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Everything posted by opman

  1. i feel at least 1 event (at least) per week is fine. events shouldnt be too many nor too little
  2. pretty sure he's for events but in the future also take a look at the chairs here
  3. yes voting streak is a good idea, a 20 vote increase per vote streak (5% of 400 base), and cap it to 400 (100% of 400 base), ending at max cap would net you 800 per daily vote (400+400). This way, a 20 day voting streak would reach max cap which sounds reasonable.
  4. i dont see any harm in sharing a 0-2 stat and 90hp/mp necklace amongst mules, also no reason to trade it to a mule in the first place.
  5. we have charms / slot expansions locked behind voting and this buff applies to the general public not specific individuals, buffing current normal vote rates is fine but i think u rejected the idea before
  6. it seems like the win/lose has not much appropriate workaround space to incentivize players without having some form of exploit thru muling. We could auto kick/wrap players out of the map when inactive for more than > 1min as it only takes 10mins per round to make it more troublesome for mules (or worst, end the entire pq for both party). Also, if i recall, 1 round of MCPQ could easily drop 20 coins based on speed buff and max spawnings of trojan horse in field 3/4 (party size: 2-4) as it was known to be easy to recruit 4 players as compared to 10 to 12 players for field 5/6, so I'm fine with some lowering of coins but not too much as it'd be nice to have MCPQ be competitive towards LPQ in terms of items rather than exp in LPQ. Imo we should remove its exp reward totally, where we can look towards now a PVP pq focused on helping each other (coins) than being toxic and spamming debuffs. However, if u really want exp as a form of reward upon clearing the 10min pq, giving exp based on 1. total CP accumulated (member 1 and 2 totaling with 1000 CP = Rank S) to identify the Rank the party got (S/A/B) and 2. reward exp to party members based on their individual CP score and not shared amongst the party, to prevent mules in party from leeching similar exp. Added: 7. Buff coin drop rate in larger scene maps (field 5/6) as compared to the small flat laned (field 3/4) to encourage larger party plays. 8. Auto kick/wrap players out of the map when inactive for more than > 1min as it only takes 10mins per round to make it more troublesome for mules (or worst, end the entire pq for both party). 9. Players only get exp upon win/loss per round based on how much CP was attained (each individual exp is based on their individual CP scores) I'll leave exp rewards rankings (S/A/B) out since i have no data on this, but back in the msea days, it was hella alot for a 10min run and S rank was easily achievable.
  7. Currently sitting on 400 NX / daily vote. Some ways to introduce: 1. 2x vote for x amount of days (random 2. 2x vote for x amount of days for the start of every month (helps in gtop rankings refresh at the start of every month) Your discussion is most welcomed, cheers!
  8. Perform DEP method before Exclusion method: Do this before Exclusion method, for a higher chance of reducing missing files. This is only for people who are not able to access game or find missing files even after exclusion. Steps: 1. Extract a new clean copy of the files to your desired location (do not open it yet) 2. Open system > system protection > advanced > performance "settings" > data execution prevention > turn on dep for all programs... > add... 2.1. > search for maplestory.exe > add 2.2. (repeat 2.1 for: patcher.exe) 3. Perform exclusions (see below) Exclusions of files/ folder method: 4. Window Defender > Virus & Threat protection > Manage settings > Add/Remove exclusions > Add an exclusion 4.1. > Folder > search for “Phoenix” folder > ok 4.2. > File > search for “Maplestory.exe” > ok 4.3. > File > search for “setup.exe” > ok 4.4. > File > search for “patcher.exe” > ok 5. Install the game via setup.exe 6. Run the game via maplestory.exe Cheers. steps for missing files.pdf
  9. doubt it's been binned yet since there're multiple ways here, to introduce it and minimize its effect on lpq playerbase.
