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Add Back The Accuracy on Congrats by GM Buff


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The accuracy was removed from Congrats by GM a few patches ago. This completely ruined the buff for warriors, which is now one of the classes that suffer most in Leafre.

The buff gives weapon attack, magic attack, avoidability, weapon defense and magic defense. Unfortunately, because warriors rely on bless, all stats except weapon attack and magic attack are overwritten by bless, making warriors the only class benefit from the buff much less than any other class.

I personally think the vanilla +50 accuracy was completely fine. This gives them just enough accuracy so they can hit all mobs in Leafre, without altering their stats. But even a +20 accuracy increase would be enough, just so they won't have to rely on bless and have it overwrite every other stat.

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from my experience,  if i have to bless a warrior then i take more damage and get less misses. sometimes thats just enough to make the training spot not viable for me.. (classic case is skelegons, also in dragon forest if i bless i can take 1 less hit before i have to heal -> affects overall dmg)


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