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Player Base Thoughts on Temporary Overpowered Items and Event Buffs


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I decided to open this thread to hear the general consensus on items such as this:



My personal opinion on the matter is that such items can exist because they are temporary items. We've recently been notified that the event is going to be available for a full month, which I definitely find a bit too much. 

What I am worried about is, when this event is over and the item is no longer available, players will feel very weak in comparison. Therefore, players will lose motivation and not want to play as much.

It has been a trend recently, and in my opinion a worrying one, to buff players through the roof through events. Last few months, we had the GM Anniversary buff which was equivalent to this hat. Now we have the hat for a whole month. I am very curious what the player base is going to feel once we enter a period without these game changing, temporary items and buffs.

What I personally think is, that this hat should've been nerfed down to 10 weapon attack and that it should've only been obtainable for 2 weeks. The GM anniversary buff shouldn't have been an hourly buff, but maybe every 6 hours. It's supposed to be a temporary buff and not develop into a new standard of player damage, which I think it does to a lot of players. I am hoping for a change in this for future content, but if you disagree, feel free to do so and share your own opinion.

tl;dr in spoiler:


Temporary buffs like GM Anniversary buff and the Rudolph Change Hat are temporary items that develop a new standard for players, because of a lot of availability. I'm afraid this will affect player motivation negatively once these temporary buffs are over. While they are ok, they should imo be scaled down and be less available to feel temporary for future events/content. 

As my fellow players, what are your thoughts on the matter?
Is it acceptable how it is?
How do you think you will feel when you have none of these temporary buffs available to you?


Edited by Kradia
Added tl;dr because Ghost 1Head
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  • Kradia changed the title to Player Base Thoughts on Temporary Overpowered Items and Event Buffs
9 minutes ago, Ghost said:

tl;dr you could use the anniversary buff fine with your zhelm, but not this hat.  there's 3 weeks left of the event. 

You completely missed the point of this thread and it has nothing to do with the zhelm, so I added my own tl;dr in this thread.

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but you didnt post a thread while we had the GM buff

if its about new players and pirates having an easy pass and skyrocketing in the rankings, lets just be honest is all.

especially with the stupidly easy christmas event pq making it EVEN easier


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playing on a new character with gm buff was OP you just didnt take dmg thx to the extra def. the extra dmg lets you grind at higher level mobs which is why you can level faster which is nice. but on down time you just took a break. this is why i think its not the best for the game.

i do think events should allow new players to level up a bit faster (same with new content coming out). but i rather see it in a repeatable daily event quests that gives a good amount of exp and maybe some pots/event items. i really like the event PQ. is good for new players cus u get a ton of pots and the exp is decent enough. i wouldve like to see the equips to just be nx-like items (a collectible) and the exp/pots maybe a little better or scale different with the levels. 

tl;dr events cool, dmg items not so much. event quest can give good exp but should reward with collectible items instead of stat items.

overall the phoenix events have been cool and unique.

Edited by NixMar
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Most new players are going to quit at some point or another (if it was level 50 in osm, its lvl 30 in peenix), most likely earlier than later on, because of how hard it is already to level/obtain items/population


These buffs, even tho reallly OP, help the other section of the spectrum in terms of "how hard i want this game to be?", people might quit after the events/buffs because they might feel underpowered after them, or they might keep playing because they commited enough time after them to keep enjoying the game.

Nexon liked to put a lot of power into events too, and it looks like their item design  favored players having an easier time leveling a new character (like level 10 gloves would be the ones used ones even at highest level, benefits people making alts too). Maybe im overstimating them trusting in their game balance / game design ideas, but I like how events work in maple somewhat. Also, if these were taken out of the event, then something should be added to compensate people not going to X event, or they would all be dead, even more considering how tryhards some people might be that wont even touch an event unless it gives an op reward

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I agree with your sentiments. Giving these OP "temporary" items creates a drug-like addiction. Especially so when its done in the frequency that has been happening. GM buffs straight into xmas event... Plus i think it also breeds bad mentality, like players can get demanding or will feel like entitled to such events/buffs/whatever in the future, like something that is expected from the server already...