  10. (lvl 30: + 0-2 all stats, 3 slots), (+30hp/mp @ 60% passing rate) Over the past weeks, I've seen multiple players curious over how mcpq has yet to open it's doors yet and their concerns for it affecting LPQ, I'm here presenting some ways from our discussion to aid in its release. This thread will only discuss MCPQ 1 (lvl 30 to 50) and not MCPQ 2 (lvl 51 to 70). Although MCPQ 2's necklace gives similar stats but with an added +0 - 2 weapon/ magical att, it'd be a nice item to have in game to assist in future HT and does not overpower HTP (max +23 all stats is > 2 weapon att) in anyway and the magic att portion could be buffed in future from 2 > 8. One way is to turn MCPQ 1 into a no / lesser exp zone and solely to attain Spiegelmann's Necklace and Marbles from the exchange system based using the coins. Once players get their scrolled necklace, they can progress back to LPQ. Some ways (either 1 or a mixture of methods): 1. Remove win/loss exp reward. (discourages win tradings) 2. Remove/Reduce monster exp to 1. (since mob drops pot and party pot, no free grinds here) 3. Apply anti-leech checkers. 4. Reward Coin token based on Kill counts and Completion Tier via existing exp reward NPC. (used for marbles n necklace) 5. others: Keep necklace tradable. (adds on to our marketplace variety and rewarding time spent with possible merch money) 6. others: Adjust/ Increase coins per armor/weapon requirements. (to prevent it from turning into a gold mine) 7. Buff coin drop rate in larger scene maps (field 5/6) as compared to the small flat laned (field 3/4) to encourage larger party plays. 8. Auto kick/wrap players out of the map when inactive for more than > 1min as it only takes 10mins per round to make it more troublesome for mules (or worst, end the entire pq for both party). 9. Players only get exp upon win/loss per round based on how much CP was attained (each individual exp is based on their individual CP scores) I'll leave exp rewards rankings (S/A/B) out since i have no data on this, but back in the msea days, it was hella alot for a 10min run and S rank was easily achievable. Also, we will need to consider it's level cap as there are players who're over the level cap of 50, maybe then we could apply a Custom daily repeatable quest in ludibrium for lvl 51+ to collect boss certificates (zakum, pianus, papu) and craft the necklace and marbles. Also, a possible bossing service here for players who intend to sell certificate services (e.g. zak/ pianus) For example (illustrative purposes only): 1. 1x boss certificates of each (zakum, pianus, papu) for 1 spiegelmann's necklace 2. 200x Ice piece etc, 200x Gigantic Viking hat etc *note we could use this too as well for MCPQ 2 necklace n marbles exchange and instead hike it's requirements. Feel free to leave your comment and Cheers to the discussion.
  11. opman

    Anti Leeching

    "but will count towards the parties total level which is used for party exp split" - hence currently leechable lvl afked party members r lowering overall party exp between active members. (active members exp are still being split with leechable afk member but the member do not receive exp) - i feel like this penalty of party members within leechable lvl that goes afk (failed anti leech check) turns many players off and lienates numerous oldschool players as the afked player would significantly affect the overall party exp. I feel the better way for the anti-leech check system is to give back the lost exp (lesser exp per kill) by the active player(s) and split accordingly amongst the active members. numeric perspective/ assumption (figures are for illustrative purposes only):* 3 man party- exp received by each active grinders if all party members are active = 80* 2 man party- exp received by each active grinders if all party members are active = 100* If 1 member afk/ fail anti-leech check in a 3 man party- exp received by each active grinders if 1 member is afk n anti leeching applied = 60- 2 active players duo distribution rate should be 80 (as above) but instead is now 60, 20 exp lost to each active player.(exp: split and hs bonus exp, all inclusive)After discussing with some players, their main doubt is:When leechable leveled afk players are in same map and the portion (20 in this case) of exp that the active grinders do not receive, will the 'future exp bonus buff' be sufficient or if not at least replace the exp (20) lost back to the active grinders, assuming an active 3 man party size theoretically supposed to be a 2 man party size now. Considering muling is a thing here, having mules should not be penalized (now getting 60 exp) and affect active players from at least achieving the aforementioned 100 exp or the exp previously before the implementation of the anti leech system. "Should party member(s) fail anti-leech check, then system's recognition of party size count should only count the active exp produced/ damage dealt by players and 2. split exp and party exp bonuses accordingly with active party member(s) only."
  12. added: Forbidden time mobility portals (green circles, courtesy of rick)
  13. yea i removed the numbers and rewrote for better illustrative means on my sentence, but i get what u mean.
