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why people leave =  Anti leech system  and  not vanilla drop rate  

the only chance for people to come back

so we have to fix the wrong patch and wrong drop probability needs to be corrected.

also, correcting what`s wrong can earn people trust.

finally, this is your chance to revive your server





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we were buff mule player but The anti-lech system is interrupting party grind. It's also affected by kpq 

It doesn't make sense that you have to hit the party member's mob to get the party experience

It will not be easy to activate party hunting in such limited Maple

It is contradictory to block heal exp from the first. Using hpmule was one of strategy.


im opman


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Currently playing actively, no intention to leave. I think Phoenix is in good shape, totally enjoying it atm.

1. Custom Changes. (Nerfs/Buffs etc.)
Since we're a "3rd Job (Hardcore) 1x exp Server", we've custom changes to attempt to make a more enjoyable experience. As we can see a good handful of us are enjoying much more now than before.

2. Communication
Good & clear cut communication between GM and the Players.

3. Anti-Library/Resources Leak Type Beat
I personally enjoy this sort of server whereby everything is kept in the dark, thus allowing our themed classes "Explorers" to literally explore the "Phoenix World" all over again to feed my nostalgia.  Personally, I think ShaBOT/bbb/wayback are ruining our player experience and should be all removed. 


Edited by DannyAmeri
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Currently (reasonably) active with no intention of abandoning.

I enjoy ironman mode, it takes away the worry about efficiency that relies on things like other players and mules and funding.

Arnah is an equitable GM that resolves player issues in a timely manner and has no history of abusing his power. The hands-off approach works the vast majority of the time rather than being involved in everyone's business. Only feedback would be to engage the playerbase a little bit more regularly and work on plans to draw in and retain new players since the social aspect of the game is the most fun part, not hitting the mushroom with big numbers.

I enjoy the oldschool vibe, but question some of the bad changes that Nexon made long ago that still made it into the game today, despite there being an obvious effort to curb undesirable content that doesn't align with the server's vision from making it to the game. I don't mind that garbage content like gachapon,  lmpq or nlc pots or 3rd tier maple weapons have been nixed from the game, but why is mapletv and its associated landscape changes here, and why do strong event mobs overrun new player training grounds? Some content seems like obvious exclusion-worthy stuff, but makes it  anyway.

In any case I have hope that some root cause issues will be addressed to make the state of the game better. Player retention and incentives to actively play priest at high levels are my personal top two concerns, which at least the latter has had taken steps for.

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Currently: Playing right now but work is starting so eventually quitting.
IGN: opman

(+) Vanilla 1x rates
Are fine and challenging enough and that's fine.

(+) Future/Current Bosses
I think adding more bosses to the game is cool and I'm neutral on it. But rebalancing them will take a chunk of time, especially Pink Bean (as stated in possible plans).

(-) Anti-leech is a joke right now
Poorly developed anti-leeching is literally a slap to the face to players with high leveled mains turned into buff mules (within -5 monster/player lvl range) that are able to leech the map's monster exp before the system was introduced. Right now, even if buff mules cannot leech exp, it would still lower the overall party's exp and i think its just unreasonable. Sure we can invite/ expel (good luck expelling/ inviting 2 mules) or place buff mules in cash shop or other channels but it'd affect the other players mob aggro and not all map have an appropriate/safe spot when exiting cash shop/ channels. Mules/Afk players should not be able to leech exp and should not reduce overall party's exp when in same map. A good example for a proper anti-leech system is O_M.

(-) Low population /activity /pq:
Having a reasonable game balance is good but at the same time pointless for admin to dedicate so much time to it when the game lacks in other areas. Not all players actually care about changes /custom changes. Maybe a more 'balanced' and strategic approach to the server is by combining both game and marketing/promotional efforts and considering alternatives. Taking a step back and pausing content expansion/ switch from 1 to 3 months per update or more may aid in more time allocation for admin to review the server and plan for appropriate next steps. With the help of an influx of new players, it'd definitely help the gear progression aspect for the server as a whole, leading to a more enjoyable, efficient and faster killing speed especially in grinds for the whole lot.

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2 minutes ago, opman said:

Right now, even if buff mules cannot leech exp, it would still lower the overall party's exp and i think its just unreasonable.