The withdrawals are very real whenever said events are over, it hits especially hard towards the newer players who dont have any or much gear.. They will feel the effects of this more than some older player who already have full att gloves/capes/overalls, etc.. Because all of a sudden reality hits them like a brick wall when the items are no longer there and they realize how painfully slow killing things are at their level.. Hell, I've already encountered some new players who didn't know that the PQ could be re-done and they could get the hat again. After 3 days and their hats were gone they didn't feel like playing anymore because all of a sudden they become so weak (or rather they become what they originally are). Then comes the realization that the road to good gears is a very very long road ahead especially in this low population economy where things are hard to get. So they instantly get demotivated to play/invest time into the server any further..  Can a new player like even find a 5wa wg these days as a starter kit to help them going??! Poor guys, i feel for them.. 


BUT. It is a little too late to do anything about it now.. I would rather they not make it into the game in the very first place. But since its already here and many of the established players have well and truly taken full advantage of it. Getting to 8x in a week/getting zhelm/training at mobs beyond their levels/etc etc..
Lets not fuck the new players even more and make changes retrospectively to nerf these things, it only hurts the new players and casuals who dont play as frequently. Whereas the people that took full advantage of it wont really care if it gets nerfed now because they have already advanced past the hell stages of early maple.. 

Btw, releasing an event alongside a new job release is the stupidest thing ever..

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@Juneee is pretty much spot on.

However, I would like to clarify one thing:

2 hours ago, Juneee said:

BUT. It is a little too late to do anything about it now.. I would rather they not make it into the game in the very first place. But since its already here and many of the established players have well and truly taken full advantage of it.

What I am hoping to achieve with this thread is to have this in mind for the next future events and content. I am not looking to get it nerfed while the event is ongoing and I do agree that "it's too late" to take action for our current event. I am hoping the next events won't be as game changing, but still impactful enough for the players to feel like they're getting a slight boost.

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Personally I don't think these limited event items should get adjusted. Isn't that the point of having an event? Having cool new items to look forward to. And on top of that there just doesn't seem like a good enough reason to change them. If players get demotivated because their high damage they had during the event disappears, that's just tough. Every player should know that these event items will expire eventually and the event will end. In my opinion players losing motivation shouldn't alter what comes in these "GMS like" events. Everyone eventually loses motivation, lets be real. I currently feel like the items are acceptable because I know they're going to go away eventually so what's to care for. And once the items are gone, its just back to the same old Phoenix from before. There's only so many events that take place. 

Pirates releasing at the same time as Christmas does make it very convenient for them. I don't really have any opinion on that.

I'm also not aware of any future events that will have items to this extent. Not opposed to change just my thoughts.

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I think no matter what not everyone will be happy. My approach to these things are different. If you play this server to exploit things and get 8x in a week you have already lost and completely missed the point. I play this server for a nostalgic trip that always delivers and I thank arnah and the players for making this happen for me. But yeah I asked for this stuff too because you get bored but I understand some people will abuse things negatively impacting the game in ways I don't fully understand. The events in my opinion are optional and I don't choose to participate in all of them as I know these temp items just expire leaving you weak and sad so I save myself the heartache. I don't believe any of these are intended to break the game but just to enhance it and give a push for easier gains while enjoying the ride. For new players starting out in this server no matter what it will be a struggle. I know this is about events but almost every change and event I can dig that's been implemented except the 7sloted gloves which has basically ruined low levels finding an attack wg which is basically the bread and butter of this game. At first I thought this was a good change but after making a new character and understanding this change a bit more it's not a good one. As a low level player the first thing to achieve and feel good about is an attack wg and same for showshoes which has been stripped entirely from the experience. 

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21 hours ago, Benz said:

 I know this is about events but almost every change and event I can dig that's been implemented except the 7sloted gloves which has basically ruined low levels finding an attack wg which is basically the bread and butter of this game. At first I thought this was a good change but after making a new character and understanding this change a bit more it's not a good one. As a low level player the first thing to achieve and feel good about is an attack wg and same for showshoes which has been stripped entirely from the experience. 

