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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. I'll remove the chance to mess up I guess. Not sure i'd consider messing up a bug tho
  2. Looks like it was due to 2 bugs, should be fixed next patch.
  3. Fixed next update to have separate incrementing id per guild
  4. This specific script seems to have been fixed.
  5. Should be fixed next patch
  6. Sounds like it's working as intended currently.
  7. Unbanned
  8. no
  9. "Basic Stats" is considered unsupported at this point. I'll slowly be adding new ways to see stats like that which would include the new bosses.
  10. Not that easy to allow you to move it anywhere but if you have some suggested placements I can allow customization
  11. Spawn aint that bad in every map. If you have some ideas for what maps should get 10% I can investigate
  12. Phoenix

    NX you want

    Hairs, and Faces can be requested. Changing the list is annoying to me so I don't do it that often except when new things come out.
  13. Portal leads to a "Dark Lab" if a certain quest is active but I guess it Leads to A-3 when that quest is not active? Fixed assuming that is right.
  14. ok but do we just not care about equip dark scrolls?
  15. Later version hit, this is added in next patch
  16. More of a bug report than suggestion but I've added this for next patch.
  17. Added in next patch
  18. I'll be giving ludibrium cape a bit of a bump. Can't comment on the CWKPQ capes. Assuming def is made less useless one day, I'd like to avoid making the def changes you've mentioned incase as that'd be a subject later.
  19. I'm kind of heading towards adding more etc exchanges which act closer to a gachapon. I'd also like a way to discourage spamming of one specific etc if it was closer to a global table rather than a table per etc. Initial idea was to just spread certain drops to mobs. Not entirely sure if I should lean a certain direction, do both, etc. Probably both but then I'll need to decide what goes where first.
  20. next patch
  21. Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/67 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v66 > v67, v67 > v68, v68 > v69 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v66-v67.txt v67-v68.txt v68-v69.txt
  22. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/66 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v65 > v66 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v65-v66.txt
  23. Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/64 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v63 > v64, v64 > v65 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v63-v64.txt v64-v65.txt
  24. Phoenix


    Changes for documentation / use by players of Phoenix. Can find a general WZ addition list from https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/63 although it wont show additions to Item.wz while also not showing any deleted/changed content. A complete v62 > v63 WZ diff is provided as attachment but without any fancy pictures. Just because the data was added does not mean it is accessible. This goes for maps, items, quests, etc. v62-v63.txt
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