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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. I've slightly adjusted how drop positions are done that should fix this. We'll see if its fixed in the v39 update. PHOEN-405
  2. Phoenix

    Chakra bug

    Likely no longer a server issue considering no anticheat logs are coming from it. Not much more I can look into currently. Server will still not progress the chakra if you don't pass the checks(not enough mp) but otherwise it should no longer desync and think you're already processing a chakra that happened hours ago when you just started it.
  3. Phoenix

    Chakra bug

    Alright I have a fix for what I could reproduce(with cheats cause I assume the issue is due to ping delay) that'll be out in v39.
  4. Phoenix

    Chakra bug

    You're cancelling the animation somehow. Still unable to reproduce it locally or on the live servers. I try to spam pot, pot only after it takes the mp, pot before, spam pot. MP going down and the healing happen at same time but you're somehow cancelling it before. Oh I see why. Something isn't updating the server and its preventing someone trying to cheat
  5. I like how 2 servers have implemented this recently
  6. It's been bugged like this since before OPQ released considering the exact same issue happened in LPQ I'm still looking into it
  7. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/39 although it wont show additions to item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v38 > v39 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. v38-v39.txt
  8. If its pushed to the wall(not edge) it shouldn't happen but its hard for you as players to give such information since it is invisible.. I'll do some testing and check. Also.. i'll be pretty surprised if you're pinning the cellion considering the damage required to knock him back
  9. Phoenix

    Chakra bug

    I was unable to reproduce it while using an HP pot unless my hp went over 50% so I doubt I could get it to happen with MP. Can you give a video showing it breaking with MP?
  10. The server launched on November 22nd, 2018 and I would think I do a decent job up keeping on the developer side but definitely fall short on some of the admin responsibilities at times.
  11. I know how to reproduce and the cause but not sure if it can be properly fixed or indirectly fixed by preventing the cause of the crash instead(Aka the mobs would still glitch and the server would fix it once detected before client crashes)
  12. Yes I know how OPQ works and its the issue I mentioned in my post.
  13. Phoenix

    Chakra bug

    I'm assuming you're healing past 50% health
  14. It'll happen in any map its just LPQ and OPQ require drops to appear on specific platforms which if the mob is killed near an edge it wont do that(OPQ drop is invisible) Not much I can do about it currently
  15. No, the point of Nexon having different types of options to sell items in the FM was also to provide different slot caps(While also one type requiring being logged one) Default Permits provide 16 slots where the seasonal/event ones provide 24. Hired Merchants provide 16 slots. v38 does have a 'special' type of hired merchant being the robot but its unavailable atm and only provides 16 slots currently.
  16. Working as intended currently.
  17. v37 update comes with Discord Presence which will display some information about your Character under your name on Discord while playing. Can disable this to hide such information or to fix any possible errors due to the discord presence(I've had a few issues with wine) by adding the below into Phoenix.ini(Assuming your file doesn't already have it, otherwise set it to 0 for off) Discord=0 Example
  18. Some adjustments were done to how I handle buying specific items and ironman.
  19. Well it seems to work on Ubuntu 20.04. Will be waiting for an official Wine release for Focal before doing more testing. Edit: Well I just checked and Focal officially has an apt repository for wine. Everything still works fine.
  20. Ok, I thought I fixed it before you would notice but I forgot about ipbans.. It's been reverted sorry
  21. It will be kept but I'll toggle it on and off in future updates as issues with it get fixed. I'll likely send a message when its turned on, and add a way for the omok room owner to toggle it.
  22. Phoenix team has not personally tested this on Mac but it should work on pre-Catalina versions(Crossover is working on supporting 32bit programs on Catalina) Because I'm not testing this on every distro of linux the example will be for a clean Ubuntu 19.10. Below is a list of distros I've tested it on and the date of confirmation. Ubuntu 19.10(2020-04-03) Ubuntu 20.04(2020-05-04) Pop OS 21.04(2021-07-01, v56, wine-staging 6.11) Ubuntu 20.04 using WSL2(2021-07-01, v56, wine-staging 6.11, Windows 11) Manjaro 21.0.7(2021-07-15, v55, wine-staging 6.12) First, update packages //Ubuntu sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove // Arch Linux // Should make sure multilib is enabled https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/official_repositories#multilib sudo pacman -Syyu // Red Hat sudo yum update Install wine // For non ubuntu 21.04 follow instructions from https://wiki.winehq.org/Download to install winehq-staging // Some Distros might come with wine already setup. Try installing wine-staging before doing the below. // Ubuntu 21.04 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key sudo apt-key add winehq.key sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ hirsute main' sudo apt update sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging // Arch Linux sudo pacman -S wine-staging Run Phoenix (Make sure your current directory for the terminal is set to the Phoenix folder) wine MapleStory.exe Hopefully it just works but if not you can try the fixes below or post a reply and I or others can try to help fix. "Out of adapter memory." wine regedit Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D" If Direct3D folder is missing you can right click "Wine" and click New > Key named "Direct3D" Right click the right side when under "Direct3D" folder and click New > String Value named "VideoMemorySize" Double click "VideoMemorySize" and input your GPUs VRAM in Mebibytes. In my case for 8GB I put 8192 "GLXBadContext" experienced on Pop OS 21.04 https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/mfw36e/x_error_of_failed_request_glxbadfbconfig_after/
  23. Already said in the discord but this has been fixed in the April 1st update.
  24. I posted on the discord that I can't do anything about this without a restart. I've implemented a way to figure out why this is happening and another to fix what I currently think is the case(with my limited info on it) which all 3 will happen on April 1st.
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