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Everything posted by NixMar

  1. the Ludibrium Cape compared to the Red Musketeer Cape is just bad. in the recent trends of balance changes this dont make sense because the Ludi cape is higher level and higher level equips should be better. the Red Musketeer Cape got +300 stats and the Ludi cape a random +1-2? stat. taking scroll rng into account its not impossible to get more str/dex/int/luk stat on a Red Musketeer Cape then a Ludi cape. my suggestion is to make a more clear difference between them, where the Red Musketeer Cape is a tank option (hp/def) and the Ludi cape a glass cannon option. here are some changes for the Ludi cape i can think of. option 1: +1 weapon att, +2 Magic att (0 or 5 slots) option 2 close to dep star: str/dex/int/luk +5, 10acc 10 avoid or 10-30 w def / m def (just a little def) (5-7 slots) option 3 more slots: str/dex/int/luk +5, 7 slots option 4: have an expire date on it for like 1-4 week so ppl will kill more paps. +1 weapon att, +2 Magic att, str/dex/int/luk +5, 10acc 10 avoid or 10-30 w def / m def (just a little def) (0-5 slots) note if the little defense doesn't fit the glass canon option i would say add more stats/upgrade slots (7) randomized stats could be 4-6 on all stats ( so -1, avg, +1) with exception of weapon att ( dont think that should be +2 just 0-1 if that get randomized) reasons for the options: +5all stat to make it better than a lv65 goblin cape ( still not repeatable F5) 7 slots cus lv 100 (not all options get 7 slots!). if you have other ideas please share!
  2. nice guide! i would recommend 1-10 maple island quests no matter what job. may's training is easy and u get the lv5 dagger. PQ lv10 - ~18 (if you cant find a pt make 2 more mules and just enter by yourself. Tip1 make warrior with slash blast to aggro the mobs. once you hit ~15 go into the bonus stage and kill pig there. there is a quest from manji (in perion) for under lvl29 that warps you to Araint. 20-40 Araint is prob the best
  3. maybe replace pots for 100% scrolls. right now alot of 60% scrolls are in the pq's but pq's are not ran that much. also farming for a 100% scroll is kinda pointless if it has the same rate as a 60/10% then ur better off farming that
  4. much like BMM quest. make a questline for jr. barog. doesnt need much dialog. just have a npc say kill/collect this next quest kill/.collect this. and last quest is kill jr. barog wich is repeatable every 24h. reward: 10% scroll reg level around lv70. change the 999 daily cursed eye quest (lv35) to give 100% helm/overall/top/bot/ear/cape/shoe str dex int luk hp scrolls instead of the weapon scrolls it gives now you just can buy at the npc. keep the pots in but make it all the same chance rate.
  5. would be nice if that was thing or heavly increase the droprate of 100% scrolls (like 10x it) make them craftable ( i think the mu long npc crafts 100% scrolls but only weapon?) i think overall scrolls should be added to the shops since OA dex is also there others like hp scrolls would be nice helm/top/bottom/earring/shield/cape scrolls can be added to shops i think for a high price ( 1 mill ea ?) or maybe with crafting 1m meso + some items
  6. did you start or this or can we get a update? i think gpq got its nerf but idk about its imapct. all i know is farming scrolls still bad (edit)farmed over 100k jr. cellion and got 4 or 5 claw for att 60% wich is terrible imo with a smaller population server i think bms droptable says it 1/33k. if that is the case i can still say i got luck lol
  7. this will have a huge impact. players who a zhelm now and wont be able to wear them will lose alot of stats. people use zhelm stats to wear other equips will also not be able to wear those equips because they dont have the reg stats anymore. for warriors they lose a ton of acc. this will mean people need to heavily downgrade there gear and go to lower/weaker mobs
  8. -1. i think everyone should be able to see that this would happen as some point. if you wanted this should have done it from the start. Most classes dont even wear there normal hat now since they dont have the stats for it. thiefs add dex at around 70. Mage rarely add luk and there gear sucks anyway. Warrior and bowman can wear there gear but ive seen most warriors stick to bambo hats due to +3 stat. archer probably wear there gear.
  9. maybe keep them lv 120 but add some extra stats to them like all state +1-3 making them some what endgame bis and worth farming
  10. mage mule is easiest to make (without gear funding) and mage portal is also the fastest so if ur muling and not bringing a mage ur dumb thief is second fastest and also range for the next stage. if ur planning on making 3 lpq mules those 2 classes are prob the ones u make first. muling with 5 character doenst make sence cus u lose 1 reward for less then 1 min extra work of walking it to the end. if kpq can be entered with 3-6 why cant lpq not be 5-6. if there is a check for 5 or 6 entered and if ur with 5 and the npc ask for 4 less passes its still just as fast (if not slower cus less dps) then 6. muling wise nothing changes
  11. i dont think you understand it. if i want i can duo with some1 and we go in as 6 so we get 3 rewards each. lower the minium players to 5 wont change that. adding in a check to see if its 5 or 6 to see how many passes you need is done in kpq rn aswell. even allow to go in as 5 without any change is also fine. right now nobody is running lpq because its hard to get 6 people in that level range together. maybe with 5 ( or 4 + 1 mule) makes it more attractive to run lpq again.
  12. have you lpq'd before? 90% of the time i done it we had to bring a mule to start it. it rarly happens there 6 players. and ther where times that there are 6 players but then we are missing the required classes to finish some stages this change is to make it more social friendly so it is easier to get a group together. and if there are 6 you can still do the pq with 6 man. kpq is also 3-6 instead of just 4
  13. atleast make it so you can enter with 5 people please! maybe add a check if you enter with 5 people you need 4 less passes at stage 5
  14. all this made it easier to mule cpq without a real exp reward. you just play both side for like 2mins to get rank A and then have to afk for the remainder time. i think CPQ should be a good way to "boost" yourself from early 3x to early lv 4x. most of the made changes didnt stop muling and only made CPQ less fun. To make it Fun again: - give more EXP! current its nerfed for more then 50% of the exp u normally get (rank A W=30k L=10k + exp from all the monster kills). Putting a level cap of early 4x would still make it that other places are being used (Lpq). - have the CP spawn for your own team. then you get a choice: do i spend for better spawn or spend to F the enemy team. (this is when not win trading or muling) so keep it that both teams need to be somewhat close in CP untill a certain point. if both teams are above 500cp they both get rank A and if 1 team has 5xx points and the other 9xx they both should get the max reward. to ensure fights are somewhat even. The coin getting is a good change!
  15. just have the monster give EXP. that way the winning team will keep killing and getting CP. the futher apart you are from the losing team the less reward exp you get. right now it is very easy to just use mules and get rank A playing both sides. if the monster give exp u wanna keep farming them and get more CP and thus the losing team needs to keep farming aswell or the reward exp is going to be less. it will be hard to play both sides and get alot of CP
  16. somewhat agree. cpq is a grind pq, u just kill mobs. having it as a pq for low levels makes it so u dont need HS to not lose exp and can easy do 6 man right now the mobs dont give exp. right now ur just waiting for the round to end and get free exp as a reward. chaning it back to original gms the monster give exp but you also get reward exp at the end. cpq is a great way to party grind without HS (since ur low level and prob dont have it). the lost exp for party split is regained as reward exp at the end or thats how i see it. the original rank A exp is 30k for a win 10k for a lose ( but is 500cp+). if it for level 30-40 i think its nice if you can rush throu those levels to get better settled in to your 2nd job. also if the only end reward is the pendant u dont really need to worry about meso gains
  17. make a slight buff to LPQ to make it easier to get in. make it 5-6 members to get in. changes stage 5 (https://bbb.hidden-street.net/party-quest/ludibrium/stage-5) to require 4 less passes ( that is 1 portal). reason: there are 6 portals you need to do. with 5 man its really slow and boring. this is also the stage where you must have both a mage and a thief to complete. if it requires 4 less pass u can skip 1 portal ( in case u dont have a mage u can skip the mage portal). making it easier to get a LPQ together. even if you have 6 members sometimes you miss one of the classes u need which is frustrating. also without smuggle (understandble not in the game) this will make lpq a tiny bit easier/faster and hopfully more alive
  18. CPQ needs to changed more back to it original form. i think making it for level 30(or 31) to 40 only is good. make it a grind pq again. meaning the monster in the PQ give exp (like GMS had it!) this way you grind the full 10 min and not waste 8 or them waiting. the losing team shouldnt impact the exp of the winning team. If monster give exp in the pq u want the other team to spawn more monster anyway so they cant afk or it would be bad. making the level range only 30-40 allows CPQ to be the best exp (like it used to be) but just for a short period and not overshadowing LPQ. 40+ is also a good level to start LPQ (35 ur usely too weak) i think exp wise it should be original GMS. make it for levels 30(31?)-40(42?) only make the coins a reward at the end of it. (maybe remove the weapon trade in. cpq coins are then only for the neckless)
  19. NixMar


