95% knockback rate, but in reality only knocks back enemies half that, if lucky. Silver Hawk at 95% stun rate seems to stun at near 100% of the time, or never. I will get 10+ stuns in a row, or 40 misses in a row. Arrow bomb only has a 60% rate, and we all know 60% doesnt fully mean 60, so i never gave the bomb that much thought. But seeing hawk and knockback, im led to beleive that arrow bomb is probably bugged as well. Arnah, if you could look into this, Im sure archers in server would greatly appreciate it. Knockback and arrow bomb are one thing, but without hawk, it becomes nearly impossible to train at scuffed newts. thank you, Trashman/Artemis
  8. The only people this would affect would be priests and buff mules. I can understand the buff mules loosing leach exp if you wanted that implemented, but you have already done a lot of damage to priest players. Many have left their priest mains, myself included, because of all the changes to how they are played and how they gain exp. If they lose out on party exp from non undead mobs, there is literally no point to use them in game aside from zak. They essentially just become an HS mule permanently. I know a lot of people have already given up and turned their priest into a mule, but I would ask that you not alienate any future priests from the class.
  9. I think this sounds like a great idea. I usually enjoy making outside the mold classes, like one handed BW white knight and strength mage for example. Small implements like these could go a long way in keeping the incentive to keep grinding in a 1x1x1 server. Question for op, would you have all these scrolls be 60s and 10s? Or are they 60/10 exclusive? As a high luck mage main, it would be cool to scroll items and pass them down to other images that could equip them, so I'm all for making more low luck images in server. The scroll for shield for dex I think is the weakest arguement to add to the game, but I would still welcome it if it meant the rest could come too.
  10. Honestly, I'm for bringing it back in full, no restrictions. If that's too much to ask for, a combination of styles 1 and 3 listed by SHA sound ok to me. The exp heal strat only worked on a select few maps at this time anyways, so by just cutting them out it should be ok. Give a formal warning out to the server that if they are caught abusing a heal exp gain strat, it is a ban.
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