It will be reasonable when Party Bonus Exp Buff is implemented, thus you can't exploit it by adding more leechers.

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On 4/20/2021 at 6:49 PM, DannyAmeri said:

It will be reasonable when Party Bonus Exp Buff is implemented, thus you can't exploit it by adding more leechers.

Current Anti leech system:

On 1/17/2021 at 3:42 PM, Arnah said:

Players determined afk by this system will not contribute to total member count for Holy Symbol and Party Exp Bonus but will count towards the parties total level which is used for party exp split.

yea i know that but as of right now, the anti-leech should've been rolled out together with the party buffed bonuses not part 1 then part 2 and since Party Bonus exp is reasonable to apply to active grinders and not counting afkers as part of the bonus.

"but will count towards the parties total level which is used for party exp split"
- hence currently leechable lvl afked party members r lowering overall party exp between active members. (active members exp are still being split with leechable afk member but the member do not receive exp)

numeric perspective/ assumption (figures are for illustrative purposes only):
* 3 man party
- exp received by each active grinders if all party members are active = 80

* 2 man party
- exp received by each active grinders if all party members are active = 100

* If 1 member afk/ fail anti-leech check in a 3 man party
- exp received by each active grinders if 1 member is afk n anti leeching applied = 60
- 2 active players duo distribution rate should be 80 (as above) but instead is now 60, 20 exp lost to each active player.

(exp: split and hs bonus exp, all inclusive)

After discussing with some players, their main doubt is:
When leechable leveled afk players are in same map and the portion (20 in this case) of exp that the active grinders do not receive, will the 'future exp bonus buff' be sufficient or if not at least replace the exp (20) lost back to the active grinders, assuming an active 3 man party size theoretically supposed to be a 2 man party size now. Considering muling is a thing here, having mules should not be penalized (now getting 60 exp) and affect active players from at least achieving the aforementioned 100 exp or the exp previously before the implementation of the anti leech system.

I feel the easier and less problematic way for the anti-leech check system is to 1. Should party member(s) fail anti-leech check, then system's recognition of party size count should only count the active exp produced/ damage dealt by players and 2. split exp and party exp bonuses accordingly with active party member(s) only.

This way, we're taking out 1 issue/variable, the afk players out of the equation when attempting to recalibrate an appropriate party bonuses % in the future. Rather than complicating matters by having exp being lost and recompensated back by a new bonus exp %, simplifying the basis of "how we distribute exp" may be an less problematic approach and we'll still be rewarding active players and encouraging larger sized party plays (via the party exp bonus buff system to come).
I feel we need to communicate better, if at all, some specifics such as: will the future buff to 'party bonus exp' compensate back the active grinders lost exp when someone at leechable level goes afk in the party.

Edited by opman
added numeric example
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Currently: back again casually 

IGN: Rykbi


A lot of the people I became friends with along the way quit, and the end-game experience as a 3rd job priest was very mundane even with Leafre being released. I maxed out my dragon ability, SR, and dispel leaving pretty unexciting skills left to look forwards to. I would pretty much be leveling ER and door at this point but the time investment required isn't worth it to me.

Making new characters did not rekindle my desire to play for long; even playing MG2 for a month it got repetitive pretty quickly. There seems to be a very small window where people need a priest to level optimally, and that was very frustrating as well. I probably would grind a little here and there if the spots I want to grind didn't almost 1 shot; its kind of hard to afk train for me. 

I enjoyed my time playing, but now that the nostalgia has kind of lost its zest I don't think I will really be playing this game anymore.

edit: I started again, and I have had some fun on new chars and by not focusing on minmaxing exp/hr for grinding. The addition of 300 hp on pianus cape and 100 hp on sheriff badge made going to higher lvl mobs easier as a mage without mg. With the new 5 minimum for lpq I’ve been enjoying this a bit as well.

