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Phoenix Buff's and Nerf's as of currently


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1. Heal Exp (1exp)
2. Rush OPQ
3. Onyx Apple
4. Heartstoppers
5. Maple Shield
6. Green Mittens
7. Himes Map
8. 94th
9. Newties Map
10. Subani's Legacy Quest
11. Lost! and ReVersa!
12. NLC Pots (removed)
13. Sorcerer, Barbarian Elixir, Grilled Cheese, Cherry Pie, Supreme Pizza, Waffles have had their price adjusted.
14. LMPQ (disabled)

15. Leafre's Rock Buff (Accuracy)
16. Anti Leech
17. Dark Scrolls (disabled)

18. A mob killed doesn't account for 2 quests.
19. Gachapon (disabled)
20. Wolf Spider's ilbi droprate nerfed
21. Dual Birk's ilbi droprate nerfed


1. Heal Exp (More Bonus Heal Exp)
2. Leafre's Rock Buff (v0.51 instead of later versions)
3. Leafre's Rock Buff (Magic)
4. Ludibrium Cape
5. Cursayer (Added to Bain's Drop)
6. OPQ Exp Reduction (Removed)
7. NX Stores/ Owls (NX Reduced)

TBA. Leafre's Pot Drop Buff
TBA. Pianus's Cape Buff
TBA. Party Exp Bonus Buff (3 or more participants)

Roughly Nerfs to Buff is   1:3
Element of the Buffs/Nerfs will be the speed of our leveling/progression as the version increases.


The point I'm trying to make is, since there are so many nerfs, there should be more buffs to the weaker aspects (eg. Maps/Items) of the game.
As majority of the time, buffs(no matter how small is it) to the weaker aspects has a more enjoyable/positive effect than nerfing the stronger ones. (I might be wrong on this one)
Unless Arnah is currently pulling the good ol' nerfing the content/QOL so that buffs can come by easier in the future.

So far I don't think majority of the community deem these makes it a more enjoyable experience. 
I'm also writing this knowing that Arnah doesn't really care about the community's experience, so.. I hope this serves as a better Perspective.


Edited by DannyAmeri
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I think you forgot a few buffs such as Ibli's drop rate from Wolf Spiders being increased and the experience reduction after completing OPQ being removed.

That said, I don't think nerfs/buffs have to be 1:1 so long as it makes/keeps more of the currently available content relevant if not viable.

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42 minutes ago, CattleRage said:

Ibli's drop rate from Wolf Spiders

Wouldn't really count this since its a buff on a nerf I did. It's still lower than original


Green Mitten is because I didn't want a 6 slot glove which would be BIS to be only obtainable from an event. I plan to reverse this nerf whenever gloves get more slots.

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51 minutes ago, Arnah said:

Green Mitten is because I didn't want a 6 slot glove which would be BIS to be only obtainable from an event. I plan to reverse this nerf whenever gloves get more slots.

Understood, but IMO I don't really mind the nerfs (including the Green Mittens) as long as there are buffs that comes into play in other aspects you feel?

1 hour ago, CattleRage said:

the experience reduction after completing OPQ being removed.

Added that in thanks! 🙂

1 hour ago, CattleRage said:

That said, I don't think nerfs/buffs have to be 1:1 so long as it makes/keeps more of the currently available content relevant if not viable.

Yes I agree that nerfs/buffs need not be 1:1. However, lets take for instance regarding custom changes for training spots, 3 of the training spots have been nerfed, shouldn't at least 1-3 of the training spots be buffed to have a better chance of giving a more enjoyable experience for the majority of the community?





Edited by DannyAmeri
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This thread is really, really stupid.

Many of the listed things are not even comparable so you can't even draw a ratio for it LOL

4 hours ago, DannyAmeri said:

14. LMPQ (disabled)
15. Pirate PQ (disabled)

Nerfing is making something that is already in the game worse. How is this a nerf when it wasn't introduced to Phoenix in the first place? If something hasn't been released it doesn't count for a nerf, it counts as the content not being released.

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On 4/15/2021 at 6:03 PM, Kradia said:

Many of the listed things are not even comparable so you can't even draw a ratio for it LOL

Yes, I agree, thats why I stated this point.

On 4/15/2021 at 1:28 PM, DannyAmeri said:

The point I'm trying to make is, since there are so many nerfs, there should be more buffs to the weaker aspects (eg. Maps/Items) of the game.
As majority of the time, buffs(no matter how small is it) to the weaker aspects has a more enjoyable/positive effect than nerfing the stronger ones.
Unless Arnah is currently pulling the good ol' nerfing the content/QOL so that buffs can come by easier in the future.



