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Buff/change spawn on these maps (aimed at helping Cleric mostly)


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The why:

I'm approaching level 60 as a Cleric, and the future looks pretty bleak.  Zombie Lupin at [Sleepy Dungeon ll] is looking like the only training spot I can consider for a long time.  I've travelled to Coolies, Book Ghost, Skeleton Soldier, Dark Stone Golem, and various other places, but the spawn available at [Sleepy Dungeon ll] just can't be beat. 

More why/Suggestion:

Coolie Zombie:

The map layout for all 4 Coolie Zombie maps is just terrible.  It used to be one long continuous floor that you could easily gather them all up and Heal them down, but now the spawn is split into 1-3 other floating platforms along with a step included in the middle of these maps which prevents gathering the bottom floor together.  Training here, you end up only hitting 5-7 at a time at best, which is very inefficient because near the end of clearing out a pack of 5 you start only hitting 1-3 mobs for a few casts.  Cleric needs to be able to gather up 10+mobs here so Heal can hit 5 targets longer, or spend less time gathering up mobs by having the spawn ready to go on each layer/platform. 

Suggestion: Increase Coolie Zombie spawn on all maps significantly, or bring back the old maps.

Book Ghost at [Foggy Forest]:

This map is close to decent, but it's ruined by the Reindeer that spawn on the bottom floor.  The time it takes to clear those out just can't keep up with Zombie Lupin.  

Suggestion: Replace all Reindeer spawn with Book Ghost spawn.  Maybe increase spawn on the bottom floor slightly, but I'd say not necessary.

Dark Stone Golem at [Golem Temple lll]:

Really all Golem Temple maps could use a huge spawn buff, but I think this one is the most important.  4 mobs in total exist on this map at one time.  That's extremely pitiful.  Compare it to the Golem spawn you'll find at the Sleepy Dungeon maps especially where the map is indeed huge, but I would guess easily has 40-60 spawned on it.  This is the only map with only Dark Stone Golem on it (except 1 Fairy that spawns periodically).  Every other map with Dark Stone Golem is shared with other Golem types.  Would be nice to have more options for using Holy Arrow.

Suggestion: Increase total Dark Stone Golem mobs on the map [Golem Temple lll] from 4 to at least 10.  

Skeleton Soldier and Officer Skeleton at [Victoria Road: Camp 1] and [Victoria Road: Camp 2] and other surrounding areas:

The maps are just too big with not enough spawn.  Similar issues with Coolie Zombie.

Suggestion: Increase total Skeleton Soldier and Officer Skeleton spawn on the maps [Victoria Road: Camp 1] and [Victoria Road: Camp 2] by about 1.5-2 times.  

Soul Teddy and Master Soul Teddy at [Ludibrium: Forgotten Path of Time <1>]

Too big of a map and not enough spawn.

Suggestion: Increase Soul Teddy and Master Soul Teddy significantly.  Consider looking at other Forgotten Path of Time (2-4) maps and increasing spawn there too (I have not visited these maps so pardon me if these maps have already been adjusted).


*edited the map names for Skeleton Soldier and Officer Skeleton, had the wrong ones.

Edited by Neon
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id also recommend the undead mobs in-between coolies and death teddies get at least an exp buff along a spawn buff
To highlight just how much undead mobs after coolies suck until death teddies(and how much priests are shafted):
coolie:                  4.5k exp, 190 exp, .042 exp/hp(the higher the better)
skeleton soldier:  4.6k hp, 190 exp, .041 exp/hp
officer skeleton:   7.5k hp, 240 exp, .032 exp/hp
soul teddy:           7.6k hp, 245 exp, .032 exp/hp
master soul tedy:11k hp, 265 exp, .024 exp/hp
klock:                   15k hp, 270 exp , .018 exp/hp
dark klock:          18k hp, 370 exp .02 exp/hp
commander skeleton:15.3k hp, 315 exp , .02 exp/hp
saitie:                    13k hp, 265 exp, .02 exp/hp
Ghost Pirate:        30k hp, 1100 exp, .036 exp/hp  *
Dual Ghost Pirate:35k hp, 1500 exp, .043 exp/hp *
Death Teddy:       32k hp, 1300 exp , .04 exp/hp
Black Kentaurus: 37k hp, 1600 exp, .043 exp/hp
* : These mobs should have been counted as undead as per an approved suggestion here
It takes 28 levels of mobs to even get back to the exp efficiency of coolies, and by this point if a priest hasn't given up they are relying on heal exp and himes
Theres no reason that priests should be stuck at coolies until they can follow heal someone at himes, until they can follow heal at/kill skeles. its just shit game design.
(Just for extra salt, voodoos/hoodoos have 6.8k hp to 335 exp(.05 EXP/HP), which are available for THREE WEEKS OUT OF THE ENTIRE YEAR)
(Just for EVEN MORE salt, windraiders have 16k hp to 800 exp(ALSO .05 EXP/HP), and are available year round but are NOT UNDEAD)
Klocks are especially fucked because they also happen to deal around 800 damage, which is a LOT for a cleric around their level to expect to tank without hp gear.
AND ALTHOUGH there is an argument that a priest can spec into their attack skills(Shining Ray and Summon Dragon) first, Holy Symbol first is just way more stable in the long run as you can attract your own parties just by having HS, and for the deep ludi mobs you'll want some SP into Elemental Resistance to survive the magic attacks of the mobs.

I'd suggest AT MINIMUM that:
1)the exp/hp ratios of every mob in between(maybe excluding skeleton soldier and officer skeleton due to their drops) be raised to within 10% of the exp/hp ratio of coolies, and
2)even raise the hp/exp ratios of the deep ludi undead mobs(all average around .04 after klocks) to .05(himes have a .047 exp/hp ratio, which is absurd even with the nerfed spawn), and grims desperately need a massive spawn rate buff

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Manfroy made a lot of good points. However, I think priest game design is always going to be shit 3rd job on a low pop server. You will rarely have stable parties until 108 for skeles, and even then there are like 0 active warriors at skeles to pocket heal until you reach solo plat levels. Your solo grinding is free, but really inefficient exp wise until you reach himes. You have 0 flexibility in farming until at least your 140s. Not to be a downer but I just can't see myself recommending someone to play priest. Maybe if HS mules were banned things would change, but then the server would likely just die. 

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