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Easy to Agree Suggestions


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1. Buff grims & other Deep Ludi content

With grims, making priest have more places to farm aside from himes, nostalgic reasons, also they drop CFA 10% which will always one of the, if not the most, desired scroll in the game

The rest of deep ludi content got outdated really fast, it fits that everything is a little better, even more if we plan on keep being a 3rd job server, people love this place

2. Raise NX per vote by at least 200 or more

This a cute fashion game, there's no reason why it should be so low, it helps retaining players that just want to dress up too

3. More events

We all like events, and chairs only avaiable in events ? Well, its a way to keep players together having fun. Some people dont care about events unless it has good rewards, then good rewards could be added

4. Buff OPQ

Noone does this PQ, have a reason to do it

5. Allow Omon in the FM

Why are Chalkboards allowed but not omok? People can just AFK annoying with notes, so its not to make players happy in the FM for sure


Proof that Arnah has a hard-on for GMS like instead of FUN

If its problematic in the future, disable it


The only one less agreeable is #1, the rest im pretty sure everyone is ok with it (even the people that dont really care about events wont care if there are some unless they are really butthurt. Im not talking about 2x exp/ 2x drops )

Edited by Requiem
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1. agree, really agree, but this what made DK PRIEST become broken when they split.
2. I can say I agree, 400 is super low, but dont forget the charms, so 1 charm every vote and not 2 charms every vote, so 400 is fine.
3. agree with more events, Arnah make a lot of events, but it's not like Player Events like X/O and monster investion.
4. OPQ don't need buff, 100K EXP per PQ is a lot, but its make you decide, PQ, or Grind.
5. Omok in FM... can be fun, but people will use it as a free chalkboards, so no.

This is my opinion. 🙂
Happy Mapling!

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hard agree with everything

2 hours ago, Requiem said:

3. More events

We all like events, and chairs only avaiable in events ? Well, its a way to keep players together having fun. Some people dont care about events unless it has good rewards, then good rewards could be added

4. Buff OPQ

Noone does this PQ, have a reason to do it

More Chairs - Suggestions - Phoenix (playphoenix.net)

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On 3/22/2021 at 8:30 PM, Emperor said:

4. OPQ don't need buff, 100K EXP per PQ is a lot, but its make you decide, PQ, or Grind.


good joke.

1) only 1 person out of the 6 in the pt will get the Boss exp and therefore somewhere around 100k exp per PQ. everyone else will probably get around 90k exp per run. If you are lower level (51-56) you are fucked even more because you dont even get most of the mobs leech exp that your pt's higher level members have killed.

2) most pq runs take about 25 mins avg when you take everything into account (including time spent in bonus, time spent doing mini-JQ to get out of OPQ, time taken to feed wonky, etc)..
it is very very rare (basically near impossible even with the pro-est of parties) that you get to do 3 pqs per hour @ less than 20 mins per run every single run... that means you will only be doing 2 runs per hour, so 200k+- exp for 1 person and 180k+- exp for the other 5 members. (you can even be really anal about it and assume you are in the first 10 mins of your 3rd run in the hour mark, the first 10 mins of OPQ are the earlier stages that dont even give that much exp, so your exp realistically is something like 200~240k exp/hour for 1 person and 180~220k exp/hour for the other 5 members...

Now go compare it with STDs solo where you can get about 280~300k exp/hour, and even more for coolie/fog parties with HS..
OPQ exp is a trash for the effort it requires, and the rewards are a joke as well. Do you see anyone muling OPQ for scrolls? Why even bother muling a longer and more tedious PQ..

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maybe we can:
- Reward 2 hours of 1.5x EXP coupon daily (expires in 7 hours) after completing 10 rounds of OPQ via the NPC.
- Completion counts resets every Server Time 00:00 and exchange is available only ONCE daily.

It becomes somewhat of a daily quest that players can do and facilitate more traffic to the dying land and deters players from abusing this system with their mules. Unless of course they are willing to bring 3 characters in and grind a total of 6hours on top of 10 rounds (approx 5hours of PQ) within the next 7 hours before expiry and before Server Time reset at 00:00. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've definitely re-evaluated my opinion of deep ludi recently, and the conclusion I arrived at is outside of vikings (+gigs) and death teddies, the spawn is just too sparse for the sprawl. I think bumping up the capacity for maps like MDT, Grims, even GP/DGP would go some distance in making it more bearable, plus party friendly. As for the lower level mobs (paths 1+2 of either side) they probably would need their exp jacked way up or their hp reduced significantly to make them even an option. Clocks and buffoons are such trash enemies it's amazing they were even put in the game. Even with the highly valuable drops either of them have no one is stupid enough to waste the time grinding on these maps at appropriate levels.

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22 hours ago, Bellocringe said:

As for the lower level mobs (paths 1+2 of either side) they probably would need their exp jacked way up or their hp reduced significantly to make them even an option. Clocks and buffoons are such trash enemies it's amazing they were even put in the game. Even with the highly valuable drops either of them have no one is stupid enough to waste the time grinding on these maps at appropriate levels.

+1, I'd like to see a higher and reasonable exp/hp ratio (taking into account the drops, can someone do a some exp/hp ratios across the board for similar monsters/training maps) as well as improving mobility in larger ludi maps



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/25/2021 at 7:06 AM, Arnah said:

What kind of buff to deep ludi?

spesifically in grims, you have 2 good strats for training there as i see it:

1) you duo priest+dk and go clockwise\counter-clockwise - this is good for both especially if priest is lower level.
they will have decent spawn each platform they revisit (around 2 or 3 mobs on platforms and 5-6 in bottom floor) but travel time will make exp\ph kinda low and it wont compete with himes ofc.

2) you make a big party 5\6 man and each take a section of the map, this will be good to cut-down travel times but in this case spawn will be bad (we tested this, left and right platforms has mostly 1 grim spwning sometimes 2.. and top platform is the same, bottom platforms has more and bottom floor has the most
the test was not great but its feels like its really hard to pass 2m per hour over there, i think it should be offering 2x more then that to be good enough reson to orginize big parties (lets take gobies for example, good parties get over 4m there)

so my suggestion is to buff spawn according to how many active players are in the map.
i was thinking something like this:
2 players = 1x25 spawn
3 players = 1.5x spawn
4 players = 1.75x spawn 
5 players = 2x spawn
6 players = 2x spawn + 1 or 2 more grims on bottom floor

if its not possiable then just add 1 more grim to spawn in each platform and 2 grims more in bottom floor
this means every green section gets 2 more grims to spawn

i dont think this will be as good as himes for dk+priest but it will be a viable alternative.
also now that you cant take leafre buff to mushroom shrine it will be even more of a reson to go for this option.

Edited by RickSenchez
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