1 Handed warriors could really use a buff, and while shield att is good for them, that would just make dits even stronger. shield STR is prob the only scroll that i think arnah would not have too much of a problem adding at all(if he even considers this)
shield dex im not too sure about, it would have to also give accuracy so warriors would even bother using it(same amount glove dex gives), and it just straight up gives dits an easier time equipping higher level weapons
shield luk, well, idk if any mages would go luk because lama staff exists even if they had the option to get luk gear. dits win again with this as well cause primary stat.
tldr any of the 3 shield scrolls proposed would benefit dits the most in some way KEKW
shield for magic att was already op, but shield int would still be really good. i dont see mages ever using shield luk (aside from f/p) so to have a shield scrolling option besides hp they should have it