Edited by Rykbi
Came back
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Currently: (considering) Joining

IGN: -

Reason: Been lurking on Discord for a while. Really digging the idea of going full vanilla rates and experiencing the steep crawl of leveling up and merching. Will probably pop on to check out the vibe soon. Realized I can't stand HP washing and high drop rates that inflate the economy and hoping to find a server that has an active market :)

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Currently: Not playing
IGN: Corona
Reason: Too much time consuming + Don't have enough time as I started studying in the university

Also quit quitted so its less fun playing because I don't have anyone to troll

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently: Playing (coming back)
IGN: illus

  • I'm not too interested in servers like MG2. They don't have enough players to convince me to change over, even though Phoenix is in a bit of a slump rn
  • Already got a character here that's 3rd job and don't feel like starting over somewhere else
  • A good amount of my friends are still playing
  • This server has what I want feature-wise and it feels the most stable compared to any other option
  • The dip in players recently doesn't bother me too much since I'm just having fun doing my own thing
  • I think things will swing back up eventually (but even if they don't I'm having fun so idc)
  • Looking forward to the new changes to party EXP
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Currently: Playing (albeit far less than I used to)

IGN: twerp

Reasons: I am enjoying the game more casually lately and some of my previous guild mates still play. Was concerned about the state of the server for a while but I think Arnah is listening to the player base and implementing things to increase quality of life. I would be lying if I said sometimes I feel v weak and reliant on others to train effectively as a Priest, but I enjoy party play and hope good things will come eventually of party EXP + HS. Also really hoping for Pirates sooner (👀) than later so I can make the shift to an atk dmg class.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
On 8/4/2021 at 7:30 AM, Andrew_Anonymous said:

Joining in a couple weeks probably. Lots of free time will be available to me. Haven't played maple in over a year, so that maple itch is returning and I need it scratched. I'm between this or Selene and the latter is never coming out, so Phoenix it is. 

Late welcome mate, hopefully you've joined the server already.

Currently: Playing (coming back)
IGN: opman
Reasons: New scrolls got added few months back and I plan to slowly work towards scrolling them. CWK is out now and I'm looking forward to CWKPQ expansion in the future, which is a good end game PQ content for higher levels. With hopes of a rework for scaling down Archer's stage monster HP and a nerfed 10-15 stat like MON pendant (worse than egged 23 stat HTP) and Gelts/30%. Also pushed my level goal to 160, slow and steady we shall see. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Currently: thinking about quitting, lvl 72 ranger
IGN: D4wdl
Reasons in order of importance:

1. Not enough channels to cc to with decent ping for me (only 1 for NA) to go grind whenever. i.e. pirates, std, master chronos etc you know the farm spots.(I just end up logging out and playing another game right now when the channel's full). And telling me its fine to play on germany (160 ping) or songapore (500 ping) is dumb. Rather not play in that scenario.

2. My class feels very underwhelming compared to others damage wise. I'm playing ranger and with the 20 attack event helmet its barely enough to feel good. Imagine not always 1 shotting a lvl 40 monster at lvl 72 with that helm on... yikes. Can't even make use of the red arrow's +4atk damage if i'm using soul arrow skill, am I expected to shoot my money on monsters?

3. People leveling so much quicker while having hs mules and leeching is demoralizing, i.e when pirates launched people passed me within a week to, what i heard, leeching anego, hs mules and other. Nerf the exp you gain from it if not in same instance or something.

edit i'm gaming

Edited by D4wdl
i'm gaming
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7 hours ago, D4wdl said:

Currently: thinking about quitting, lvl 72 ranger
IGN: D4wdl
Reasons in order of importance:

1. Not enough channels to cc to with decent ping for me (only 1 for NA) to go grind whenever. i.e. pirates, std, master chronos etc you know the farm spots.(I just end up logging out and playing another game right now when the channel's full). And telling me its fine to play on germany (160 ping) or songapore (500 ping) is dumb. Rather not play in that scenario.

2. My class feels very underwhelming compared to others damage wise. I'm playing ranger and with the 20 attack event helmet its barely enough to feel good. Imagine not always 1 shotting a lvl 40 monster at lvl 72 with that helm on... yikes. Can't even make use of the red arrow's +4atk damage if i'm using soul arrow skill, am I expected to shoot my money on monsters?

3. People leveling so much quicker while having hs mules and leeching is demoralizing, i.e when pirates launched people passed me within a week to, what i heard, leeching anego, hs mules and other. Nerf the exp you gain from it if not in same instance or something.


