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Reduce mob damage for every mob from and past Dragon Forest


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I recently proposed a custom Leafre exchange quest: 

While I think this would be a great addition to the game and an interesting way to make Dragon Spirit and Dragon Scales more accessible, along with newer scrolls, it just wouldn't make up for the meso loss that any of the weaker classes would have to endure. Not unless the rewards are crazy - but we don't want that. The Leafre exchange is supposed to be a supplement, not a permanent solution.

As the title states, I'm proposing that all mob damage should be decreased from and past Dragon Forest (blue side of Leafre). These maps simply have mobs that deal too much damage, which require you to use a potion for every single time you get hit, unless you have a huge HP/MP pool or have meso guard. Hyper Body definitely helps and allows you to take 2 hits without dying (usually), but not everybody has HB available.

If this were to be done I suggest doing a -30% damage decrease on all mobs to start with and for this number to be adjusted accordingly from patch to patch until we find a sweet spot. Together with the Leafre exchange quest, I'm assuming that a -30% damage reduction would do all the weaker classes wonders.

We don't want Leafre to become too easy, but as it is right now, it's simply unsustainable without NLC potions. Please discuss and share your opinions about this and hopefully we will get a Leafre that is viable to all of us soon. The server needs something like this for players to come back and play.

Edited by Kradia
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22 hours ago, Kradia said:

If this were to be done I suggest doing a -30% damage decrease on all mobs to start with and for this number to be adjusted accordingly from patch to patch until we find a sweet spot. Together with the Leafre exchange quest, I'm assuming that a -30% damage reduction would do all the weaker classes wonders.

+1 for changes to be adjusted patch to patch just like the Heal Exp.


Edit : Can be added to Tespia to try it out

Edited by DannyAmeri
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I agree that reducing mob damage is most likely the best solution for the 'weaker class' issue in deep Leafre, however it shouldn't be nerfed to the point where these late 10x / 11x monsters are dealing as much as a Grim Phantom Watch or a Cold Shark (highest damage dealing monsters I can think of outside of Leafre) if an acceptable percentage can be found for each of the monsters then I am all for it. 


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I hate to say this but 30% won't make a difference for DK in deep leafre. It's just not enough to make it a viable spot for DK to train at. And I also don't see why we can't reduce the damage of monster in deep ludi aswell. Atm those spots are also completely unviable for DK. And I know it just seems like im crying cuz my job bad. But all I really want is to be able to enjoy doing the new content while it still being viable for me. Im not asking for it to be the best exp/mesos in the game.
And to try and justify my point I'll just give you some numbers.
Atm the cost for a DK at peak is around 3.5/h I just recenty tested this with kradia. my rates were around 6.6m/h while his rates are around 6.2m/h. Which would mean it'd take me 16.5 hours to be 1 hour ahead of him in exp. And it would cost me 57.75m. Basically im paying 57.75m for 6.6m exp. So in theory if I had a spot where I could grind 57.57m per hour. I could do that for 1 hour and then grind peak and at the end of it I'd come out with the same result as kradia (same exp gain and mesos cost over time the same amount of time spent). If grinding 57.75 in an hour sounds ridiculous then I think the current damage deep leafre monsters do should also be equally as ridiculous. Now cutting the cost by 30% making it 2.45m/h won't change the fact that it's still not viable. Something extreme would need to be done for DK's to be able to grind in leafre. Something like making Priest/DK viable or cutting the damage by 60+%. Or adding cheaper potions like NLC pots.
Personally I rather see no changes than changes that wouldn't do anything for the "weaker classes". The exchange idea is nice. It wouldnt make it viable for DK. 30% less damage is nice. But it won't make it viable for DK. These are just facts. This is also from the perspective of a lvl 158. It'll be even less viable for anyone lower level.
I guess basically what im trying to say is. A change like this won't help the "weaker classes" grind in deep leafre. They still won't be able to do it viably.
Same Idea with the exchange quest. It would have to be so profitable that it would be completely broken for it to make it viable for DK to grind there.
Now I could just stfu and go grind gobi forever. But im gonna be honest. Gobi are fucking stupid. They piss me off. The whole swimming thing is annoying them flying around is annoying. Them splitting up and acting weird depending  what ping my partner has is dumb. I also hear this shit like thats how they were in gms. Well they were buggy and stupid in gms aswell. This is a private server. Why can't we fix buggy shit that was in the main game. Because I do enjoy grinding at gobi when they don't fly to the moon when I destroy a house. But I also think it'd be nice if I had more options like deep leafre. 
I would like to add that when I say viable I don't mean I want it to be better than the old content. I just want it to be something I could consider doing.
Another argument I've heard is that it's just not a spot meant for DK. But this is only true because of a costume changes that Arnah has done. Removing NLC pots. Leafre 3rd job in itself is a costume thing. It was like this in some versions for a patch or 2 but it was never meant to be for 3rd job. So In essence it's a costume change. So why can't we have costume changes to make it viable aswell. I think NLC pots are kinda dumb but they did serve a purpose. And without them we have this problem. And the only real fix I see to this problem is to nerf the damage of monsters. But it has to be by a big amount. Or it won't do anything. No one that isn't already grinding in deep leafre will be grinding there after a 30% nerf. Some will probalby try but it's just not viable for the long term.

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19 minutes ago, Sandz said:

The exchange idea is nice. It wouldnt make it viable for DK. 30% less damage is nice. But it won't make it viable for DK. These are just facts. This is also from the perspective of a lvl 158. It'll be even less viable for anyone lower level.
I guess basically what im trying to say is. A change like this won't help the "weaker classes" grind in deep leafre. They still won't be able to do it viably.

While I agree, that on paper a -30% decrease isn't going to fix it I'm going to quote what I said in the opening post:

On 3/11/2021 at 10:56 AM, Kradia said:

If this were to be done I suggest doing a -30% damage decrease on all mobs to start with and for this number to be adjusted accordingly from patch to patch until we find a sweet spot

This number should be adjusted accordingly from patch to patch. Mob by mob to find what seems to work. Of course you'll need to set a baseline for, when you think people should be able to grind at deep Leafre. Will the baseline be level 120+ with HB, 130+ with HB, 140+ with HB or something else entirely?

I would argue that a -30% reduction in combination WITH the Leafre exchange that I have suggested might just do enough. It would depend on how rewarding the exchange quest is. Like I said in the opening post, Leafre exchange could just be a supplement. Something that helps with the sustain, but also to make Dragon Scales and Spirits more accessible.

Edited by Kradia
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The current cost is so extreme I don't even think a 70% reduction in damage will be enough for most people. Who would really pay 1-1.5m/h for a 10-20% increase in exp. And those are my numbers. It'll be even worse for every other DK. 30% isn't even near close to enough. The exchange quest would have to cover a lot of the cost. And I really don't think handing out that many pots to players is a good thing for the game. As I said already these changes will just benefit those who are already grinding those spots and not do anything for those that can't. And that will be the case unless something very drastic is changed. So either do nothing or make it viable for other classes to grind there.

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I as a Sader spend a bit less than you but my rates aren't even close to yours. I probably burn about 3m at peak but I don't even break 5m xp/hr. I can get close to 5m per hour without much pot usage in an optimized party if I abuse healing myself but it's more effort than it's worth and it still isn't as good as gobys. I don't see leafre being better than aqua for sader. Maybe I just chose the wrong class, who knows.

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