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NixMar last won the day on September 29 2022

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  1. Weekly Challenge Ideas: Goal: Make challenges players already do while playing. so it doenst feel like a chore Reward: Not super strong so rewards are modist too 1.5x EXP Coupon (save 2x for events) Bonus Maple Points for completing all challenges Challenge Examples (one challenge take 10-20 minutes): Kill Monsters (choose based on level range, ~300 total) Party Quest (clear any party quest 3 times) Boss Hunter (kill 20 bosses) Dojo (get 100 points) Jump Quest Not sure if it is in the game. But something like kerning Internet cafe JQ. (could be standalone weekly JQ race too winners get maple points) Clear a specific Jump Quest (consider fairness for players who haven't unlocked all JQs). Clear any Jump Quest (simpler option). this is a short summary of the idea i had
  2. Have weekly challenges that give 30min 1.5x coupons. Have like 5 challenges you can complete throughout the week and foreach you get a 30min 1.5x coupon (exp, drop OR 2x party quest, you get to choose). Intotal you get 2.5hours of 1.5x per week. In OSMS alot of 2x events happen while here in phoenix we can get some bonus coupons but only from GM events that almost never happen and if they happen you gotta be lucky its on a time you can join… you dont even get to pick drop or exp. Having a consistent but limited way to gain coupons could help casual players wanting to play more. The weekly challenges could be a few things. To keep it fun for everyone you should be allowed to pick between a few options. Challenges could be: Kill X amount of a monster Jump quest challenge Get X amount of dojo points
  3. currently works in channel 1 enable ironman then talk again and group ironman option should be there
  4. i know this happend from 120>100 but with the new changes to gear 2nd stat and defence i think bwg can be level 50 or even original lv10. yellow adventure cape is also normal (lv50) and has 8 slots. would be nice if bwg had some use in the game
  5. i used to heal myself and not have to worry. not i cant. this was a good way to make meso and fund my pots as a DK not i cant without mules. if it cost 0% hp i can still roar farm
  6. OR and this is crazy but you just add nlc pots to fix it for everyone untill you find a better way to fix it since that hasnt happend yet in 4 year
  7. if ur gonna buff priest dont forget about warrior. priest already think there more then a healbot.
  8. with the lost of haste mule playing solo really sucks. would like to see some more speed added to gear to help classes without haste seeing how pianus cape got ALOT of hp to help lower hp classes i think capes should get + speed too. i would prefere to see all capes get some speed maybe level / 10. but it could just be red musketeer cape. since it got 300hp i think +30 speed would be fair (looking at howmany 10% cape hp 300 hp is) again rather see in on more capes and then lower speed. also would like to see it spread around to other equips: bets - 3-15speed based on tier ( same as the aviod it gives) capes - level / 10 MON - buffed from 5 > 15 permanentpet equips would help too
  9. bump still just get stuck in animantion where i cant dodge magic attacks making the wdef buff not great do this atleast for melee weapons (other classes got huge armor buffs!!!)
  10. bump alot of higher level weps just go in the bin cus unsuable because of the attack speed. from expirance as DK. any slow spear is just bad to use since ur stuck for so long in an animation. at pianus i have to use maple spear in order to HB in time incase of dispell or people die... and at skeles i can only get 1 hit in wait for there atk so i can jump it. for pole arms. all of them go to the npc. axe and bw we all know how that is cus of slow vs sword already being better and having better attack speed the 2 best bows are super rare f/p mages stuck with evil wings or a rare pyogo
  11. afer some extra though heal exp with the leech timer as it is now works good. it just is bugged on those bosses. maybe make it so how heal gives +5 sec leech timer where the attacker get 5sec leech timer when attacking a boss
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