    sht idea
  20. there is no confirmation those scrolls will be added. the point of the red musketeer cape in that post stats "To allow squishy classes to survive at places that are currently too difficult to survive, unless you reach an unbelievably high level." well for warriors it would be nice to get the extra ACC to not miss the monster. imo its a similar reason to go to places earlier. 300hp???!
  21. right now the red musketeer cape is only usefull for low hp classes (thats all but warriors). i would like to suggest to add accuracy to the cape too so it is also usefull for warriors. cape for hp 10%/30% give 20hp = 15 10% scrolls are now on the cape. thats alot of stats. all im asking for is to add low5 - 7avg - 10 max accuracy to one of the 2 capes ( Red Musketeer Cape or Ludibrium Cape )
  22. NixMar


    has this happend yet or is this still in the works or not doing this anymore?
  23. currently it is hard to obtain 10% weapon scrolls by just farming/training at normal (non boss) monsters. Alot of 10% scrolls dont drop from monster above level 60. Im fine farming for items i need but if im only going to a monster map for 1 item it feels bad. example: a level 100 mapler needs a 10% weapon scroll and can only farm them at crog or has to go a level 30 monster. if i train for exp and i get forexample 20%/h i dont mind if i go farm for an item and i get 10%/h with a chance of finding the item i need. At the moment i cant do that since i have to farm the item at a level 30 monster. Scroll monsters above lvl 60 (non boss monsters) Bow att 0 Claw 5 Crossbow 5 Dagger 1 1h axe 0 1h bw 0 1h sword 3 Pole arm 1 Spear 0 2h axe 0 2h bw 0 2h sword 0 Staff 2 Wand 0 From BBB hidden street suggestion 1: Replace "bad" scrolls with 10% wep scrolls for monsters level 60+ Replace the 10%/60%/100% scrolls: Scroll for Cape for Magic Def Scroll for Cape for Weapon Def Scroll for Cape for MP Scroll for Topwear for DEF Scroll for Bottomwear for Def Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF Scroll for Shield for DEF Scroll for Helmet for DEF Scroll for Pet Equip 100% scrolls (atleast the ones you can buy) since the droprate is low and then seeing a scroll popout it makes me sad to see a "bad" scroll drop from a strong monster. (i do know some of the scrolls are somewhat useful but mostly they are not used in endgame gear) i have other idea's but i think that needs to be posting in there own posts
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