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Everything posted by Arnah

  1. Arnah

    outlaw bugs

    Do you have proof this isn't correct? Your other report shows goby(strong against fire) being set on fire. So either the DOT used for flamethrower has no element check, or it uses the poison dot. Wings is definitely not an issue related to Phoenix I'm still looking into issues with certain updates not being processed on the client.
  2. yes. I think a shop does exist that is suppose to notify of sales via chat. It's currently hidden from CashShop but I could make it queue up the notifications and send them on next login.
  3. Buy SP resets to adjust FP distance
  4. And how would it be displayed? I could pull certain information(Except name) from logs
  5. Arnah


    All currently disabled 30% and 70% scrolls drops will be enabled next patch.
  6. No way exists to know if the user wants an exact search unless I add some toggle, people doing an exact search can get a mess of results.
  7. Can you find a video of someone entering goby map while training? Same issue should definitely occur on GMS.
  8. The "Total Sales" value is clientside based on the data the server sends of items sold(which is the giant list above it) That list is capped at 127. 127 * 999,999 = your 126,999,873. 169.15m is the amount the server has given you + amount not retrieved. Logs also seemed to indicate you have retrieved 169m.
  9. Show your available quest list for masteria. You must be missing something in the questline. For the quest you mention you need to get the map from another part in the questline which according to the DB you haven't started. Also, some of the CWK quests require other quests from NLC(Jack and Elpam usually) to be complete also
  10. No. I'll never put this idea into my brain as it'll just create a worse product in the end. This is something that can be changed later with little impact(no stat inc changes) and I'll gladly do such change late if it's deemed as needed.
  11. 1st is done, 2nd was an absolute mess when I did a test run with it and people were against it.
  12. While I've been considering doing this for a bit and also saw pirate as a good time(But rethinking now its always 'bad' but in my eyes late is better than never) 120 and 140 were no where close to what I was initially thinking. Was more to take it off the rare extremely low levels rather than 90% of players. And no, existing items would not keep the old level req
  13. 2021 was the first year where I started moving to a logging system which allowed easier aggregation. I am still working on migrating a couple final logs and the next update includes a small change to every previous log as I start to expand what I need out of the data. Due to consistent log changes I can't confirm all of this data is the full years worth(And actually, since I only started near the end of 2020 it is very unlikely to be). Due to the planned removal of the original stat tracking "Basic Stats", data that functionality specifically collected is no longer here. As usual, if you have any suggestions this is the best time as I can make sure they get included in next years review if I don't track that specific information. You can view previous years below First level 170: March 9th, 2021 Highest level as of January 1st, 2022: 175 Total Commits: 3856 Total Java Classes: 2432 Lines of Code: 151k ("Real") Live is on Build 116, Tespia is on Build 398 -- All stats below this are from 2021 only. Stat Change Items Used(Pots / Item buffs): 11,077,357 Items Expired: 10,243 Pets Expired: 461 Pet Food Used: 139,555 Mount Food Used: 3,627 Summon Sacks Used: 1,627 Chat Data Scroll Data Boss Kill Counts(Unique count): NPC costs NPC Shop Costs Fastest PQ Runs Cashshop was moved to the new log format too late and will not be included here.
  14. No. It's considered a bonus and if you get a use for it, then you get a use. While it sucks higher levels can't use it I think that's fine.
  15. I guess this is approved? I'm still monitoring leprechauns and I definitely don't want steely to be useless, it should still be somewhat worth as a stopper before ilbi, cilbi, fury
  16. Arnah

    Amoria Chairs

    For now, no. In the future you can always suggest it again if not much has changed in the chair situation. For the point of documentation, can't confirm if this is GMS Like as most online resources show it was an item people wanted from limited time events.
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