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Everything posted by manfroy

  1. starting from halloween patch i have been consistently unable to play the game when my second monitor is plugged in, crashes result from invalid pointer or missing %1, %d. The game will play fine maybe 1 in 30 tries. even when the monitor is disconnected it will occur about 1 in 20 times. drivers are all up to date, using nvidia gpu and amd cpu. idk it makes no sense. game will also stutter loading stuff as well edit: now it also my installation is fine, i even tried with other people's installations and same issues occur
  2. bump
  3. bump with edits
  4. bump
  5. Sometime around 2 weeks ago the quick slot on my cb disappeared while transferring in and out of the cash shop. This is what it looks like now, and the quick slot cannot be put back up. The even worse thing is it only affects this character, others are unaffected. When opening the game on the non-stretched UI option, it is possible to toggle the quick slot on my cb, such as below where it is shown at login. However, restarting the client and relogging with the stretched UI does not show the quick slot. Is there anything i can do about this
  6. manfroy


    if multiple people(i.e 2 or 3) in the same household wanted to play the server at the same time, would you need to preapprove that?
  7. there is a certain amoria quest for MARRIED pirates only that has a possibility of rewarding an eye accessory for accuracy 60%. this is the only way to obtain the scroll outside of gach without any custom changes. i propose to add eye accessory scrolls for accuracy and int to a variety of mobs since the 60% accuracy scroll is obtainable anyway. the quest in question: https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/75/quest/28102
  8. isnt this LITERALLY kishin but with more steps
  9. nlc pot this nlc pot that, why the hell has arnah not tried just reducing the purchase costs of npc potions by a significant margin, like .6-.7 meso per hp healed instead of the vanilla approximate cost of 1.1 meso to 1 hp.an example would be the red potion going from 50 meso per to 30 or 35 meso per potion. It seems like a small change, but it saves a significant amount of meso in the long term. something similar can be done for mp potions too, but this feels less neccessary, especially when mages already rely on elixirs to train. nlc pots are a literal band-aid fix that goes TOO far aside from honsters and mana bulls imo . def not a popular opinion but nlc potions are basically BiS, you literally use nothing else once you can afford them. let elixirs and power elixirs remain as the "BiS" healing potion for classes with extremely large hp and mp pools, while letting the lower level potions be affordable and usable for characters with more modest hp/mp pools. de-valuing elixirs/ powers would also remove a not insignificant meso sink.
  10. why not?
  11. +1 enable duey pl0x it will finally be able to be used for its intended purpose
  12. With the removal of multiclienting, gpq becomes more difficult to complete. In Guild PQ, there is a stage that can only be completed by a character under level 30. https://bbb.hidden-street.net/stage-4 Hole 3 in particular enforces this requirement. At no other point in the pq is a low-level character required. All parties would have to have unique players, so it forces someone to use a lv30 gpq mule/alt rather than their main. In addition, the under lv30 character is often used as a sacrifice right outside of the boss room and so cannot contribute to killing the boss. These two factors make gpq runs arbitrarily tedious. My suggestion is simple: just remove the level restriction in stage 4 so anyone of any level can complete the stage.
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  13. +1
  14. I mean to be fair , any single person has a reason to camp certain exchanges for months on end due to the weapon 30%s already confirmed from the exchange. it's not really an issue if he wants to camp a specific scroll to farm, it's like farming fire tusks for claw att 30 earring int 30 is not anywhere near as impactful as earring dex 30 or earring luk 30, but I have no idea where that would even go
  15. +1 at least remove the i-frame on it too
  16. elemental strong doesnt really make much sense considering how steep the damage penalty is, that's like a hermit dealing 50% less damage to nest golems because they resist projectile attacks
  17. this would also indirectly make crow harder to kill, +1, the drop rates should also be reverted because it doesnt really make sense that they are nerfed while all leafre mobs have normal drop rate.
  18. Extra D, Paper Lantern Ghost, Kappas, and Himes are only shrine/showa exclusive mobs that DO NOT have an exchange, with all other showa mobs having an exchangeable etc. With how many mobs that do have an exchange it seems weird that these three are left out. What scrolls go into these exchanges dont have to be publicly known, but it would be great just to have an exchange for those mobs. Here are some ideas for top exchange prizes: Extra D : Stone shield(perhaps with nerfed hp), Yellow Work Gloves, overall str 30%, bottomwear dex 70%, gloves for magic att 30% Paper Lantern Ghost: Raccoon Mask/white raccoon mask, helmet for hp 70%, dagger for att 30% Kappa: Bamboo Spear, bow for att 30%, gloves for hp 30% Hime: Fan, Sake bottle, Wand for att 30%, bottomwear for hp 70% (While Himes also do not have an exchange, I do not know if suggesting that is even a good idea as they already have somewhat decent drops, but farming that many etc to potentially get the scrolls would take a rather long time and rely on people killing black crow regularly, so maybe that balances it? /shrug.) This is just an idea of what could be in there, but feel free to suggest things Potions and arrows can be mirrored to match other exchanges
  19. Suggestion is the title,give them the quest item tag so they dont drop randomly These three items are only used for a quest, yet they do not have the quest item tag (they have the one-of-a-kind and untradable item flags instead). This is only a huge problem for homunculus as they drop the Magic Stone of Honesty like hotcakes. They are used specifically in this questline: https://bbb.hidden-street.net/quest/mu-lung-nihal-desert/dr-de-langs-notes
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