On 4/15/2021 at 6:03 PM, Kradia said:

Nerfing is making something that is already in the game worse. How is this a nerf when it wasn't introduced to Phoenix in the first place? If something hasn't been released it doesn't count for a nerf, it counts as the content not being released.

Hmm.. Maybe I should remove PPQ. For LMPQ, I think it should already be in the game since it's stated in custom changes that it is "disabled". Since LMPQ allow players to progress slightly faster in terms of getting EXP most of the time, I would take it as it as a nerf since it's being disabled while it should be in the game already as of v0.53. (Unless I'm wrong that LMPQ is not release by v0.53) Element of the Nerf will be the speed of our leveling/progression.

For example, if lv90 weapons were not released at all as of current version, I would deem this as a nerf too as it slows down our progress.



On 4/15/2021 at 6:03 PM, Kradia said:

This thread is really, really stupid.


edit : element of nerf

Edited by DannyAmeri
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sick post ❤️

Also arnah didnt add 64 anniversary weapons or 4th job, probably others that i forgot too

We could also talk about things like pet loot being for mesos as a buff (or a nerf, now you have to spend mesos instead of just with NX, which could have been solved with lowering the price of them or rising the NX per vote) (Also we dont have auto HP, idk if it should be here already, but its something i REALLY dont want)


Rush OPQ was nuts, but it should have been compensated to make OPQ worth (better scrolls, more scrolls, more chance?)

The idea of Onyx apple and other shit so nerfed should have been to make crusader not obsolete in mind, yet leafre buff was added and can be abused to farm at low level in Victoria Island with the seed portal, so it makes rage obsolete in Vic Island and Leafre content

94 is an issue on how mobs spawn instead of having to move around the map, being able to afk in one map, idk if i would call it "nerf" when it shouldnt have been possible in the first place, OP af place 😞

The ludibrium cape is a really fucking good idea that shows that Arnah is open to do custom stuff, yet no more of these have been done. ????

NX stores/Owl idk if i would call it a buff when it all depends on how the server handles the nx and how much they give each vote

Also anti-leech even tho its a nerf, I would call it something positive in some way


Like you guys said, its hard to calatog things into buffs and nerfs because of the pros and cons of each thing added or not (tho its pretty obvious arnah tends to nerf more than buff if we could say it like that)


Another issues to add from my pov, but since we touched the "Lets make the game a more enjoyable experience" i think i should add a few:

Gachapon, not added either. it deserves its own separate thread on how it should be added if anything

Low NX per vote. Self explanatory, like the shop pricing, its something enjoyable. You can just change the shop price to higher so its the same ratio, but we can buy more cute items. And few reasons to vote

1x rates/population. I dont think exp rates need to be changed, but real GMS had 2x cards + 2x events + 100x more players than a private server will ever have. Hardcore players were used to 2x exp instead of 1x, but also events (wink wink). Less gear + that, implies that how strong players are in terms of gear is, on average, lower. Not only that but we dont have PaC, lv 64 weps, maybe BWGS wont come either etc. I think some things should be done with that in mind, if not adding those items, rising scroll droprate or something (?).

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On 4/17/2021 at 5:01 PM, Requiem said:

94 is an issue on how mobs spawn instead of having to move around the map, being able to afk in one map, idk if i would call it "nerf" when it shouldnt have been possible in the first place, OP af place 😞

True, its kinda OP. They key element I'm using in this thread is our "Progression" (Be it Leveling/Mesos/Gears wise). Thus when 94th was nerfed by reducing mobs in the map > reduces exp gained > slows down our progression. = Nerf

On 4/17/2021 at 5:01 PM, Requiem said:

Like you guys said, its hard to calatog things into buffs and nerfs because of the pros and cons of each thing added or not (tho its pretty obvious arnah tends to nerf more than buff if we could say it like that)

Yes, I agree not all the factors of Buffs and Nerfs can be comparable directly. However, I hope this thread serves as a better perspective.
Because, by looking at this trend, whatever upcoming features that Improves QOL might be nerfed in the future. kinda sadge.
Tho I have to say there's a handful of players that like these changes, but will they keep playing if the server goes back to 5 - 15 players online? Very unlikely, but they might. So is that what Arnah's Goal is? Not sure.

Edited by DannyAmeri
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