1) LOL what bullshit is this kekw. Such entitled behaviour lmfao. Go host your own server then and you can have the very absolute best pings with no compromises. Everyone else is going through the same thing. fucking suck it up and grind at another channel. Or better still, just party with the other person in your preferred channel????? KEKW. you are the first person i've ever came across crying bout not having more than 1 channel in their own region. So by your logic every other players from different region can demand for more channels too then? 


2) FYI, sins too suffer from what you are crying about which is the very low min damage resulting in needing more hits to kill. It can go from like as little as 2 hits to as many as 4 hits even. So its a very bad example to use.. Just saying. Yes, archers are underwhelming compared to hermits in 1v1 damage wise, but their mobbing is excellent. They are a totally different playstyle compared to sins. Also why even pick archers in the first place? It's a fact that they are weaker than hermits. Unless you didn't know that beforehand, welp you can do what everyone else eventually does which is reroll to a sin. But dont complain about the excessive costs of gearing up then.. Or end up like the many others who abandoned their sins because its just too expensive to become fully geared.


3) I agree with this, it's kinda bullshit and bonkers. They all got to like 90+ in about two weeks. But then again, these are very old players we are talking about. They have every single good gears ready with funding to scroll/buy their stuffs. They are going to zoom past you regardless. It's more of them having the experience and knowing what are the most optimal ways to level up a character after playing for so long. Also yes,with that they also have all the mules (and friends) to help make it even easier for them. 
But you know how they got to that point? Because they didn't bitch about how hard it is yadayada when they started out new just like you. They worked for it I guess, so you cant really complain about them fully taking advantage of the work they have put in with their mules/chars and such..

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20 hours ago, Juneee said:

1) LOL what bullshit is this kekw. Such entitled behaviour lmfao. Go host your own server then and you can have the very absolute best pings with no compromises. Everyone else is going through the same thing. fucking suck it up and grind at another channel. Or better still, just party with the other person in your preferred channel????? KEKW. you are the first person i've ever came across crying bout not having more than 1 channel in their own region. So by your logic every other players from different region can demand for more channels too then? 


2) FYI, sins too suffer from what you are crying about which is the very low min damage resulting in needing more hits to kill. It can go from like as little as 2 hits to as many as 4 hits even. So its a very bad example to use.. Just saying. Yes, archers are underwhelming compared to hermits in 1v1 damage wise, but their mobbing is excellent. They are a totally different playstyle compared to sins. Also why even pick archers in the first place? It's a fact that they are weaker than hermits. Unless you didn't know that beforehand, welp you can do what everyone else eventually does which is reroll to a sin. But dont complain about the excessive costs of gearing up then.. Or end up like the many others who abandoned their sins because its just too expensive to become fully geared.


3) I agree with this, it's kinda bullshit and bonkers. They all got to like 90+ in about two weeks. But then again, these are very old players we are talking about. They have every single good gears ready with funding to scroll/buy their stuffs. They are going to zoom past you regardless. It's more of them having the experience and knowing what are the most optimal ways to level up a character after playing for so long. Also yes,with that they also have all the mules (and friends) to help make it even easier for them. 
But you know how they got to that point? Because they didn't bitch about how hard it is yadayada when they started out new just like you. They worked for it I guess, so you cant really complain about them fully taking advantage of the work they have put in with their mules/chars and such..

1) The point of the thread is to give reasons why you quit.
He is simply giving his reason... he is allowed to have his own thoughts.
I play on 200+ ping servers(2 and 3) and feel that it's playable... obviously would prefer better ping but it playable imo.

2) agree w u there, maybe they didnt know... but i feel like most ppl kinda know rangers are weak lol (until 4th?)

3) Also agree w u here. They did level quick but they have all those things you mentioned (gears, meso, optimal leveling strats, friends, free time).
And one more thing not mentioned, they leveled with the current version... seems the game gets easier as content is released so makes sense their rate of leveling is quicker nowadays.
The toggle of 2x was extremely busted w boss leech but then again so was squid heal.
There are probably other things I dont know about since I always quit and come back randomly.
I think it's probably best to not think of other players TOO much and comparing yourself to them.
Find reasons for what makes the game fun for you.

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  • 3 months later...

Currently: thinking of quitting 


Ign: conads level 115 sniper 


Reason : extreme difficulty finding parties. My group always has HB HS MU and it doesn’t matter. I spend more time on Discord asking people to grind then I do actually killing anything.

Edited by Conorrhea
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