I absolutely agree with this. I wish we could somehow reverse that decision. 

Can you imagine as a new player with how scarce and insanely priced GFA scrolls are atm, you need to wait to lvl 80 before u can buy/make/use a decent att gloves?
Talk about needlessly making a daunting game/journey even much more daunting and unpalatable for a newcomer.. 

lol that shit is so stupid..

and GFA are insanely priced because all of us are busy buying them to scroll our lvl 80~100 gloves to 6/7 slots perfection, and the market knows that we would pay the money for it. Because what other choices there are, really. Also the high lvls can afford them or can spend some time farming the millions required, not even that hard of a task because the money earned at higher lvls is just so much better.

and all those gloves that are like 6~8 wa 80+ class gloves that just goes to waste and rot in people's inventories because nobody ever wants them.. Previously, these 5/6/7wa wg are the things that we could transfer and keep in circulation in the market (and for cheap/affordable prices for a noob) because new players will need them and it will be constantly sought after.. In a way it circles around to help even more new players as well with that. But all we have now are just wasted imperfect class specific att gloves doing nothing, helping absolutely nobody and yet at the same time continue driving up GFA prices whenever somebody decides to scroll some gloves. Nothing is going to trickle down to help out the economy for the new players which in turn makes it such a sad state of a server for any new person joining. 

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3 hours ago, Juneee said:

I absolutely agree with this. I wish we could somehow reverse that decision. 

Can you imagine as a new player with how scarce and insanely priced GFA scrolls are atm, you need to wait to lvl 80 before u can buy/make/use a decent att gloves?
Talk about needlessly making a daunting game/journey even much more daunting and unpalatable for a newcomer.. 

lol that shit is so stupid..

and GFA are insanely priced because all of us are busy buying them to scroll our lvl 80~100 gloves to 6/7 slots perfection, and the market knows that we would pay the money for it. Because what other choices there are, really. Also the high lvls can afford them or can spend some time farming the millions required, not even that hard of a task because the money earned at higher lvls is just so much better.

and all those gloves that are like 6~8 wa 80+ class gloves that just goes to waste and rot in people's inventories because nobody ever wants them.. Previously, these 5/6/7wa wg are the things that we could transfer and keep in circulation in the market (and for cheap/affordable prices for a noob) because new players will need them and it will be constantly sought after.. In a way it circles around to help even more new players as well with that. But all we have now are just wasted imperfect class specific att gloves doing nothing, helping absolutely nobody and yet at the same time continue driving up GFA prices whenever somebody decides to scroll some gloves. Nothing is going to trickle down to help out the economy for the new players which in turn makes it such a sad state of a server for any new person joining. 

Ya... those changes definitely subtract from the "nostalgic" feel that we all know.
Dexless sins with zhelm, sauna, wg, snow shoe...

I think they are trying to make the game more "balanced".
The GM and players who give input all have their own philosophies on how the game "should" be played and update the game accordingly.

Also, prob like 10% of players are ironman... (seems that way to me idk) so they dont contribute to the economy at all.

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3 hours ago, Juneee said:

I absolutely agree with this. I wish we could somehow reverse that decision. 

Can you imagine as a new player with how scarce and insanely priced GFA scrolls are atm, you need to wait to lvl 80 before u can buy/make/use a decent att gloves?
Talk about needlessly making a daunting game/journey even much more daunting and unpalatable for a newcomer.. 

lol that shit is so stupid..

and GFA are insanely priced because all of us are busy buying them to scroll our lvl 80~100 gloves to 6/7 slots perfection, and the market knows that we would pay the money for it. Because what other choices there are, really. Also the high lvls can afford them or can spend some time farming the millions required, not even that hard of a task because the money earned at higher lvls is just so much better.

and all those gloves that are like 6~8 wa 80+ class gloves that just goes to waste and rot in people's inventories because nobody ever wants them.. Previously, these 5/6/7wa wg are the things that we could transfer and keep in circulation in the market (and for cheap/affordable prices for a noob) because new players will need them and it will be constantly sought after.. In a way it circles around to help even more new players as well with that. But all we have now are just wasted imperfect class specific att gloves doing nothing, helping absolutely nobody and yet at the same time continue driving up GFA prices whenever somebody decides to scroll some gloves. Nothing is going to trickle down to help out the economy for the new players which in turn makes it such a sad state of a server for any new person joining. 

