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buff first and 2nd job pirate


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Title is exactly what it says. Pirates 1st and 2nd job are very weak and underwhelming, especially for gunslingers. Brawlers are in a slightly better spot, but still a little under powered.

Here is what i would suggest for each:

1st job:

  • Increase double shot damage from 80% to at least 110%(the kms value) or even higher
  • Slightly increase the horizontal range of somersault kick(maybe by like 10-20 pixels)
  • Not a skill buff, but increase the w.att of weapons under lv40


  • Have backspin blow hit 6 mobs(the reason why not corkscrew blow is because its damage is quite high, and energy blast exists in 3rd job)
  • Make barrel have a 0% chance to fail at lv10
  • Increase double uppercut damage from 290% to 320%
  • Change stun so melee attacks do not remove stun(would also indirectly buff other attacks that stun, idgaf if its "proper", its bad game design and stupid)


  • Have invis shot hit 6 mobs
  • Have blank shot hit 6 mobs
  • Reduce mp cost of the skills above (especially considering now that gaviota is nerfed and likely to stay that way)

I would like to hear about what others think as well.

Edited by manfroy
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On 4/9/2022 at 5:29 PM, dumbz said:

No, gunslingers are very strong. They shoot very fast. Invisible shot is strong, blank shot can stun.

They shoot very fast but deal no damage as the tradeoff due to the gun multiplier scaling being so bad early on.
Invis shot's damage% is pretty strong, but it also hits 3 mobs, which makes no sense when other mobbing skills of ranged classes hit 6.
Blank shot is also used in 3rd job when ice splitter does not work(i.e training on blue kentaurus). For comparison, arrow bomb is a group attack that has a guaranteed stun at max level, and hits 6 mobs, so why not have blank shot hit 6 also? Blank shot also has no mastery built into its damage formula, making it useful only for the stun while arrow bomb can still deal a significant amount of damage in comparison.

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