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Everything posted by DannyAmeri

  1. Very interesting suggestion. Adding teleports to increase EPH for deep ludi. +1 +1 to all buffs.
  2. Deep Ludi Exchange Other Suggestions
  3. Yes you are right regarding problem with the balance between classes. However, balancing issue in Phoenix won't be done in the near future. By disabling multi client atm won't help with bringing in more players. Players more often benefit from multi clienting than not. Also to quote your first post, even with HS Mule we don't do solo parties (except for the F/P), we still grind in duos or trios. We don't solo that often as duo/trios gives more eph. Why aren't you playing one then? Now to me, not making buff mules or disliking buff mules sounds like a personal problem. The last time someone made this post was a lv12X priest. (Not saying that only priest mains can make these posts but it sure does give more credibility) If multi clienting were to be disabled right now, there'll be lack of HS Parties. Also I'll say it again, you're just a lv66 i/l, try grinding in parties at lv10X with and without HS you'll see the importance of HS Mule. Unless you're like the phoenix OGs that made to lvl13X~14X without a constant HS Party. Last but not least, this is a hardcore 1x server, by removing multi clienting is a NERF, QOL has not been improving lately and here you want multi client to be disabled. At this current point Phoenix, disabling multi client does not bring in more players. (and phoenix has been up 2years, more people will quit than play if mules are banned) Check out these suggestions that have been made that is similar to your topic.
  4. Vanilla Priests are boring. There's a whole lot of Priest mains in Phoenix that quit/turn mules because Vanilla Priest is hella boring and the training spots are limited. If Buff mules are banned, would you prefer to grind without HS at level 10X and above? Banning buff mules does not encourage more priest mains. Doesn't mean it should be banned if you're lazy to make one. If your concern is to bring in more players, banning buff mules now its definitely not the way (it's too late anyways). There're a whole lot of QOLs improvements and other Buffs that can be done. You're a lv66 i/l, with Buff Mules available, you can easily find a FOG party or a STDs duo with HS thus allowing yourself to progress faster. Try reaching gaining another 20 to 30 more levels by training with and without a hs party you'll see the importance of HS Mule. And I'll like to highlight this again, banning buff mules does not encourage more priest mains.
  5. Have you tried @dispose or relogging? Winston's Quest be having problems all the time. smh
  6. Sure. 🙂
  7. It will be reasonable when Party Bonus Exp Buff is implemented, thus you can't exploit it by adding more leechers.
  8. True, its kinda OP. They key element I'm using in this thread is our "Progression" (Be it Leveling/Mesos/Gears wise). Thus when 94th was nerfed by reducing mobs in the map > reduces exp gained > slows down our progression. = Nerf Yes, I agree not all the factors of Buffs and Nerfs can be comparable directly. However, I hope this thread serves as a better perspective. Because, by looking at this trend, whatever upcoming features that Improves QOL might be nerfed in the future. kinda sadge. Tho I have to say there's a handful of players that like these changes, but will they keep playing if the server goes back to 5 - 15 players online? Very unlikely, but they might. So is that what Arnah's Goal is? Not sure.
  9. I agree Down Jump is kinda silly, kinda buff all classes without Teleport, which means somehow nerfing Mage's Teleport. Was thinking of a way to improve on QOL since Nexon's intention to add Down Jump is to improve QOL. (My bad, downjump was not added in v54, but was added into the skill.wz) Edit : I take back my words regarding Down Jump, we need more QOL improvements.. Thank you.
  10. Currently playing actively, no intention to leave. I think Phoenix is in good shape, totally enjoying it atm. Why? 1. Custom Changes. (Nerfs/Buffs etc.) Since we're a "3rd Job (Hardcore) 1x exp Server", we've custom changes to attempt to make a more enjoyable experience. As we can see a good handful of us are enjoying much more now than before. 2. Communication Good & clear cut communication between GM and the Players. 3. Anti-Library/Resources Leak Type Beat I personally enjoy this sort of server whereby everything is kept in the dark, thus allowing our themed classes "Explorers" to literally explore the "Phoenix World" all over again to feed my nostalgia. Personally, I think ShaBOT/bbb/wayback are ruining our player experience and should be all removed.
  11. Tbh arnah said yes to several suggestions, its all still on To-do list.
  12. if down jump is not added, plus include speed while climbing ropes.