Yeah I thought the point of the bwg was to allow for the 7 slots not the LVL 100 gloves.... I was told the reason we don't have them as a LVL 10 item is it would be too game breaking for low LVLs. But this truly hurts players starting out more than anything and if you ask me that's more game breaking than for an already strong established player to have a bwg to use in my opinion. Maybe this runs deeper than I understand in a small server but It's honestly weird having a free market with literally no attack wg to buy period. Going forward it would be nice to see all the LVL 100 gloves being reverted back to 5 slots and allow for the bwg to be LVL 10 and 7slots as it was intended to be. Obviously if you have a glove made already that's fine. Make the bwg hard to attain as I'm sure they always were. It would hopefully create a more equal playing field and for work gloves to be reintroduced into the market and all the wasted GFA60s wouldn't really be a thing anymore. Please revive the wg before more useless pirate gloves are made.

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The last few posts have gotten off-topic so I suggest you make a thread about that matter if you wish to discuss it further. 

This topic is about the recent event items and event buffs and what players think of them.

I would really like it if somebody answered the following questions:

On 1/31/2022 at 1:19 PM, Kradia said:

Is it acceptable how it is?
How do you think you will feel when you have none of these temporary buffs available to you?


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then have you ever considered how mages feell about this ? we have nothing again as usual, most of us never voice anything about this nor was this even brought up. How about asking all the mages in the server how they feel to not have anything while everyone else gets a huge boost in dmg ?

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7 hours ago, erectus said:

then have you ever considered how mages feell about this ?

Yes. I think it's unfortunate but it's what GMS did. Unlucky. If it were up to me, it would've been done differently. But it's not up to me

7 hours ago, erectus said:

 How about asking all the mages in the server how they feel to not have anything while everyone else gets a huge boost in dmg ?

Make a thread about it and complain. 

This thread is about the recent event buffs being available for so long that they become the new norm. I believe this can have consequences with motivation of the player base once these event buffs are no longer available. People are used to OP damage - once the event is over, they will not want to play because the buffs are no longer there and they will feel weak.

It's like people don't even read or just forget what the topic is actually about. Incredible

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2022 at 12:23 PM, doug said:

 just let us noobs get a lil more dmg for a bit and pretend were stronk

Factual, bowman needs a fkn buff, 20 attack helm and I feel like I that's the dmg i'm lacking to be 'ok' dmg. And let us use the damage from +4 red arrows even on soul arrows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

now the event is (almost) over i had some more thoughs about the "OP" items.

i think it fits the game really well as long as they have a expire date. it really helps out lower level characters that dont have the OP items GMS had (bwg, pac, etc). in this server it feels like it trying to make the higher level items the best items which is a fine approach. but seeing the effect of the level 100 glove change, i havnt seen any new wg being scrolled and gfa price did skyrocket making it very hard for newer player to make a early game glove (or other equips in general). with maple weapons being somewhat BIS for early game and them only being available to farm during an event, having other events provide other cool (stronger) items really helps them.

having not to buy the items (att wg, maple wep) in the fm but getting some replacement teparary item from an event is nice. also not having to waste scrolls on them and saving ur scrolls for end game gear helps you out later. 


the worry about the time between events you can take the game a little slower and just wait for the next event (pray that it comes quick)

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On 2/13/2022 at 10:31 PM, D4wdl said:

Factual, bowman needs a fkn buff, 20 attack helm and I feel like I that's the dmg i'm lacking to be 'ok' dmg. And let us use the damage from +4 red arrows even on soul arrows.

can you imagine how us pirates feel.......

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