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2020 Easter Event Guide


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9400510.png Celebrate Easter in peenix* 9400511.png 
** Event Period: 30th March 2020 ~ 17th April 2020 **
한국어 번역본은 아래에 있으니 게시글 밑의 comments란을 확인해주세요.




9010000.png Maple Administrator's Easter Basket (Level 8+):


Visit the Maple Administrator and she will be crafting one Easter Basket for you.
All you have to do is to give her the following items:
Tree Branch (04000003.png) x100 from Stumps.
Squishy Liquid (04000004.png) x100 from Slimes.
Red Ribbon (04031192.png) x1 from the Cash Shop (you will have to manually search for it there).
Once you have all the items, return to the Maple Administrator and she will give you:
1x Easter Basket (04031283.png) which is being used for the Mad Bunny's Gift quest and 800 EXP.
* This quest can be repeated once every 24 hours.

9200001.png Mad Bunny's Gift (Level 8-30 / Level 30+):


Pay a visit to the Mad Bunny with the Easter Basket from the Maple Administrator quest and Easter eggs.
If you are between levels 8 and 30 then you will need Yellow Easter Eggs (02022065.png) 10x from Yellow Eggy Popps.
You can find these mobs at random maps around Victoria Island but I recommend to hunt them at Henesys Hunting Ground II and The Rain-Forest East Of Henesys.
If you are above level 30 then you will need Green Easter Eggs (02022066.png) 10x from Green Eggy Popps
You can find these mobs at random maps around Victoria Island but I recommend to hunt them at Swampy Land In A Deep Forest.
Once you have all the items, return to the Mad Bunny and he will give you:
1x Easter Charm (04140903.png) which will last for 90 days and some EXP.
If you are between levels 8 and 30 then you will receive 3,100 EXP.
If you are above level 30 then you will receive 4,300 EXP.
The Easter Charm will work as a safety charm and will make you not to lose EXP after death (only once, not permanently soz).
* This quest can be repeated once every 24 hours.

9200001.png Golden Egg Rush (Level 8+):


Players who are level 8 and higher can enjoy some bonus EXP!
All you have to do is to collect 1x Golden Egg (04031284.png) which drops from the Eggy Popp monsters at a rare chance.
Once you have found a Golden Egg, return to the Mad Bunny and he will give you EXP ranging from 10 to 100,000!

NPC Locations:


Mad Bunny can be found in Henesys, Orbis, and Ludibrium.
Maple Administrator can be found almost in every town but the major towns are Henesys, Orbis, and Ludibrium.




Enjoy my guide, cuties!

Edited by radish
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9400510.png 부활절 이벤트 9400511.png 
** 이벤트 기간: 30일 3월 2020년 ~ 17일 4월 2020년 **




9010000.png Maple Administrator's Easter Basket (레벨 8 이상):


메이플 운영자(Maple Administrator)에게 가서 퀘스트를 완료하고 Easter Basket를 받으세요.
다음과 같은 아이템을 모아가면 됩니다.
Tree Branch (04000003.png) x100 from Stumps.
Squishy Liquid (04000004.png) x100 from Slimes.
Red Ribbon (04031192.png) x1 캐시샵에서 찾을 수 있습니다 (1메소).
모든 아이템을 모았다면 퀘스트를 완료하고 다음과 같은 보상을 받으세요:
1x Easter Basket (04031283.png) 퀘스트에 사용됩니다 + 800 EXP.
* 24시간마다 반복가능

9200001.png Mad Bunny's Gift (레벨 8-30 / 레벨 30이상):


메이플 운영자에게서 받은 Easter Basket을 가지고 Mad Bunny에게 가서 퀘스트를 받으세요.
레벨 8 - 30 일경우: 다음과 같은 아이템을 모아가세요 Yellow Easter Eggs (02022065.png) 10x from Yellow Eggy Popps.
빅토리아 아일랜드의 아무 맵에서나 Yellow Eggy Popps를 발견할 수 있지만, Henesys Hunting Ground II 과 The Rain-Forest East Of Henesys 에서 사냥하는 것을 추천합니다.
레벨 30 이상의 경우: 다음과 같은 아이템을 모아가세요 Green Easter Eggs (02022066.png) 10x from Green Eggy Popps
빅토리아 아일랜드의 아무 맵에서나 Green Eggy Popps를 발견할 수 있지만 Swampy Land In A Deep Forest 에서 사냥하는 것을 추천합니다.
모든 아이템을 모았다면 퀘스트를 완료하고 다음과 같은 보상을 받으세요:
1x Easter Charm (04140903.png) (유효기간: 90일) + EXP.
8~30레벨의 경우:  3,100 EXP.
30레벨 이상의 경우: 4,300 EXP.
Easter Charm은 Safety Charm(호신의 부적)과 같은 효과가 있고 죽었을때 경험치를 보존해줍니다 (1회용).
* 24시간마다 반복가능

9200001.png Golden Egg Rush (레벨 8 이상):


8레벨 이상이라면 추가적인 추가적인 EXP를 받아보세요!
Eggy Popp 에게서 낮은 확률로 드랍되는 Golden Egg (04031284.png) 1개를 모아가세요.
Golden Egg를 얻었다면 Mad Bunny에게 가서 돌려주고 10 to 100,000의 EXP를 얻으세요!

NPC Locations:


Mad Bunny는 헤네시스, 오르비스, 루디브리엄에 있습니다.
Maple Administrator는 대부분의 마을에서 찾을 수 있지만  헤네시스, 오르비스, 루디브리엄에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.




Credits to @Maru for the Korean translation.
Enjoy my guide, cuties!

Edited by radish
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