  14. Phoenix hairstyles are currently scuffed so let's wait until arnah gives some confirmation. Of course lowering prices for the exp coupons would increase the chances we get and i've already mentioned this prior, i was mentioning about your charts as my first glance at it was awkward, considering readers will usually associate % chances with nx to be spent and not % chances with price of exp ticket.
  15. Regarding GPQ's 4th stage, waterway 1st portal stage for the pants jump quest. The issue with auto dc has been seen and experienced by myself and others in the past and up till current date. Usually the 1st time in a long while from not doing gpq, upon entry would auto dc mine and other's client, and further entry in the same day would not result in any crashes. I've played around but not many, by switching my in-game background quality to the 2nd lowest and it seems to do the trick most of the times and instead of using 800x600, i switched to 1280x780. Maybe this has something to do with a screen refresh rate as well but would like admin to further address this auto dc and any intended changes are on the way. Furthermore, would like to see if there are other alternatives to prevent this auto dc. Thank you.
  16. We shouldn't use 1/16 as the basis but rather 1/21 since the main purpose is to reduce an EXP ticket and not a VIP. By using 1 in 21 chances, we'd get 13% chance of attaining desired hair with the use of 5,700 nx, rather than a 17% chance. Current figures based on old 2,100 nx per exp ticket - Number of EXP ticket using 5,700 nx: 5700 / 2100 = 2.71 EXP tickets - % chance of desired EXP hair using 5,700 nx: (1/21)*2.71 = 12.9% ≈ 13% For 5,700 nx, there is a 13% chance of getting the desired EXP hair. Hm from the calculations, since 5,700 nx gives 17% chance, how would 1,425 nx give 25% chance? Might be an calculation mistake but unless of course 1,425 nx is the new rebalanced you're implying, if so, how would u justify 1,425? Higher % chances of getting desired hair should come with higher NX amount being spent as we're dealing with probabilities, not sure how higher % chances would result in cheaper nx having to be spent. Current figures based on old 2,100 nx per exp ticket 25% = 10,950 nx 30% = 13,140 nx 50% = 21,900 nx 100% = 43,800 nx - 1% chance would in turn be currently worth (5700 / 13) ≈ 438 nx
  17. lets move to here for further discussions as this thread is meant for a guidance.
  18. i don't think VIP will become solely useless since it's a 1 confimed hair of choice and not rng, aside from that, not many folks would even want the 5 EXP hairstyles in the first place, hence it is fine for players to get cheap EXP tickets and this section deals with character looks but not items such as charms, we do not need to punish players by having a higher penalty (for a exp ticket that is random ) for wanting to beautify their characters.
  19. just a random num? whats the rationale
  20. Firstly, is an EXP ticket supposed to give us a random hair amongst the 5 listed in each town like kerning? If it is, a 2,100 nx EXP ticket for a random hair amongst the 5 exp types available then it'd make more sense price wise. But after various feedbacks, the EXP ticket will give the user a random 1 out of 21 hair types (vip and exp). If 1 in 21 chances is so, 6 days of voting for 1 ticket is unreasonable for a 1 in 21 chances of getting the desired hairstyle. Furthermore, since VIP ticket is not random and is considered a premium item, the prices for the random EXP ticket should not be merely halfed priced only. Currently EXP hair style: 2,100 NX (5 - 6 days of voting) - 4.8% (1 in 21) chances of obtaining desired hair style VIP hair style: 5,700 NX (14 - 15 days of voting) - 100% (1 confirmed) desired hair style of choice in 16 choices (not random). Suggestion: A decrease the prices per exp ticket instead of raising overall vote NX prices to avoid charms surplus. New (NX : % cost) Here, 4,343 / 21 times = 207 NX cost (4.8% chance of desired hair) could well possibly be the true worth of an EXP ticket. Where scaling up to a 100% chance of desired hair would most likely cost 4,343 NX. Assuming in all scenarios: (1) all chances for VIP and EXP styles in the 21 chances are of equal chance (it may not be so for EXP, but we'll use equal chances as the basis for calculations sake and reduction of errors) (2) No repeat of same undesired hairstyles, meaning u get 1 after the other and not the previous one again (again, for illustrative purposes only and risk of obtaining undesired hairstyles multiple times are possible). (3) 400 NX per vote (4) Using of 5700 for a 1 in 16 chance as a benchmark for NX to % chance ratio New (simplified with less accuracy) EXP hair style: 250 NX (1 day of voting) - 5,700 / 21 = 271.42... : using 5,700 NX as the basis and over a random 21 outcome - round down to = 250 NX : considering random factor involved, leniency should be provided for. Please feel free to suggest other figures to aid in this thread, towards a more well balanced gameplay. Thank you.