  13. Should have done it to Maple EQs , Nocturnal Staff & Sauna Robes. Not sure how the community likes (those that doesn't likes it may not even be playing anymore) it but I certainly don't mind the implementation of the new items as it doesn't really change the "End Game" for now. Game will still be as hardcore tho. Lets see whether Arnah wanna spice things up, if not.. Custom Changes.. seems to be not improving QOL much, has been decreasing ever since. (not really enjoyable :pepehands:)
  14. 1. Yes, I agree, thats why I stated this point. 2. Hmm.. Maybe I should remove PPQ. For LMPQ, I think it should already be in the game since it's stated in custom changes that it is "disabled". Since LMPQ allow players to progress slightly faster in terms of getting EXP most of the time, I would take it as it as a nerf since it's being disabled while it should be in the game already as of v0.53. (Unless I'm wrong that LMPQ is not release by v0.53) Element of the Nerf will be the speed of our leveling/progression. For example, if lv90 weapons were not released at all as of current version, I would deem this as a nerf too as it slows down our progress. 3. ok. edit : element of nerf
  15. Understood, but IMO I don't really mind the nerfs (including the Green Mittens) as long as there are buffs that comes into play in other aspects you feel? Added that in thanks! 🙂 Yes I agree that nerfs/buffs need not be 1:1. However, lets take for instance regarding custom changes for training spots, 3 of the training spots have been nerfed, shouldn't at least 1-3 of the training spots be buffed to have a better chance of giving a more enjoyable experience for the majority of the community?
  16. Nerfs 1. Heal Exp (1exp) 2. Rush OPQ 3. Onyx Apple 4. Heartstoppers 5. Maple Shield 6. Green Mittens 7. Himes Map 8. 94th 9. Newties Map 10. Subani's Legacy Quest 11. Lost! and ReVersa! 12. NLC Pots (removed) 13. Sorcerer, Barbarian Elixir, Grilled Cheese, Cherry Pie, Supreme Pizza, Waffles have had their price adjusted. 14. LMPQ (disabled) 15. Leafre's Rock Buff (Accuracy) 16. Anti Leech 17. Dark Scrolls (disabled) 18. A mob killed doesn't account for 2 quests. 19. Gachapon (disabled) 20. Wolf Spider's ilbi droprate nerfed 21. Dual Birk's ilbi droprate nerfed Buffs 1. Heal Exp (More Bonus Heal Exp) 2. Leafre's Rock Buff (v0.51 instead of later versions) 3. Leafre's Rock Buff (Magic) 4. Ludibrium Cape 5. Cursayer (Added to Bain's Drop) 6. OPQ Exp Reduction (Removed) 7. NX Stores/ Owls (NX Reduced) TBA. Leafre's Pot Drop Buff TBA. Pianus's Cape Buff TBA. Party Exp Bonus Buff (3 or more participants) Roughly Nerfs to Buff is 1:3 Element of the Buffs/Nerfs will be the speed of our leveling/progression as the version increases. The point I'm trying to make is, since there are so many nerfs, there should be more buffs to the weaker aspects (eg. Maps/Items) of the game. As majority of the time, buffs(no matter how small is it) to the weaker aspects has a more enjoyable/positive effect than nerfing the stronger ones. (I might be wrong on this one) Unless Arnah is currently pulling the good ol' nerfing the content/QOL so that buffs can come by easier in the future. So far I don't think majority of the community deem these makes it a more enjoyable experience. I'm also writing this knowing that Arnah doesn't really care about the community's experience, so.. I hope this serves as a better Perspective.
  17. Honestly, I do not mind a buff to Axes/Blunt & Str Bandit, but it seems like its not happening in Phoenix. :pepehands:
  18. Make bathrobes higher lv requirement. already stated in post. Brown Work Gloves if its reduced to 5slots just remove it Black Umbrella Normal luk mage has been obselete (except for fp) since the release of lama/nocturnal staff, majority of those that went normal luk has full knowledge that they are weaker but they prefer the aesthetics. Like what manfroy said, it's only useable for priest thus its more of an encouragement for more priest players. I'm kinda fine with this powercreep, as it makes priest stronger. (buff to non dk/hermit class) Liu Bei Dagger I'm kinda fine with this powercreep, as it makes bandit stronger. (buff to non dk/hermit class) Diamond Dagger I'm kinda fine with this powercreep, as it makes bandit stronger. (buff to non dk/hermit class) Yellow Snowshoes Reduce to 5slots its fine i guess. Plastic Bottle I'm kinda fine with this powercreep, as it makes bandit stronger. (buff to non dk/hermit class) Fan I'm kinda fine with this powercreep, as it makes bandit stronger. (buff to non dk/hermit class) Paintbrush I'm kinda fine with this powercreep, as it makes mage stronger. (buff to non dk/hermit class) I think all these new eqs will make the showa exciting, removing or nerfing them makes it's boring i feel, 0 fun. (same ol shit if its nerf to the core) if all the new items and eqs are gonna be nerfed again and again (not as OP as SC/FS/PACs), we should have just stopped at Leafre and not release showa. Edit : my opinion of the new showa items. Edit : as comparable to Stormcasters/Facestompers/PAC etc.
  19. +1 It's a buff to non DK/Hermit class. If this is Fast(5) speed implemented to lv90 and 100 swords, I believe similar changes should be added to lv90 and 100 Bows/Crossbow as well.
  20. +1 (It's a major buff to priest, we need more priest) more reasons to do pianus. pianus/pap is kinda dead nowadays. (slightly more bossing content has more pros than cons)
  21. Thanks.
  22. Use an accuracy calculator.
  23. True.
  24. Check your monitor's resolution. Make sure it's the same ratio.
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