  21. can confirm kerning exp hairs in game arent same as those listed above, just spent 11k (5 ticket = 28 days of voting) nx only and didnt get a single similar one, looking for nx refund For example: https://bbb.hidden-street.net/cash-shop/beauty-parlor/kerning-city-hairstyles-exp Is an EXP ticket supposed to give us a random hair amongst the 5 listed in each town like kerning? If it was 2,100 nx EXP ticket for a random hair amongst the 5 exp types available then it'd make more sense price wise. I've heard from someone that EXP ticket will give the user a random 1 out of 21 hair types (vip and exp). If not, 6 days of voting for 1 ticket is unreasonable for a 1 in 21 chances of getting the desired hairstyle, either we increase vote points or decrease the prices per exp ticket.
  22. u mean u saw it from here? https://bbb.hidden-street.net/cash-shop/beauty-parlor
  23. yea almost every server has this too
  24. +1, I'd like to see a higher and reasonable exp/hp ratio (taking into account the drops, can someone do a some exp/hp ratios across the board for similar monsters/training maps) as well as improving mobility in larger ludi maps
  25. This thread is aimed at targeting mobility on large scale maps in specific areas of Deep Ludibrium for the encouragement of party plays. Here, I'm presenting a change/improvement in Quality of Life and more tests will be needed if this change is implemented with hopes to further tweak the exp/hp ratio appropriately (if necessary) to suit it's comparable alternative training maps. Maps excluded: unbalanced time, lost time, warped path of time 4 (and onwards), forbidden time. With the large map layout, rebuffing is often one of the key issues. Some maps and not all allow for easy rebuff access. - The easier ones: when changing channel or entering/exiting the cash shop would spawn them at the top or a certain fixed location. (example: unbalanced time) - The harder ones: when changing channel or entering/exiting the cash shop would spawn them at the same location or random location. As Buffs usually last a period of 2-3 mins and it is not justifiable, feasible or pragmatic to consider large party plays when comparing against alternative training maps that facilitates it. Yes we can increase spawns per active player in map or introduce an exchange system (should be leafre exclusive only imo, since leafre is known for it's etc exchange for discounts off seed and it's alienating for ludi to have it) but that is just one of the many equation to the ludibrium map layout problem as I myself would feel negatively put off in grinding in deep ludibrium due to it's massive size, let alone wasting more than usual time to gather for rebuff and walking back to respective grind spot. Below are various ways we can approach in tackling and encouraging party plays and at the same time allow players to experience the travel mechanics of the map. Some suggestions: 1) Reuse the existing iconic landmarks (clocks or similar to Henesys) in the map into a 2 way portal to the top or middle lane. *usually can only be found at bottom corners of map, so it's not as broken as compared to having it in the middle. 2) If there aren't enough iconic landmarks in (1), add 2 way portals (similar to Kerning City, above KPQ npc in future ver) that light up as you approach them. *Located at the corner of the map, still encourages players to actively traverse the map for rebuffs. 3) When changing channel or entering/exiting the cash shop, spawn players at the top or a certain fixed location in the map. Some maps and examples (on how to improve Accessibility to better the eph): Forbidden time: Since the existing respawn point (star icon) exists, we could add 4 portals (1/2/3/4) that each leads to and fro to each corner (green circles) from the Respawn point. One unique take on this is how it would benefit at least a 4-6 man party and less over powered for a less than 4 party play. Such example for a DK and Heal pairing up for lanes 1/3/4 and a 3rd party member at the bottom, Clockwise rotation: upon utilizing portal 1 >> kills mob >> climb up/portal 1 to 3>> kills mob >> drop to 4 >> kills mob >> walk to 2 >> kills mob + rebuff btm 3rd person >> portal 2 to 1. (repeat) *again, this is clearly meant to be a standalone mobility thread, does not take into consideration other suggested buffs to any mob spawn as currently there's no confirmation for any sort. Your feedback/suggestions are most welcomed.
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